So, I’ll try to get it second hand for $1.6kish…. But I just can’t see the value in it.
Anyone on OzBargain like em? Thoughts? The pressure to buy is building and I’m not convinced.
So, I’ll try to get it second hand for $1.6kish…. But I just can’t see the value in it.
Anyone on OzBargain like em? Thoughts? The pressure to buy is building and I’m not convinced.
According to the RBA Governor lol
So hairdressers are being blamed for inflation and banks are rewarding bald customers with lower interest rates for doing their bit to keep inflation down.
TBH, there are enough other things that my wife could save money on that I'd rather she cut back on those and keep up the expenditure on hair and dental, thanks. I have to look at her every day :P
Thermomixes are gadgets for people who don’t know how to cook
I cook very well and the thermomix makes cooking that much easier. So your statement isn’t very accurate.
But it's not that hard to cook though ….
Need to confirm this. How do I taste your food? Need to check if your story checks out
I think this should rather be rephrased as the "gadget for people who don’t like to cook"
Cooking as a process is something you either love or hate.
OP, I think you (or your wife) needs to assess exactly what problems you're trying to solve. That will be your answer.
Do you both hate cooking and just want to whip up a meal without needing to think too hard? Maybe it's good (I don't know, I'd never buy one).
Do you really enjoy cooking, and just like the idea of new gadgets for the kitchen? Then that would be a tough sell.
Wait until you learn most high-end restaurant uses thermomix machines
You’d be wrong.
no they don't
i work as a cook/chef. Over the years, I've worked at Several 1-2 hatted fine dining venues in Sydney. (More than 3)
i currently work at a 2 hatted fine dining venue.
have never used a thermomix in any of them.
Brilliant. Theromix is a brainwashing cult justifying it's massive price by pumping out the Tosh. I love your answer.
Never argue with the wife
Its much more expensive going through a divorce!
Ahh yes, the wife paradox
Not challenging your wife in a good way will make your way to the divorce lawyer much faster than you think.
That's the number 1 way to divorce is rolling over and letting her do everything she wants while you compromise.
Path Straight to unhappiness.
Treat em mean, keep em keen
lol can’t joke in here apparently
Where's the joke
Absolutely wrong
OP if your wife wants it and will use it, get it, and enjoy what she cooks!
so clearly you've never used one.
🍿 (not made in a Thermomix)
I have one. And have had it for 8 years. They last a long time so the cost amortised over it's lifetime isn't all that much.
It's amazing at making sauces, soups and risotto. Anything where something needs to be stirred over medium/low heat for an extended period it saves time and effort and allows you to focus on other cooking tasks while just letting it do its thing. It will never forget to stir or get too hot for a minute and burn to the bottom of the pan…
But don't believe the hype about it cutting up your vegetables or making an entire meal in it. When you have to empty and clean the bowl between different cooking steps it's pointless so just ignore any recipe/cooking method that requires that.
If you have the benchtop space for it I'd get one, it makes it much easier to do certain cooking steps, just don't believe it's an all in one wonder machine.
So $2,700 when I can just stir an Ikea $1.75 wooden spoon occasionally?
If you leave the spoon unattended your food will burn.
Leave the Thermomix and it's all under control allowing you to focus on other cooking tasks.
$2.7k for a tool that you will use many days a week for 10+ years is a reasonable investment. I'm not saying buy one ahead of life essentials but people spend this kind of money on other devices with way less usable lifespan so if you can afford it why not. If your wife saves 10 minutes in the kitchen each time she uses it over the next 10 years it's going to pay off easily.
Never burnt a curry or ragu or otherwise ever. Cheap cast iron pot and IKEA $1.75 wooden spoon. That's all you need.
Never seen a proper use case for a Thermomix and know many households that "have one", "it's great" but they never use it.
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I know two people with them.
They both love them.
One loves it so much, she calls the Thermomix "Sister-Wife" and takes it camping even.
Too expensive for me but some owners getting value out of it.
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Sure if you consider that your free time is worthless.
The thermomix is absolutely awesome.
Stepping through a recipe on screen and adding ingredients without needing to messy up measuring cups etc, so good.
Couldn’t recommend it more highly
But sure, enjoy your spoon, reviewer who has never used a thermomix
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: If you can't understand the simple concept that it saves time for certain scenarios, then you truly are daft…
If you use your cheap cast iron pot and IKEA $1.75 wooden spoon you need to be physically present and stirring to avoid burning. The (correct) point the person you were replying to was getting at, was that in these scenarios it can save significant amounts of time, over many years.
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I heard there was a Thermomix cult, the replies to your logical post are evidence that it exists. As someone that also does a lot of curries and ragus I find it hilarious that people are making them in a $2,700 machine and justifying it but claiming that these sauces gently simmering on a stove top will somehow burn. Literally people that have never cooked before.
even 10 minutes a day over 10 years is still $4 an hour. And that means finding a way that it saves 70 minutes a week, every single week for that time. Between meals out, holidays, dinners out of home, bbqs, salads, roasts, etc it feels like that would be quite a difficult achievement IMO.
