This was posted 1 year 3 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bambu Labs 3D printers: P1S $919.00, P1P $819, X1 Carbon $1,599, X1-Carbon Combo $1,989 + $50 Delivery Most Areas @ Bambu Lab


A few Bambu Labs black friday sale specials, includes "Purchase a printer and enjoy 6 months of Bambu Filament Membership benefits!" I don't know how much that is really worth overall.

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closed Comments

      • +1

        What? It is a published peer reviewed journal article, in the international journal 'Inventions'- about Bambu and a few others registering patents in China and claiming tech as their own creation when the tech was open source and created by someone else. Pretty much their whole business model lol

        • +2

          Which ideas are they patenting specifically- that is what I was asking. I am not in the slightest surprised that iffy IP stuff is happening within China- that happens all the time, the same way some Chinese company registered copyright of the name Voron (open source Western collective designing CoreXY printers).

          But: You can't just toss up a link and say 'peer reviewed!!!!' without at least making an effort to understand what the substance is and preferably be able to explain it.

          I was genuinely interested in what prior art ideas Prusa said that Bambu was patenting (e.g. Slice engineering patenting the way a nozzle is supported using standoffs, which caused the Dragon hotend to stop being marketed outside China), but the article didn't seem to go into it, so I had (apparently falsely) assumed you'd read the paper and understood it. Rather than just toss up the first link you found in a Google seach.

          • +2

            @rumblytangara: I just had a read through. Prusa aren't claiming anything specifically, Joseph has a blog about the state of things in general here…

            The academic article linked above (neither of the authors seem to be directly associated with Prusa) claims that Bambu lodged to patent their AMS when Prusa already had their MMU2.0 in the wild, and also that Bambu lodged a patent for adaptive layer height, again something that was in Prusa slicer already. They also claim Bambu patented a nozzle clean/wipe method that was already on lulzbot printers.

            • @salem: So if it's already prior art it should be denied. But…

            • +1

              @salem: Thanks for that. Prusa is admirable in his stance on open source designs, imo.

              It's probably worth noting that the first paper that @perf made such a big deal of only seems to mention patents taken out within China… that's a bit of a tricky one as patent enforcement there seems so incredibly lax. I can't remember who took out the trademark on Voron within China, but iirc it was as a pre-emptive move to stop anyone else from taking it to try stop local production, I don't think they did anything with the rights once they were acquired.

              Adaptive layer heights are also available in Cura, wipers have been used by hobbyists for ages. The MMU, unfortunately, appears to be a lemon product and I am hoping that the Bambu system does turn out as reliable for me as it seems to for everyone else.

              So all in all, I guess that original link didn't really have much of a point to it. Seems like the hooha with Slice was more relevant to the hobby.

  • +4

    Great prices for great printers. Surprised their doing a sale.

    For anyone a bit put off by the closed system of bambu, I'd highly recommend looking into the qidi x-plus 3. Got it about a month a go and it's a tank with capabilities on par with the X1C, but under $1k.

    • Your comment prompted me to go looking at these and just pulled the trigger on one. They do look very impressive for the price!

      Basically came down to supporting CF / Nylon out of the box vs the Bambu that needs at least another $100 on it.

  • Did the price just go up to $1299 for the P1S?

    • +2

      $1299 is for the printer and AMS combo

      • I couldn't see it.

        • Now I do. Buyer Protection on Latitude. A win for me!!!

  • Thinking about getting the Bambu Lab X1-Carbon. What filament is the most common people use to print small toys etc?

    • +1

      Depending on how small and what they are, resin might be a better option

      • Resin is messy and difficult to handle, clean etc.

        Maybe buy this and grab a 0.2mm nozzle as well.

    • +2

      PLA and PETG are the least hassle, easiest to use, hardest to screw up filaments. The other Bambu printers are fine with these two types of filament.

      If you are a beginner, then start off with and FDM printer like the ones in the deals- would argue against the other suggestion of going resin, unless you want to mess with toxic liquids and nasty fumes in your house. Look up what happens if you spill printer resin onto your skin- some really horrible photos out there on the internet.

