Getting out of Vodafone plan. Trying to switch to Telstra.

I'm trying to get out of Vodafone plan but contract only expires early April 2013 :(

I wanted to get Samsung S3 4G on Telstra or Optus. Any clue how to do it apart from paying the oustanding plan fees? I've been trying to complain about their horrible coverage but I don't think I have enough ground to actually get them to terminate my contract for free.



  • Hi john
    Please make cmplaint on and then u will be able to get out from the contract without paying anything to vodafone.

    • -1

      wouldnt recommend doing this. what happens is vodafone pretty much has to waive the termination fee and you get released from your contract, so if you decide to go back for whatever reason later on, youll need to pay out that termination fee first.

      honestly, what id do is call up vodafone, complain, try and get a discount off your bill and just commit to your contract

      but thats just me and i like to keep my options open…

      my 2c

  • I had this problem for quite a few years with Vodafone. You are actually out of luck unfortunately, you would need to pay out your remaining contract before you can make the switch. With six months left on your contract, the only way they will allow cancellation early is if you are resigning with them. You may have a little more negotiation power if it was only 1-3 months.

    Might want to keep in mind that Vodafone is getting 4G possibly around the same time your contract runs out, and I'm sure they will be throwing offers around to keep what few of their existing customers they have left.

  • +1

    Thanks guys. My friend complained via TIO and got out without any fee.. and he was still 12 months away.. but he had a solid reason to complaint as the coverage in his area was genuinely useless.

    Mine is still usable although a bit slow at certain times. So I feel that I don't have enough ground to complain as I'm sure they would have seen my call and data use history seems to be going normal.

    I thought Telstra or Optus have some options to take on board new customer. But have searched around and don't seem that it exist.

    Guess I will have to wait until April. If by that time Vodafone hasn't got 4G I'm pretty certain I'd be moving to Telstra.

  • Doesn't matter if the coverage in your particular area is good as it is a mobile phone and you are not supposed to be in your area all the time. I too had the same scenario as you, first contacted Vodafone explaining the poor service (especially mobile internet) and the guy quoted me about $500 in exit fees, I had a good laugh at that. Then contacted TIO and got a call from Voda in couple of days happy to let me go without any fees and just returning their old handset.

    If you are not happy with their service, just fill out a form on TIO explaining your situation, and they will get Voda to call you. Whatever it is be firm, they will try to talk you out of it saying there will be a major upgrade in your area in the near future or by giving you discounts, but don't give in.

  • +1

    To deal with ANY ombudsman, you're supposed to complain to the company first, and if you're unable to resolve the problem, then go to the ombudsman. Depending on the phone you have on the current contract, you may be able to find someone willing to take on the remaining 6 months of the contract. This would be more attractive to someone of course, if you're able to negotiate with Voda to drop the price you're paying because of your unsatisfactory coverage.

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