• expired

Boost Mobile Cashback: $17.50 on $12 50GB SIM ($5.50 Profit), $22.50 on $17 65GB SIM ($5.50 Profit) @ ShopBack


$5.50 profit on either sim, or $7.50 profit if combining with the Boost bonus (activation required in app).

Credits to dealbot for the format.

Enjoy :)


  • Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate Transactions
  • Cashback is qualified only for New Boost customers.
  • Cashback is not qualified on recharges & prepaid phones.
  • SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.
  • Purchases of SIM plans not listed on ShopBack will result in the lowest cashback tier ($0.60)

Referral Links

Referral: random (3583)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Awww bought ytd when it’s $5+$2. Rewind card pls

  • +2

    Currently 235 rewards left for the $2 bonus.

    • There are still 223 rewards left apparently. Doesn't sound right.

      • 549 now, looks like they top it up. Nice.

        • Damn, FOMO got me good. Should have waited until tomorrow for $18 CB, then the Sunday for $18.50, etc.

  • +9

    Thanks but Boost and Shopback really don't want to pay me a cent from this. They always tell me something is wrong…

    • Alwaysssss, even something is wrong when I try to activate sims from previous deal

      • This was happening to me on Safari then it worked with Chrome browser. Might help someone.

    • yeah I stopped buying or even trying to buy now seeing that thingie too many times sick of it honestly.

      • give it a month or two without trying hopefully work again
        this stopped me from being cautious but think im better off cautious cause something went wrong again
        reckon some are on shared IP's, CGNAT etc… or like this where i feel it's not as random as people think

        • Yup I am on CGNAT, 5G home internet. is that the problem ?? I dont think so but IDK may be, probably just gonna wait another 1 month I think before allowed to buy more

          • @USER DC: probably not but i reckon boosts payment provider has some pretty out there fraud techniques, i just don't think it's as random as most us think

  • +1

    Bought another two hours ago… didn’t get tracked… disappointed

    • Took 12 hours for me

      • woke up this morning and its there already

    • Probably due the $2 challenge issue as it needs to check.

      • Unlikely.
        In Dealbot's Deal, tracking & $2 bonus were confirmed in under 1hr for me & 18min for another

        Both were ordered in business hours. Seems much slower at night…

        Bought after midnight in this Deal
        9.5 hr - no tracking yet.

        • Finally tracked after 14 hrs.

          • @INFIDEL: huh weird i got my tracking on both the amount 17.50 and 2 like instant- lets say 5 mins

            • @CyberMurning: When did you buy?

              • @INFIDEL: today

                • @CyberMurning: Time? 3hr ago?

                  Bought today just after midnight
                  $17.50 tracked over 14hr later - this afternoon, with $2 bonus.

                  Purchase 2 days ago ~9am took under 1hr for tracking & $2 bonus.

                • @CyberMurning: Seems to support my suggestion above (but negged) - when you buy may affect speed of tracking

                  • +1

                    @INFIDEL: "Negged" has not penalty. Sometimes negged comments are the truth that only the minority holds.

                    • @Neoika: Likely someone waiting 12+ hours for tracking doesn't like the idea that others are tracked in minutes😜

                  • +1

                    @INFIDEL: I found it informative! I've upvoted :-)

                    Have had my own fair share of woes with SB tracking…always late

                    • @nsingh21: Thanks - but negs don't worry me.
                      When was known as the Infidel, I've copied jv's strategy & encouraged them😂

                      Was just curious about reason. And others experiences.

                      Trying to work out reason for the issues we have with these Deals is an uncertain science / guess!

                      • +1

                        @INFIDEL: and originally you were Bruce.

                        • +1

                          @Reveen: Gee - I'd forgotten that, old timer😂

                          At Ozbargain Birthday Meets, most insist on using my former Username Infidel. Going to another tomorrow🍴

                          Few remember Brucefromaustralia, who was nicer than that Infidel😉

                          • +1

                            @INFIDEL: Pfft, they aren't old school then.

      • if the $2 deal is gone by the time it tracked… probably bad luck then $2 less… lol

        • Mine tracked.
          Shows - you earnt $2
          "The reward will be available once the cashback for your purchase is confirmed."

          Guess more $2 bonuses are added as needed.

      • Time of ordering may affect speed of tracking & bonus as I suggested. (But could be due to something else.)

        Doesn't seem to be issue "due the $2 challenge issue as it needs to check", as you suggested.

        ChiMot found, it's very fast (minutes) to track & get $2 bonus this afternoon

        But was very slow to track if ordered last night (over 14hrs for me).
        Bought last night to check out my suggestion.

        That mean my midnight purchase was tracked AFTER ChiMot's purchase & tracking with $2 bonus this afternoon😜

        Others reported similar slow tracking with $2 bonus when ordering 2 nights ago. But fast during the day.

        • How is soda water cashback? I haven't seen your comments there like last year.

          • @Neoika: soda water?? Wasn't me.

            • @INFIDEL: You upvoted it. I just realised I am only second to OP and you are the fourth.

              • +1

                @Neoika: My thumb is naughty & upvotes by itself on sensitive mobile screen.

                I'll need to revoke. I don't drink sada water.

