• expired

Smartshake Shaker V2 $9.88, MEDport Protein Shaker $10.90, CamelBak Water Bottle $10.79 ,$3 Post


Edit 9/10/12 : Smartshake Shaker is back in stock for $12.88 posted ( $2.99 Posted after $10 discount )

SmartShake Shaker Pink V2 20 oz — 1 Bottle

SmartShake Shaker Orange V2 20 oz — 1 Bottle

MEDport Fit And Fresh Stainless Steel Shaker Cup — 26 oz $10.90 ( or $0.90 after $10 discount)

MEDport Fit and Fresh™ Chilled Shaker — 12 oz ( includes ice pack and compartment for powder) $3.90

Shaker Pro 60 Shaker Cup for $2 (after $10 discount)
Nice shaker with compartment for protein

And more shakers http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?x=0&y=0&ntk=prod…

CamelBak The Performance™ Bottle 22 oz
$8.10 ( just pay $2.99 shipping after $10 discount )
BLUE http://www.vitacost.com/camelbak-the-performance-bottle-22-o…
SILVER http://www.vitacost.com/camelbak-the-performance-bottle-22-o…

CamelBak Podium® Chill 21 oz Insulated Water Bottle $10.79 ( $0.79 after $10 discount)
STEEL BLUE http://www.vitacost.com/camelbak-podium-chill-21-oz-insulate…
PURPLE http://www.vitacost.com/camelbak-podium-chill-21-oz-insulate…
RACING RED http://www.vitacost.com/camelbak-podium-chill-21-oz-insulate…

RED New Wave Enviro Stainless Steel 20 oz Water Bottle $6.81( just pay $2.99 shipping after $10 discount )

New Wave Enviro Stainless Steel 20 oz Water Bottle
$7.15 ( just pay $2.99 shipping after $10 discount )
SILVER http://www.vitacost.com/new-wave-enviro-stainless-steel-20-o…
BLUE http://www.vitacost.com/new-wave-enviro-stainless-steel-20-o…

Green Planet Bottle Stainless Steel Water Bottle — 1000 mL
$8.79 ( just pay $2.99 shipping after $10 discount )

More water bottles sorted by price

My referral link for $10 discount on the above prices is

Disclaimer: I also get $10 loyalty bonus from vitacost for referring you

Also don't forget to add 2 free samples to your order www.vitacost.com/freesamples/?ss=1

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closed Comments

  • -3


  • +9

    Yet more artificial bargains via referral spam.

    Price in title should NOT include the referral spam discount. (fixed by a mod)

  • +1

    There's a thread about posting these in the forums - something about needing to have 2 +5 bargain posts. But this is really bad as it's not even a bargain, it just appears as straight up referral spam.

    • http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/78642

      For now I have enabled this feature on both Vitacost and Green Man Gaming. You need to post 2 or more +5 deals from a merchant before you are allowed to enter in your referral code (and I just realised that for Vitacost it means only 2 users can do that at the moment). This is intended to encourage contribution, rather than just piggy back your referral code on someone else's deals.

      Doesn't seem to be enforced or working as the number of 1st post vitacost spammers seems to be increasing daily.

      • i did report a vitacost thread a couple of days ago and this is the reply i got

        The outcome of the review for this content is: No action taken.

        A few reports for this item. To clarify:
        1. No evidence of ghost account was found
        2. Posting referral links in desc is allowed, it's only if the user wants to submit a referral code for that merchant that there needs to be 2 or more +5 deals. See http://www.ozbargain.com.au /wiki/help:posting_referral_links for more details.

        • Going by that, it sounds like the merchant needs to have had at least to +5 deals but that wouldn't make sense as Scotty goes on to say that based on what he said, only 2 people would be able to post vitacost deals.

          The info from Scotty's announcement seems quite clear, "you" - presumably meaning the deal poster - has to have 2 or more posts that have at least +5 upvotes, and it doesn't say that it has to be the two merchants he mentions, only "a" merchant, not those specifically.

          This would help as most spammers wouldn't be interested in digging up two other deals worthy of upvotes so they could spam us their referral code.

          From the wiki page you linked:

          You must have submitted 2 or more deals from this merchant that gained at least +5 votes.

          So … that means that to post referrals, first you have to have had two +5 non-referral deals for the merchant that you wish to post a referral for, which seems to differ to the info in the forum post. I think.

          My head hurts. This info appears in conflict with other info on the site.

          Whichever is the case, it's not working as since the announcement was made in the forum, there have been at least SIX 1st time vitacost posters spamming a referral code.

