How do you make anonymous donations?

How do you make anonymous donations when you have to give ID to make deposits at the banks? The banks available for this one are Westpac, NAB or Commonwealth.

In NZ if you were donating to a political party etc you could just go into the branch, fill out a deposit slip and put it in a deposit bag with the cash and drop it in the fast deposit box. How do you do it here? That doesn't seem possible?


  • You do not need to show your ID afaik. I have to make anonymous deposits for btc all the time. I just make up a fake name. I've found that NAB is the easiest for this.

    • btc?? what's that

      • +2


        • +1

          lol yeah scotty, bitcoin :)

          I consider myself a digital cryptocurrency speculator.

      • behind the counter????

    • Yeah, likewise

      You just need the account details(Account Name, BSB, Account Number)

      and if you want, you can ask the teller to add a little description.

      Don't need your name, id, or anything

  • Are people really dumb enough to give their money to politicians!?

    • +1

      Sure. Consider that we have already paid taxes.

      But then I wouldn't call those rich American business men/lobbyists "dumb", as they obviously get something out of it.

      • If a giver expect something in return, what should we call them?

  • Well, sure - I meant the more common people - you know, us riff-raff.

  • nvm

  • OP said political part etc. So maybe she used a political party as an example. Not likely, but still.

    Anyway, I have had my partner, friends and lots of other people put money in my account at the counter for one reason or another.
    Ofcourse it would be nice to leave a reference so you know what it's for and it's not just your lucky day that strangers are suddenly depositing random amounts in your account, but you are not required to give ID in any way.

    May I ask who told you that you have to give ID?

  • +2

    Thanks for the replies, I got asked for ID when depositing into my own account so thought it was standard practice here, but guess it was a one off for some reason.

    • Do you look like Skyler Whyte?

  • +2

    Anything over 10k and they'll need to identify you for anti-money laundering and counter terrorism legal purposes. It's more likely that they wanted to identify you so they could sell you a product.

    • +2

      How about 950 in one day? then another 950 next day ?

      • Works good.

        • ahhh i feel bad now, i think i just give a way to drug ppl! I saw drug can do to ppl, and it aint a good thing

      • There's a 'Suspicious Transaction' form that staff can fill in. Especially for large cash deposits that are just under the AML amount :)

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