Again, you know the drill. Just go in and claim.
You won't be able to claim this type of gift card again, if you have already in previous rounds.
Again, you know the drill. Just go in and claim.
How do you know the number
The app traffic shows it
'success': True,
'message': 'Reward claimed',
'rewardType': 'Reward',
'redemptionType': 'External',
'buttonUrl': None,
'coupons': [{
'couponCode': '123ABC-1189445-4128',
'url': '',
'claimed': '2023-11-18 08:00:15',
'burned': False
Was that shown in the iOS app?. I don't think it shows any thing in the Android app.
Overqualified for ozb with these skillz 🤣
@cooni Good to know how many left. Do you know the stats for Coles/WW? Thanks.
(I've to set the alarm for 5am and missed the Coles/WW)
Yes it seems if you've previously claimed a JB card it will just spit out your previously claimed card details if you try to claim again.
May come in handy if you've previously some how lost the JB card details.
if i claim this i cant claim other giftcards like the woolied or free movie ticket?
You can claim one of each type of reward.
oh alright thanks 👍
Me too. Had a late night.
Nice. Hope you lasted longer than the deal.
It was your mum, she'll tell you how long I lasted
Spoiler alert: it was in the hours.
I do not have this. I only got win gatorade
scroll down
I did. There is nothing.
Then either exhausted or you're not targeted. I have noticed it's sometimes targeted.
Interesting… the other times the previously claimed voucher would show up and remain visible throughout the day in the app… This time it seems after 8:11am it's no longer visible.
Yes it's strange. I wonder if there's going to be more than one gift card giveaway today.
wondering if someone could ELI5 this please.
just downloaded the app now
This seems OOS.
Has anyone had issues with their gift card?
I won a Woolworth one with this app, about 2 weeks ago, wanted to use it yesterday but it says my gift card balance is $0… Could it have been hacked? Do we need to use gift card asap?
Is that the only Woolworths gift card have you tried to claim?.
Yes I only claimed one! Because I know you can't claim more than that.
I even tried to link it to the Everyday Rewards app and it says you can't add a $0 gift card 😕
TCN issue if you have dealt with. I don't think it can be sorted unfortunately.
When you check the gift card balance through here it should show if there's been any purchase redemption made. Does it show any purchase made?. If there's no purchase redemption showing then there's definitely some thing wrong with the card. It could have been TCN failing to load the card with funds.
@hollykryten: Thanks for the link!
It says the card was loaded on the 2nd of October, and used in the 8th of November in Northland (don't even know where that is, I'm in Fremantle WA)
Only won the card on the 7th of November.
That's actually annoying 😕
@FrenchFrie: Sorry to hear. Hope it's sorted soon.
Even more annoying as you got up at 5am. I'm in Perth too and did a few of the 5am claims. Got up early on one Wed but there were no vouchers 🙁
Same thing happened to me. My woolies gift card was used somewhere else. Someone suggested PC was hacked but if this has also occurred to others, I suspect same gift card was issued twice by TCN. I’ve contacted TCN and they have asked to send in screenshot of the gift card details. Will see how it goes. But yea as you said only $5 but still..
Hey, how did you go?
I've sent emails with screenshots to TCN, they are now blaming Woolworths and telling me to get in touch with them.
I've forwarded all emails to Woolworths, including TCN in CC, and Woolworths just replied saying the card balance is 0 and was used at 13.55pm but aren't providing any solutions. I replied saying I'd like to be re-issued a gift card as clearly it was used by someone else that lives in a different state. Can't believe the time and energy I'm wasting for $5 🙄
I seem to be checking on the wrong days… all I ever see are the Coles/Woolies $5 or Hoyts tickets which i've claimed.
Never seen anything else appear there and I check most mornings around 8am. The JB or even GG one would be nice. Would love the $20 Apple card, but that hasn't repeated yet has it?
Good Guys likely tomorrow.
Yes you're right it's TGG.
Thanks for posting, got distracted at 8.
I just claimed voucher number 4128 of 5400 so there's plenty left - if not today then another day.