It'd be a lot easier to start making baked risottos instead if burning a risotto is something a person manages to do. If money is no question then sure, go for it, but if money is tight enough that there's a question to be asked then it's a bad idea IMO.
@freefall101: the people who can afford it, are valuing 10mins much more than you or I… they're most likely using it a lot more than you or I
I love the concepts, but I wouldnt get it, because I would never maximise its use
Forget the Thermomix, you need a Stir-lo.
You've already written the advertising for your new competitive product to the Thermomix, and it's all available for the low price of just four easy payments of $674.99.
@Millikano: You might be onto something here, a small gadget that stirs any pot, could be as cheap as 20 bucks on aliexpress
Edit: very next comment. It's even under 20 bucks 🤦
You can go to ebay and buy an automated stirrer for like $15
Sure but that can't regulate temperature, or chop up solid ingredients, or weigh things automatically.
It's a premium product, but if you ever put stone benchtops in your kitchen instead of laminate, or purchased a toaster or kettle that wasn't the $7.50 one from Kmart, or bought brand names from Colesworth rather than off brand at Aldi then you're already spending more than the bare minimum you could.
The Thermomix is certainly not the bare minimum or even basic product, it's a premium one, but that doesn't mean it doesn't do things better than the alternatives which can justify the premium price.
If you'd buy yourself a nice car, nice phone, nice clothes or a nice TV why wouldn't you buy your wife a nice kitchen appliance?
@stirlo: There's always a debate whether the product is justified.
You can say all the positive parts about it but in reality, it's the person in the kitchen that needs to learn and use the product to make it even worth while.
Some may buy it and use it everyday, some may use it once a week, some may use it frequently then shove it back in the cupboard.
Only the OP would know if his wife would use it to justify the price.
For example for me: I don't own a toaster cause I don't eat toast and when I am really feeling like toast, I have a mini oven which I use nearly every 2nd day for other stuff but some people don't even want a mini oven.
While people brag about than product, there's another another bunch of people that say it's a cult and you can make the food without it.
Again, only the OP would know if his wife would make full use of it.
No point buying a 100k car when you drive once a month or buy a nice watch and wear it only on special occasions
@hasher22: She’s asked for it so she knows she wants it.
Unless there’s money issues where there’s not $3k available to spend on items you personally want it doesn’t matter if he thinks it’s worth it or not. She probably doesn’t think other purchases he wants are worth it…
She’s asked for it so she knows she wants it.
So? 'Want' should not be the key factor. OP's wife could be a sucker for consumerism or keeping up with the girlfriends purchases. I know a guy with a wife like that. Was only recently discharged from bankruptcy.
@stirlo: Benchtops? Luxury. I just steal bread from Woolies, go to Kmart, plug in their toaster out of the box, burn toast, walk out.
@HelpMeiCantSee: There's an old saying….. Use a toaster in store and eat for a day. Steal a toaster to use in the park and eat until a neighbour complains about it.
$67 for an automatic stirrer 👍
Uutensil Stirr - The Unique Automatic Pan Stirrer - With LED Speed Indicator, Red
Rocks last a long time too.
Ironically, rocks make a better door stop.
So does my Tefal multi-cooker for $200 …
I stir my risotto like 3 times over the entire cook
what am I doing wrong?
Nothing. You’re not even supposed to stir a risotto in the oven. I use the instant pot to make risotto. Perfect every time.
We have had one for 4 years. I wouldn’t have bought it, but definitely don’t regret the purchase.
My wife and I make loads with it. It’s easy for one person to start a recipe and then get sidetracked with the kids and the other to take over.
It’s saves time which is very important to me as I don’t have a lot of it. Easily paid for itself in the first year on time savings alone.
I agree it’s not the only tool you need but it’s pretty good. There may be other brand ones that do almost as good a job for a fraction of the price though. But will they last 10 years?
It’s the right machine for the right person in my opinion.
A good risotto is like a martini, shaken and never stirred.
Have one as well, got one when it was $1989 or whatever it was. It hasn't missed a beat. Very reliable.
Was really keen with it at the beginning and tried all sorts of new things.
These days I only use it to knead pizza dough and chop up veggies.
Don't use it to cook meat, the taste is awful (in my opinion).
Have you had a demo at your home? Probably the best way to see what they're capable of, and then decide if you think it's worth it.
chop up veggies
That surprised me. I found the chopping to produce irregular sized veggies and the cleaning up was more frustrating than simply cutting with a knife. Plus you still have to peel things like carrots or potatos before putting them in (which is the more tedious task).
What veggies are you chopping in it?