      • +2

        I didn't suggest resin was a fun thing, simply that depending on what is being made, it might be a better option. It exists for a reason.

        • +2

          Yeah, fair enough. But if zman is totally new to printing as his question suggests, and if he's got kids (from his question about printing toys), then there are some serious safety downsides to resin that a beginner is unlikely to be aware of.

          Personally, I would not have any of these liquids stored in a machine that could be accessed by kids. The photo here is quite an effective warning, and given how short kids are the machine is much more likely to be at face level for them.


          The small and mostly hidden hotend of an FDM printer, or even the buildplate, is much less of a risk.

          • +1

            @rumblytangara: Thank you both for the answer. I will stay away from resin until i can lock the unit in a room.

            • +3

              @zman09: There are also issues with fumes from resin printers, so the room should be very well ventilated.

              I knew a FDM printer enthusiast who made the mistake of buying a resin printer- he lived in a small apartment so he didn't keep it long. The fumes would just stink out his apartment and his wife made him get rid of it.

          • @rumblytangara: Totally agree, but no point getting the "safer" machine if it's the wrong kind of machine.

  • Just looking at the AMS "lite" (?) on the new A1, does anyone know if there is an updated AMS being released soon for the big printers? I know the existing AMS is good, but also read about a lot of problems people have with it too. I think its due for a possible v2.

  • +5

    I was worried I’d regret buying the P1S as I was coming from a janky Ender V3 and only printed occasionally, but far out was I wrong. P1S turned me into a total 3D printing enthusiast and I’m using it nearly every day building practical things for my home and printing prototypes for a new business venture.

    • +1

      You read my mind, didn't you? My 1st printer was Ender 3 v2 neo and hate printing as much as swapping color cable. Got P1S and AMS this black friday and hopefully become 3D printing addicter and start printing farm.

      • ha, perhaps. I figured there will be many people in our position and weighing in might help their decision.

        • After my ender v2 sat on the table collecting dust due to me not being able to figure out failed prints, you guys might just convince me…

    • +1

      Enders have terrible QC, and what they don't tell you is that during the very start of the build you need to be be incredibly careful with making sure that the Z gantry is absolutely squared off.

      This applies to all printers, but cheapo printers with low QC efforts need extra care. If it's not properly squared off, the printer will be a neverending source of mystery printing problems.

      The DIY printer guys get obsessive about stuff like this, and go to some lengths to get things accurate, with quartz slabs or perfectly flat machinist surfaces and set squares. On the other hand, outfits like Creality are just "bolt on the Z gantry and start printing!"

      • Coming from an ender V3 where I just print downloads and didn't make my own prints just for little fixes around the house eg coffee machine parts, light switch covers, I'm tempted to just get the A1 without and to replace the ender.

        Am I gonna regret not getting the A1 with ams or upgrading to the bigger p1s :/. I don't think ill print multicoloured figurines/models/toys and have no idea how to even slice multicolour and don't see when I would use that?

        • As a P1P owner, I'd think the A1 is a great printer to get into for hassle-free printing, yeah.

        • coffee machine parts

          Did you make a cockroach shield for your coffee machine? I discovered that's a thing the other week, truly revolting :)

          I've never used a Bambu before, just ordered one and hoping that they live up to the hype.

          But for a printer that 'just works' my Prusa Mk3 has been amazing reliable. It's not fast, it's not sexy, but it's been absolutely rock solid. Only problem is, they're twice as expensive as an A1… AMS looks bigger and clunkier than the A1 and seems a bit overkill for purely functional prints, especially as the machine isn't set up for any of the stronger materials.

          My Ender was… pretty reliable, but it was strictly a learner machine. Couldn't even print PETG without turning into a mess. Couldn't do ABS without a hotend replacement. Passed it on cheap to someone else who wanted to learn how printers worked, we were both happy.

