PS5 FC24 for 54 at BigW, Amazon price matching, links below.
PS5 FC24 for 54 at BigW, Amazon price matching, links below.
Is it worth a crack at $54?
Same, returned it after a week. Sons and I get our football worth out of Fifa 22 which came free from Ps+
Nearly bought for $68 yesterday from Amazon, hopefully this is the lowest it will go as I will pull the trigger.
Boy do I have news for you… these games depreciate quicker than my crypto balance.
yeah but it's a Xmas present for my boy so will more than get a return on my investment
It can be cheaper when we are close to the Christmas. Next lower price could be $36 or $28.
@kendo: yeah that's a gamble tho, pulled the trigger anyway for peace of mind and a happy son when Santa visits.
@onetwothreefour: Previous Black Friday sales it has been around $36. With Amazon's returns until 31st of Jan 2024, you can play it now and but it at a lower price later and just start a return.
@onetwothreefour: What was the reason you selected? If you choose "doesn't meet expectations" and provide an excuse, you can do free returns
Thanks OP. Price matched at JB and used perks discount. $44 is probably all I want to pay for it
XBSX version is also $54 at Big W. It also works on XB1.…
And also the PS4 version for those with the previous gen console.
PS4 version is also $54 at Amazon AU.
Playing efootball for around a month now. Is this game any better than the free efootball?
Don't have FC24 but have played both efootball and previous FIFAs
I personally find efootballs gameplay much more engaging than FIFA. Pros for FC24 would be all of the licencing and career mode (which i loved but is still treated as a leper by EA).
From everything i've read so far, i wouldnt be touching FC24 until its most likely $10 or $15 dollars in a few months.
Could be about 12 months, haha : P
$49 at JB on 20 November. Pulled the trigger this morning and got this one with a JB price match, so hopefully can get $5 of use out of it over the weekend 😂
Is the catalogue out, where did you see it?
Catalogue isnt out but it was leaked. Check the ps5 JB Deal posted tonight
It’s out now. $49 and used a $10 birthday coupon to score it for $39!
$49 now at JB and amazon
I paid $89 last friday because i wanted to play it. Noticed late last night JB dropped the price. Jumped on chat. Asked if i could get partial refund of $40. They said no problem and did it
Which store JB, Amazon don't do refund of difference, they only do returns?
I oremdered online and did the request onljne. Order came from chadstone though with the 2hour delivery
Been really disappointed with this game… :/