Surely a bread maker will do just as good a job of kneading?
but then you'd have to have a separate bread maker, separate food processor, separate weigh scale, separate slow cooker, etc. i think for quite a few people as well it's an all in one and consolidating the appliances in the house.
You could get separate appliances which all do those jobs better than the Thermomix, for under $400 total. If the Thermomix was closer to $800, I'd say go for it if you really want to save space, but it's current price nowhere near reflects the space and time it saves you.
or you know, a general purpose bench top mixer.
Yep, they even come with scales built in now which is somehow a revolutionary feature for these thermomix butters that don't seem to know you can get a set of scales for $15.
It does perfect mash potato and boiled eggs too.
My wife does cake mixes, pancake mixes, play dough, steamed veg. Loads of other things
Not that they’re hard to do but it saves time and dishes. Which is valuable to us over a long period of time.
teach her how to use a knife
on second thought, better not
I'd also watch those mushrooms
Yeah if the OP doesn't pony up for the $1600-$2700 Thermomix he better watch his back.
Best thing I’ve ever bought for my kitchen, besides the airfryer and coffee machine! If I had additional space in my kitchen I would get a second one.
I procrastinated for over year and a half as I can cook pretty well already and did not think that it would benefit me at all. Wished I had bought it sooner as it makes cooking so much easier and faster. Mine is slightly older than 2 years old and use it about 3 times a week, sometimes more.
I cook a lot of asian food so being able to cook curries, sambals, etc. without having to stir or worry about splatters have been a game changer, allowing me to do other chores, while our food is cooking. I now bake most weeks also using the thermomix for muffins, cakes and savoury bread as my son loves them for school. Before having the thermomix, baking was abit of a chore and I never made bread. I do a mix of manual and guided cooking. It does take some time to get use to adjusting normal cooking to manual cooking in the thermomix. But once u get use to it, you would be fine.
I have to admit, the thermomix isn’t for everyone. My sis and bro got one each earlier this year after they saw me using it. My bro still has his but my sister couldn’t get herself accustomed to it, so sold hers.
Thanks for the review! I guess if it comes down to it, we could buy it second hand, then sell if it's not being used as initially intended.
We have had ours from new for a few years. Hasnt had any issues and the blade is still just as sharp. 2nd hand will be fine.
RE: cooking curries etc. - I do this in the much cheaper instant pot, what does the thermomix do extra? Stir?
I just use a pot on the stove… After the start you barely need to stir
Pretty much. It also weighs the ingredients you add, saving you all of 10 seconds of you don't own a set of scales.
I make so many asian desserts now with the thermo and its so much easier than it used to be without. kueh salat, pineapple tarts, orh nee, etc.
My signature dish is half cooked spaghetti with burnt bolognese sauce.
I bet the thermomix can't do that.
That's not a signature,it's an initial
Just buy her one and move on with your life 😉
Food for thought: A happy wife is a happy life, mate 🤭
whip crack
weak men create hard times
But do they?
Hot women create harder times. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you're thinking with the wrong head ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
$4.6 million in fines for sploding Thermomix machines
See if that changes her mind lol.
Plus the owner reviews in this thread.
What is she trying to cook that can't be assisted by a less expensive appliance?
To be fair that model was 10+years ago
That is like quoting the death rate for a Model T Ford and comparing it to today's cars. The 1st Themomixes didn't have a locking lid, since the TM5, this is standard and you cannot cook anything without it locking in place.
Probably a few more advancements in cars since the model T than the Thermomix has seen lol
We have a wok and a rice cooker. That is all that is needed.
rice cooker.
A pot on a stove and a timer cooks rice well, it's not like you need to stir it. What's the point of the rice cooker unless you lack stove-top space?
Because it cooks rice better than well, and they are inexpensive.
Arguably they only cook east asian style rice decently, a pot is more versatile.
My Zojirushi disagrees.
I use the wok for everything cooking pasta sauce, curries, deep frying stuff, steaming, etc . One knife, one wok, one life.
i have a 30" frying pan with 5" sides. better than a wok for most things IMO.
one pan cooking is the way to go.
You chose her and she chooses the Thermomix… so either get her the Thermomix or get a new wife. 😂
I bet it didn't come up during their vows…
A. Buy it and be a doormat who needs forum validation, or man up and tell her NFW.
A new frugal wife is option B
So, I’ll try to get it second hand for $1.6kish…. But I just can’t see the value in it.
And be ready to hear about it every time something isn't to her liking. If you are getting one, best to get new.
She doesn't mind if it's second hand… what's the difference?
Your initial post wasn't clear that she was okay with a 2nd hand piece. Thought you were just trying to save money. By all means, if she's okay with it then why not, can always sell it again if it's not useful.
Second hand seems low risk. You can probably sell it on for zero loss.
This is why my mortgage payments are getting so high.