          • @rumblytangara: Coffee parts: tilt platform for the grinder for single dosing, WDT, dosing cup platform for the grinder, bigger dial for the grinder but I could never get it to work as my prints weren't tight enough on the ender. They're all small parts which the A1 will be perfect for and they don't need multicolour. Just the basic black or white. The other thing was Hue light switch covers that sit over the wall switch.

            I guess if I get the A1 single filament and find its too small or I end up wanting AMS i can always upgrade and get the AMS or flog off the A1 and get the P1S or its replacement in a year or two? A1 standalone is priced so well and if going the P1S you might as well get it with the AMS….

            Wondering if better prints will get me back into it as I got frustrated at the ender and just gave up.

            • @EnergicAU: Sounds like you have a eureka grinder. I've done the same prints (not the tilt). AMS probably would have made printing the dial easier, but it's easy enough without. I reckon A1 is probably a great option for you if you're frustrated with the ender experience and don't need anything big or enclosed. I don't think you'll find a better value proposition that it.

              • @NigelTufnel: Ahh any reason why the AMS would be better for the dial? Good guess btw.. I do have the Eureka mignon.

                • @EnergicAU: The dial needs 2 colours on the first layer, and I find printing 2 colours on the same layer frustrating as it's not a simple pause at layer change swap. You need to print the numbers, and then print the rest with a z-hop, or set 2 extruders for your printer in your slicer.
                  But that also may be because I was trying originally on a Aquila with a 0.6 nozzle which wasn't well suited to the file.

                  I actually just ended up remixing the dial to have the numbers on top which works fine and is a much easier print.

                  With the AMS you could just tell it which bit to print which colour and it will do the changing for you.

                  • @NigelTufnel: Oh man stop tempting me with the AMS..

                    • +1

                      @EnergicAU: lol. I mean, the issue with the A1's AMS system is it takes up a LOT of benchspace. To me that is a significant negative unless you're going to be using it a lot.

                      • @NigelTufnel: Ended up getting the A1 with AMS and used the savings to get some filament. Figured if i end up getting into it, I can always upgrade later and sell the A1. Or the replacement mid tier model then. Once I do a few prints for around the house, I don’t know what else I would do. I have no interest in toys or masks etc haha… and I can’t model or use CAD.

                        Can you send a link to the eureka dial you printed?

                        • @EnergicAU:

                          and I can’t model or use CAD

                          … yet…

                          I haven't got any pictures of it and for some reason printables requires a picture to upload. I can potentially DM you the stl in the meantime.

                          • @NigelTufnel: Haha yeh haven’t put any effort into learning. Was the dial the one that connects to the hopper and sits underneath and has cog wheels that changes the dial under the hopper? Or was yours the simple one that just goes over the existing dial?

                  • @NigelTufnel: True, but good (re)design means less waste and time

  • +2

    I bought my first 3D printer , the P1s with AMS three weeks ago. Wonder if they will do a partial refund or give store credit in view of the price drop?

    Even if they don’t, I don’t regret buying this one bit. I’ve used Bambi filaments as well as esun pla+ and esun emarble filaments.

    The discounted price at the Bambu lab store is restricted to few colours and isn’t necessarily cost effective if one shops around. But it’s easier to use them out of the box till one figures out how to get the third party filaments recognised on the ams. I don’t have the app handy at the moment (pun intended) so can’t check, but I think it was better to set it up to sync only at start up, rather than whenever a new filament is inserted. And when sending a print, check the ams filament options before hitting send. At times the ams defaulted to bambu lab filaments when the other filaments were in place.

    I got the hardened extruder but haven’t needed to install it yet. I got also get the stainless steel 0.4 0.2 and 0.6 extenders. The default textured plate was good enough for me. The ironing option and the tree supports are amazing.

