Obviously this is not an official product (and sadly does not include a cutting laser), but this makes me seriously excited. And frankly, for $6 - you can't really go wrong. According to a guy who has recieved the finished product "it looks surprisingly awesome". Here's an image of the watch: http://imgur.com/uleve
Follow these steps to obtain said awesome watch:
- Go to this link for the "Sport Metal Watch" and click the "CREATE IT!" button: http://www.artscow.com/photo-gifts/watch/sport-metal-watch-2…
- Download this image: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/152/a/9/goldeneye_wat…
- Choose it as the image for the watch and click "NEXT: Add & Preview"
- In the "Overlay" drop down menu, chose "No clock text". Leave all other options.
- Click "Review and Order"
- Click "Add to Cart"
- Click "Check Out"
- Login/make account
- Enter this coupon code into the box on the right hand side of the checkout screen: Clockwatches
- Price will come down to $5.99USD with free shipping!
This was originally posted on Reddit and I read a write up on Gametrailers so I can't claim to have come up with this fantastic idea.
We need some rules for qualifies as a bargain !