My MacBook Pro died yesterday after 9 years of faithful service. Took it to Apple Genius and they said it is logic board.
So I am thinking of replacing the board just for the sake of it and to teach my son through the process (we will learn together as I have not done it before either).
Anyway I need advice on accessing the board. Not looking to spend heaps of money but have noticed some on AliExpress for around $100.
Wondering your thoughts on buying one of these? I know they are used and come with an inherent risk but curious if anyone has bought something similar from AE without any issues?
Or any other thoughts on where to access a cheap logic board for A1502 MacBook Pro?
I have an old Nexus 5X that developed a fault which also required changing the logic board.
It was a really good phone (at the time) so I bought a logic board from aliexpress, and even upgraded the spec from 2gb/16gb to 2gb/32gb. I didn't have any issues with it and followed a disassembly guide on youtube.
I'd imagine laptops will be harder, not sure how lock down macbooks are in the sense. I would suggest watching a video first and see if you have the right tools to do it as well.