    We’ve been printing casual stuff, mostly off printables. Candle light holders, Lego blocks with custom text, Batman busts, articulated bat wings, a cricket bat with the logo of a podcast, potter magic wands, fairy coins, earth bender coins, and a replica of the icc World Cup with the winning country’s name (already) printed on it ;)

    Highly recommended even if it’s on the higher end. I was researching the dual extruder forge printer and the ender three and five. Decided that the number of upgrades i would need to make to get the ender to a capability that I would aim for would take a lot of time as well as additional expenses. It was clear to me that even after investing that much on the ender I would not get the multicolour or multi material prints that the ams can offer.

  • Yesss was waiting on a P1S hoping this would happen :D

  • +1

    Just checked shipping cost again it was $35 for about 15min after I posted deal, till they bumped it up to $50, dunno why.

  • -4

    What are the differences between the models?

    • +4

      The BambuLabs site does a side-by-side comparison. And Google will lead your right to it if you bang in "bambulabs comparison" It's literally 2 clicks of the mouse.

      If you need to ask a question as basic as this, 3D printing might not be the right hobby for you. There is a lot of having to figure stuff out for yourself.

    • A series basic
      P1P i. okay
      P1S is what you wil bbuy
      X series depends on your budget.

  • I had also got an email from Bambu, said Black Friday sale of 8 basic filaments can be lower as 16.79 each.

    But I just can not figure out how? Anyone who is clever enough to give a clue?

    • I think that's the USA/$US pricing.

  • Price went back up? Correct price shown when clicking (Bambu Lab P1S) OPs link but price increase when selecting actual model.

    • +1

      The P1S price in the title is without AMS. Make sure you choose that option. its still $919 from what I can see.

      • I see it now, thank you

    • I made the same mistake, OP price is vanilla (P1S) printer without AMS. It defaults to AMS Combo when clicking the link which is $1299.

      • So whe you add the p1s with 2 free filaments. It's a luck of the draw with to colours? I understand that the free filaments include 1 silk and 1 tough.

        • I got basic pla green and orange, but then I ordered around Halloween

  • +9

    Can highly recommend grabbing one of these touch screens from Aliexpress and installing X-touch
    Much nicer to use than the built in screen on the P1S.
    Granted, you can use the desktop or mobile app for the same functions but this is nice for quick things like unloading/reloading filament, pausing, changing speed and just checking print progress.

    • +1

      Thanks for the heads up - ordered one!

      • +1

        Nice! enjoy.
        TeachingTech (one of the channels mentioned in this thread) designed a nice mount for it, which is what I use.…

        • Nice one - thanks! Have you done anything with the cabling - I’ve seen some pics of people going for flat ribbon USB cables?

          • @MynyMouqe: Mines not as aesthetically pleasing. I ran a 50cm ish cable from the screen to the hole in the enclosure on the other side and just taped it down.
            So you can see the cable but it doesn't worry me.
            And there's a usb port behind the existing P1S screen inside the enclosure for power.

          • +1

            @MynyMouqe: Here's a quick pic of how mine is.
            I could probably make it neater, but 🤷‍♂️


    • There was a video on youtube, setting one up, however, it appears he is now committed to anther brand. :(

      • What do you mean? Who?

          • @BewareOfThe Dog: Ah.. I don't think that guy has anything to do with the project except for making a video about it.
            That said, I'm not sure if development is still happening on the xtouch project, but its working great as is.

  • Black Friday Event starts from Nov 17th through Nov 27th.

  • Damn, now I've to decide between a Creality K1 Max and a BambuLab P1S (or even X1 Carbon).

    • +3

      I'm a P1P owner, and absolutely chose that rather than Creality of any flavour due to their track record.

    • Or the third option QIDI X-Max (or Plus) 3.
      I wanted a Bambu, but too small.
      I waited for K1 Max and was disappointed and so went with QIDI, 330x330mm, heated chamber and full Klipper.

    • This has been covered above.

  • Just pulled the trigger on the P1S with AMS. Will be a big upgrade over my Ender 3 v2 that I’m over tinkering with.

    How quick do they usually ship after ordering?

    • +2

      Depends where you are. I am in NSW, and had it 2-3 days later.

      • Thanks - in NSW also. Already received the tracking number but not updated with Aus Post yet.

