• long running

Shine Dishwashing Liquid Lemon 1L $1.40 @ Woolworths

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Quote I found "Staple in my kitchen. This is a staple in my kitchen as it gets my plates clean without burning a hole in my pocket. Could be a little thick but it does the intended job wonderfully"

Made IN Australia for woolworths.

I think this is a new product.

28/8/24: $1.45 from $1.50
16/10/24: $1.40 from $1.40

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  • +1

    This isn't a new product, and it used to be less than $1.50.

    • how old is it? i never seen it before…

      • +3

        Its just been rebranded from Woolworths/Home Brand, it's been there for years. Same as Aldi's $1.49 1L bottle.

        Something I wasn't aware of until semi-recently though was the off brand Napisan Woolies has for $3.90.

  • Seems like a good product. Maybe better than the EARTH $2.35 one.

    • -1

      Maybe but will it cost the Earth?

  • Looks toxic

  • Does this clean as good as Morning Fresh?

    • whats so goood about m f?

      • Ive only used Morning Fresh, it cleans grime and oils effectively. So im curious about this listing.

    • I can't prove it but I find this one more watery, morning fresh seems to last longer in my dish wand before I need to refill.

  • How detergent can burn a hole in the pocket?

  • quoted where?

    • +1

      from the woolworths reviews.

  • +1

    i got 1. it's quite runnier than our usual morningfresh//palmolive

    the lemon smells pleasant atleast

    im using it for this "home-trick

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