        • Scotty may need to re-visit this topic

          In this thread too http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/81440 , the referral system isnt working

        • You need to post 2 or more +5 deals from a merchant before you are allowed to enter in your referral code (and I just realised that for Vitacost it means only 2 users can do that at the moment).

          Think about it like a database storing different referral codes and then randomly displaying one when a deal loads in someones browser. The 2 or more +5 deals is a requirement to enter you referral code into the database for the given company (ie. Vitacost/GMG).

          The system is not about the OPs account posts but about other people getting a chance for their referral codes to be used. Take a look at the documentation for adding referral codes and it might make it clearer http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:posting_referral_links.

        • It's best to put all this feedback in the forum where we are seeking feedback, http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/78642 and not in this random deal.

          Quick answer. You must have submitted 2 or more deals with 5+ votes to enter your referral code into the referral system (that thing below the link box). This is different from putting the link at the bottom of the description. We are still discussing the system and what the best way to get it to work is.

      • Also from http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/78642.

        Basically I intended to implement a system that allows OzBargain members to submit their own referral code, and when a user clicks on the main link, a random code from a random member is picked.

        My understanding was that you needed to meet those deal requirements to be able to add your referral code into other peoples deals.

    • +2

      Can you find me the CamelBak bottles for cheaper? My wife just bought one from US and even that was more.

      • True that
        A quick google search shows them selling for >$20 pp in Australia

  • Shaker Pro 60 looks like a good price after adding in the discount and shipping
    Just had a quick browse for aussie prices and it averages around $17
    I like the concept too , but the question remains do they retain the protein odor after time :(

    • Was tossing up between this and the smartshake, but went on bb.com and people have been complaining about how the shaker pro is "over-engineered" and it being "too complicated" for it's own good and hard to clean lead me to the smartshake. But since the smartshake is sold out, this might just very well be a good option, and for $5 after the referral, why the hell not?

      • I do find that cleaning and flushing with baking soda does the trick
        Removes odor and any residue

      • -1

        It should be $1.99 after discount but is now coming up as $4.98

        • $1.99 + $2.99 shipping..

      • I tend to agree that the Shaker Pro is hard to clean. You also waste more of your shake as it gets stuck throughout the shaker. I wouldn't like to clean this by hand on a daily basis. Mine goes in the dishwasher on the odd occasion I do use it.

        I use my old standard style shaker and a small Tupperware container of powder. Much easier to clean.

  • +3

    FWIW, i bought one of these over a year ago, it is a pain in the butt to wash. Its got separate compartments which you need to twist to remove / put in and dry seperately. Its almost impossible to clean out all the protein chunks / milk from the grooves, definitely not ideal or hygenic. Suffice to say I chucked it in the bin, dont have time to wash up like a b!tch, would rather lift brah.

    • +1

      It's the same with any shaker cup
      You get the right protein that mixes well
      You clean and flush ur shaker right after you consume your protein shake and flip it to dry
      As mentioned earlier, a spoon baking soda while rinsing will remove any residue . All protein shakers have flaws

      • WRONG! These cups are proven to increase lean muscle mass in just 10 days.

        • No no … They give u wings , even bigger than red bull !!

  • http://www.vitacost.com/new-wave-enviro-stainless-steel-20-o…

    This is the best deal on vitacost from what i've found so far, its free

    • +1

      Unfortunately not free. You still have to pay for delivery. The referral code deducts $10 before shipping.

  • The item(s) below are currently out of stock and cannot be shipped internationally at this time. Please remove the item(s) from your order:
    ShakerPro 60 — 1 Shaker Cup

    • Look like shaker pro bottle has been ozbargained
      Updated post

      • edit: nvm

  • Thanks OP - ordered the CamelBak 21oz insulated - came to $3.98 delivered

    • Your welcome
      Thanks for using my referral

  • perfect - thanks OP was in the market for an new camel back bottle

    used referrer link as well!

    • Thank you

  • splendid , thanks OP
    Got this CamelBak Podium® Chill 21 oz Insulated Water Bottle Steel Blue
    Rep added

  • How long does the code take to come through after signing up via the referral link? Doesn't seem to have come through after about 10 minutes.

    • Mine took about 10-30mins

      • Yeah came after about 45.

  • -6

    Against T&C to post this as I keep saying.

    • +2

      Actually it's not
      I've read term and conditions and no where it says u can't post referral links on other site

      Just mention that other party must know that referrer get referral credit

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