  • Ordered a P1S with AMS but having semi-fomo over not just getting the X1C lol

    • Same boat here. I think with the upgraded touch screen the p1s gets fairly close to the x1c. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. I couldn’t quite justify the extra price for just Lidar, even if it could be potentially helpful at times.

      • +1

        I feel like we made the right decision ultimately, can buy $700 of filament or whatever instead. Or hardened hot end + gear and $600 of filament lol.

        • Yeah exactly. Coming from the janky mess that is the ender 3, I think I’ll be blown away regardless.

        • A bit of fomo here but the way I see it is that the ~$700 will go a long way towards paying for my next upgrade — a X2C perhaps? :)

  • Any must-have filaments in the collection list e.g. Rainbow (…for kids), Black something shiny and metallic etc. - speaking for a friend who is new to the 3d printing game :)

    • +3

      100% depends on what you are doing and which printer you have.

      For kids, look at the dual and tri colour filaments from other sources. PLA.

      The gradual colour shift ones only really work for bigger objects, again PLA.

      PLA+ (eSun branding, maybe others) has a little more 'give' in the material so it's less brittle.

      PETG if you're going to print parts that are exposed to anything more than extremely modest heat, PLA gets soft ~50C.

      Fancier materials for later (if ever) as they might be harder to print, give off nasty fumes, or require enclosures (e.g. you are not going to print much more than PETG/PLA on anything with an open frame. The vast majority of people never use anything besides PETG/PLA as they are fine for most uses and very easy to print.

  • +1

    Received my P1S Combo here in Sydney. The two free filaments I got were PLA Silk in Blue and PLA Tough in Yellow.

    Now to follow the unboxing video:

    • +1

      I got the same two colours as you. The sample spools at the bottom of the printer box were green and yellow (along with the sample support filament)

    • Did you get your spools in a different package. I got mine today and there are no free spools. I do have another package with a hardened nozzle pending so I am hoping the spools are on their way.

      • When did you order as the website changed to no more spools quite quickly

        • It was defintely in stock and I have an order with 2 free filaments confirming so. I will wait for my 2nd package and enjoy my first ever 3d benchy.

      • +1

        BambuLabs tells you straight up during the purchase process that the spools are shipped separately.

        My bonus spools arrived with the additionally ordered nozzle as well.

      • My bonus spools came with the hardened nozzle i ordered seperately. They arrived before the printer for me lol

      • The filaments were delivered today. PLA tough orange and silk copper. Just in time as I ran out of my free green filament printing useless fun stuff.

    • Same bonus filaments for me. They arrived but the printer has not yet :D

    • Did you receive this as two packages or one?

      • Shouldn't have taken so long to order. Would have wanted the 2 spools. I've messaged them to see if they will come back in stock during this sale period and update here for those who haven't ordered

      • Received as two packages which were delivered an hour apart by AusPost.

    • I must have been at the tail end of the 2 free spools promotion - I ended up with a dark red CF and a grey sparkle PLA. Certainly not complaining!

      • -1

        I ordered my a1, then regretted and cancelled and they finally cancelled it and the Bf deal is gone and it’s back to full price. Emailed them asking if they can still honour the price :(

  • Did anyone manage to order with the black friday deal and get the 2 filaments for free or was that never an option?

    Edit: just saw the comment above

    It's now showing no more free filament

  • Still a good deal without the 2 filaments?

  • Debating whether or not to get the AMS combo? Coming from Ender 3 this will be a massive upgrade regardless. Not sure how likely I am to make use of multi-colour printing, worth getting for single colour prints?

    • I didn't get the AMS with my P1P and I'm still happy with the decision, despite doing a few two-colour prints (different colour lettering and so on)

      • +1

        The pricing is very apple.
        A1 on its own will be good enough
        A1 with ams is nice but then a little more you can get a P1S.
        Just a little more then you can get a P1S with AMS!

        • Nothing like Apple, because the consumables can be bought from anywhere (and that's just a standard tiered pricing model anyway).

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