Hi guys after a Data only sim for my tablet S9 ultra for data
Looking fort something cheap maybe on a monthly plan, nothing big maybe 5-15gbs - only for data access on the go. Already have a plan with optus and TPG - not sure if an esim might be an option?
Any recommendations
Prefer telstra network

Optus data share sim $5/m
yeah. Data "shared" among their OS call centre staff
Remember that even though it is a data sim, it still has a phone number attached to it. Depending on the device, it can still make/receive phone calls a texts.
My hotspot gets random texts all the time.
If you're OK with swapping SIM cards every four weeks, what about discounted Boost starter packs with cashback?
Looking fort something cheap maybe on a monthly plan, nothing big maybe 5-15gbs - only for data access on the go
Doesn't have to be a 'data only' plan. Any mobile sim will work in the tablet. So find a monthly plan that meets your requirements data wise and away you go.
Spintel $12 / 20GB. Optus tho, you might prefer Belong as above.
Boost mobile (which is on the full Telstra network)! Especially with all the (profitable) cashbacks every couple of weeks. Once the first month of data is finished, cut the SIM up and chuck it away. Put the new SIM in for new data and repeat. Change in phone number doesn't matter as it is not being used. I have been doing this for over 2 years now - lots of $$$ saved.
I replaced my Aldi Mobile data only SIM ($95/year for 30GB) with a Coles Mobile SIM on special at $110 for 120GB a few weeks ago. Coles Mobile runs on Optus network and the regular price was $150.It could probably be an option for you.
Amazing, thanks for the ideas - much better than i couldve come up with
$15 /20GB per month for Belong. https://www.belong.com.au/go/data-plans