Wall Tile Sizes

I am trying to retile some of the bad tiles in my bathroom. I need about 40 glossy white tiles. My bathroom contains about 600 tiles and they're mostly good. They are 197x 197mm. I have only found 200x200 tiles for sale after ten hours of searching Melbourne websites.

From Bunnings I bought 50 (two boxes of 25) Duratiles 20 x 20cm for $44. I thought that was the size of my tiles. I was wrong. They are 197x 197mm. On the side of the Duratile box, it has a list of five 'Calibers'.

DURATILE 20x20cm White Tiles from Bunnings Calibres or 'Calibers':
W01: 197x197mm
W02: 198x198mm
W03: 199x199mm
W04: 200x200mm
W05: 201x201mm

I think they are all 7.2mm thick.

The two boxes I purchased from Bunnings were W03 and W04. I asked the rude tile guy at Bunnings how to find the W01s and he was useless. Their database at the front desk does not list the various calibers available. I waited on hold for various bunnings stores to answer the phone for over four hours today. Not a single store answered the phone. I could spend hundreds of dollars of fuel driving around Melbourne trying to find $44 worth of tiles, but I'd rather stand in front of a train.

Is this Caliber system unique to this product or do lots of tile companies do this? If so, it is not mentioned online ANYWHERE. I need to match my tile size at low cost and without a highly stressful wild goose chase. Please help.


  • Suggest entering in the Google search field: wall tile caliber; and calling Lifeline 131114

    • I did what you said. No mysterious answers were unveiled. Oh I see. I didn't expect trolls this far out.

      • +1

        White Gloss Tiles 197x197 but you'll have to discuss further as this item is not currently in-stock

        • +1

          Better give OP your bank details

      • +2

        I have a strict anti-trolling ethos - what part of my comment offended you? I have a certificate in mental health first aid - you mentioned standing in front of a train.

        • -2

          AFAICS you started it. Not cool. A mate's dad committed suicide using an incoming train. You never know who's reading.

          • +1

            @fantombloo: That's a selfish dick move. Messed up himself and the train driver now forever has to live with that.

            • @Lichen6420: Yeah. But try reasoning with someone who's desperate and in depression.

              As I said, you never know who's reading.

  • Any connection?

    EDIT Also Bunnings are massively understaffed.
    Just contact online support & wait. The world won't end for at least a month

  • I will get beige tiles from Johnson. Then I can paint them. Thanks for your help :)

  • If they are a Johnson tile, call your local tile library.

    Also Johnsons have a presence in Melbourne so you can go chat with them in person.


  • Stop dealing with anyone less than an expert.

    Then, go deal with someone who is an expert.

    Google is your friend.

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