                • @INFIDEL: Another freebie is Kirin Hyoketsu. Maybe you missed it.

                  • @Neoika: Kirin Hyoketsu - missed it. Local stores didn't seem to stock it😢

                    Similar to the Strong I drink in Japan.

                    When hitchhiking in Hokkaido, got a lift from young couple. She pulled out a small can of lemon Strong to give me.
                    That's not a drink, this is a drink!
                    I pulled out a 500ml can of same lemon Strong.
                    At least we had that in common, as we couldn't speak much of each other's language.
                    We just laughed for the rest of the day😂
                    As often happens in Japan, they didn't want me to leave! A memorable trip!

                    Have been given a fair amount of free alcohol last few weeks by Ozbargainers (eg Monsuta Okinawa Dry). But not that interested in alcohol at moment.

                    Won a 720ml bottle of Sake at Ozbargain Birthday Meet 2 weeks ago. Still unopened🍶

              • @Neoika: Checked!
                Yes, did upvote the Smirnoff. Didn't realise that was what you meant.
                Didn't notice any effect or much flavour.
                But for free…

  • Does anyone know if this simcard charges you monthly or do you need to cancel once you activated

    • No charge.

    • Don't click auto-recharge during activation.

    • cancel the auto recharge once it has been activated

  • Something. Went. Wrong.

  • +3

    Always something went wrong

    • Same issue today 🥲

  • Can someone explain this:

    • Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate Transactions
    • Cashback is qualified only for New Boost customers.

    Seems contradictory? How do you buy more than one with cashback if you can only get cashback as a new customer (first purchase)?

    • A new service is a new customer here.

      • +1

        Does it mean if I get a few sims activated under the same account with new phone number for each. I'm still qualified?

        • Want to know too.
          I'm already using Boost now but I need new number on my dual Sim phone

        • Ye I need to know this too otherwise I’m more confused 🫤

  • Activate by 27th Nov, not within 30 days?

    • Where did you get that info?

    • Where did you see that?

    • +1

      only for the data bonus, after 27th they could either remove it, increase or decrease it or most likely will just stay the same like it usually does

  • What happens if you don’t activate within 30 days of purchasing

    • +8

      They send bikies after you

      • Had that happen to a friend of a friend.

        • +1

          Ah I’ve heard of it, tragic.

        • +2

          Friends don’t let friends of friends leave Boost Mobile SIMs unactivated

      • and after that they send Peter Adderton :(

    • no cashback

      • +1

        I doubt it. Pros know the answer by heart.

        • +1

          This is what I was thinking

          • @INFIDEL: You have freedom under a non-CR deal.

            • @Neoika: No… Am too frightened of the bikies😨

              Besides, what Boost & cashback sites have done in the past is not necessarily what they will do in 30+ days time!

              It can be a risk!

  • I can't get to the $2 bonus. Everytime i click on the link it sends me to another page where it says I have to download the app either for Android or Apple. I click on the Android and I get sent to my SB app. But i can't find the $2 bonus is app.

  • -2

    managed to get 6 and error comes up when trying to order the 7th.

    • Are you really going to activate all 6 SIMs 'within 30 days'?

      • +1

        Of course… And 5 go to bin straight…

        • How long does it take you to activate each one? Do you need to enter your credit card details for each one, then manually log in to each 'account' later and ensure that auto-rebilling is set to 'off'? What if they change their default setting to 'on' one day … then you'll get billed a huge amount (6 SIM's worth) the next month …

          • @GnarlyKnuckles: they change their default setting to 'on' one day … then you'll get billed a huge amount

            What if you don't get the cashback… Boost will be laughing hard…

      • within 1 day.

  • +1

    joined the something went wrong party too!

    • 🥹 group hug 🥹

  • Ok. First time doing this boost profit, order completed. Now setup reminder in 90 days to see if I get 17.50 plus 2 or not….
    Also note that I am existing boost and will be activating it next week as new number under same boost account (I have dual Sim phone now)

  • I wonder if the Boost website is experiencing technical issues again rather than blocking buyers.

    I was able to order one SIM 2 days ago and now got the something went wrong message. Only want one

    • more like blocking buyers to buy more!

      • Most people here are not real buyer we just want the couple dollars. Imagine how many Sim card packages go to the bin… One person bought 10… Literally arrive, open, activate, throw.. repeat 10x

        • +1

          Hey not all of us are like that.

          Some of us use them as a home internet replacement, activate, burn the data, throw in bin.

          • @mitt: Do people actually throw the SIM cards away? I am using them in old phones I have lying around. It great for hotspoting

  • Avoid waste time + free disappointment!

  • does anyone know if I ask boost support to delete the expired numbers from my account while the cashback is still pending. Will I still receive the cashback?

    technically speaking i only need to activate the sim card within 30 days of ordering, after that I should be able to cancel the number straight away and still eligible for cashback, right?

  • How does this work? Do you buy multiple sims and activate month after month?

    • Yes, but you have to activate within the month for cashback.

      I usually get a couple & activate/burn them for data, by the time I use them up another cashback deal has arrived.

  • Just placed an order, click recorded, lets hope they track soon

  • Another 50c up, but $2 bonus should be gone by now.

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