[AITA] Neglectful Pedestrian Scratched My Car Whilst Walking past

TLDR; Pedestrian accidently scratched car. Would you pursue getting it fixed via insurance?

Whilst I was parked up at a shopping centre (with cameras), a pedestrian walking past scratched the front of my car(ibb.co). They were really respectful, admitted fault and gave me their details. It's not a massive scratch (5cm in length, not down to the bare metal but knocked the clear coat off which is noticeable), but it was definitely caused by the individual.

Given that they weren't driving at the time, I would assume their Comprehensive insurance doesn't cover it, so it will be out of their pocket. My car is 6 years old, has been regularly cleaned and maintained, but has a couple of rock chips and nicks from regular driving, so if I were to get it fixed, I would itemise the repairs so that the pedestrian is obviously only paying for the damage they caused.

My question is, would you pursue with getting quotes to fix it and lodge an insurance claim, or put it down to wrong place wrong time and get on with life.

Poll Options

  • 102
    No - there are bigger problems out there
  • 32
    Yes - they damaged the car, so they should pay to fix it


  • +1

    Maybe add a poll

    Any pics of the damage?

    • +2


      • Is your poll accurate? To what question is the Yes and No a response to?

        • Yep you're right. Fixed.

      • +2

        Where is that scratch? Only because you said that the guy was very respectful, etc, I personally wouldn't worry about it (particularly if it was on the bumper). If the guy was being a dick, it'll be a different story.

        • Refer to newjerseydamo's comment below - Front bumper, just below the left headlight. They initially tried to deny any fault, but after I demonstrated their bag had sharp edges and had what looked to be some paint remnants at the same height of the scratch, they later changed their tune. They did say that they would be fine paying for the fix (within reason).

          • +13

            @Beerbudget01: Maybe they didn't think it was them to start off with until you explained? Not trying to make excuses for them, but sometimes shit happens. In the end they did agree to pay for it, i guess.

            I was in a similar situation during covid. A food delivery rider went alongside me in one of the laneways and her handle bar destroyed my side mirror. It was obviously an accident and it was a young international student who, I assumed, was doing food delivery to try make ends meet. She didn't try to run away or anything and looked quite scared and stressed. I knew it wouldn't be a cheap, but I just let it go and paid out of my own pocket to get it fixed. It was almost a thousand dollars, so she would've had to make quite a few deliveries to make up for it.

    • Negligible.
      Cant see any damage
      False alarm.

      Very Doubtful any damage was caused by a passing pedestrian.

      If some clear coat missing just get a fine brush and paint some back on.
      Not a big deal

  • +13

    From you post, it was not intentional. Same as someone bumping into you on a footpath and you spill your coffee. They apologised; in my view that is enough, and I'd focus on bigger issues.

  • +1

    For context, where on the car apart from 'front'? Front as in bonnet, or front as in bumper bar, fender, what?
    I mean, sure it's frustrating, and yes it's a semi-new car, but it appears incredibly minor and they apologised. Getting that fixed, especially as you've already acknowledged that there are rock chips and nicks from driving (which is normal), I honestly wouldn't waste my time. You could chase fixing it, get it fixed, then have another rock hit it and chip it the next day.
    It sucks, but cars are going to get damaged over time.

    • Front bumper, just below the left headlight. I'm in agreeance with you regarding the effort required outweighing the fix. I've had mixed responses from friends/family, so I was genuinely intrigued by what the wider community would recommend. Times are tough at the moment and I'd rather not financially penalise someone else, but they did damage property.

      • +1

        It's a bumper bar, that's literally its entire design. Hard no.

  • +1

    If the pedestrian has "home and contents insurance" and have read their policy, it covers the person for claims made against them for liability.
    So, if you make a claim against them, then they can expense it to their home and contents policy

    PDF Page 66 (document page 60)

    • Except the other person has admitted liability, thus voiding any cover they might have had.

      Not sure OP wants to cop increased insurance costs over a tiny scratch. Doesn't matter OP isn't at fault, the claim will be documented.

  • -1

    Why?….. Just why?

  • -1

    Need MS Paint diagram.

  • -1

    How is this even possible, is your car made of paper ? Unless this was purposefully done, i don't see how the pedestrian is liable if a scratch can be created too easily.

    • Well it hasn't disintegrated in the rain just yet… Their bag had a really coarse plastic bottom that caught it at the wrong angle

  • +7

    Just wait till a bat poos on your car and you dont see it for a week.

  • +4

    Pedestrian accidently scratched car. Would you pursue getting it fixed via insurance?

    Not worth the hassle, but maybe ask them for a $100-200 to cover costs in getting it touched up.

  • -1


  • +7

    I can't see how someone's bag caused the damage in the picture.

  • +2

    Which one of the 3 5cm scratches are you talking about?

    Act like Elsa.

  • +6

    It's undrivable now. You'll have to scrap it for parts.

    • +1

      Unless it has the original run flat tires with plenty of thread.

  • bikies?

  • +1

    How much is the repair quote? Might be less than you think by a touch up company.

    I’d probably let it go on a car that old given there’s no ‘structural’ damage.

  • I can’t even see the scratch in the photo…….

  • +4

    We bought a new car 2 years ago and in that time have received the "supermarket rash" from trolleys,car doors etc. Go to the trouble of getting it fixed etc and bingo it happens again a few days later. Don't waste your time. Get on with life and get the car fixed, if you have to, ONCE before you sell it.

  • +1

    Dude who cares, I'm seriously pedantic about cars and cracked it at Hyundai for mistreating mine one day. But that wouldn't phase me in the slightest. I'm of the view that front and rear bars are pretty much disposable. I wash the rest of the car 2 buckets and am OCD about it, protection products etc, car looks good, but the front bar I rush through and don't rinse the mitt multiple times etc. My view is it cops stone chips, bug crap, road fallout from the car ahead, PLUS it's plastic, so chips cannot rust etc.

    The fact that its plastic as well means the colour match isn't the same as the rest of the body (typically) so overall it's just a pretty disposable part. If someone scratched the rear quarter like that though I'd be upset.

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