This was posted 1 year 3 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Vornado 660 Air Circulator $139.99 Delivered @ Costco Online (Membership Required)



Looks like they are doing the 12 days of deals again so this price is for today only, while stocks last. Looks to be the best price for a while.

Rest of todays deals

  • Breville Barista Express Coffee Machine $579.99
  • Roborock S7 Max Ultra Robotic Vacuum Cleaner $1599.99

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Cheaper than the warehouse price.

    • can confirm. jbhifi stocks them for $145

  • +1

    That’s a very good price.

    I’ve been pretty happy with my DC one

    • +4

      I use smart plug with my DC one to turn on and off with Siri, wouldn't work with the AC version I imagine. Plus no fine tune controls.

      • Why wouldn't it work, if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking to get one that will turn on and cool the house before I come home.

        • +3

          DC has an analogue knob so if you leave it at 30% power setting then that's what it will be on when power is connected. AC has like digital controls or whatever that are reset when the power disconnects, or whatever. I'm not an electrician. But DC is what you need. Some AC fans will work with smart plugs, but not Vornado.

    • +3

      If you want a Vornado get the DC one, not this AC.
      After upgrading to DC it is like night and day.

      • Hi, I am a bit confused. Try googling but I get even more confused.

        Do you mind explain (ELI5) what is this Vornado DC vs. AC?
        AC as in Air Circulator? DC version is something else?
        Where does it say the one in costco is an AC version?

        what is the difference?

        • +4

          Alternating current vs direct current.
          Not on the supply side but how the motor works.
          If it's DC it has DC in the model number eg 633dc, this is just a 660 (there's no 660dc).
          Advantages of DC are quieter, more energy efficient and 'infinite' speed settings, whereas the 660 only gives you 4 speeds.
          Plus the different way the controls work mean if you cut/restore power the DC resumes what it was on, the AC will be off until you press the buttons to turn it back on. That's not an inherently AC/DC difference just the way the controls work on vornado

          • +1

            @based: So, since power being cut is a rare thing + for me, it'll just be an inconvenience to start it on again..

            on a day to day basis, its difference is basically it being quieter. Is the noise difference that significant?

            Being more expensive on power.. im guessing that'll be (to a degree) offset by the cheaper price of the AC unit compared to the DC unit.

            • +1

              @fauziozi: Power resume is primarily a concern for eg. smart plugs.
              IMO 660 on full is quieter than 633dc on full and the 660 is putting out more air. 633dc goes a lot lower than 660 can on min and it's quieter at those speeds.
              Depends what you want it for, if you're always going to have it on at least mid settings then I'd go 660, if you want super quiet and low speeds for eg. bedroom at night then 633dc

        • AC = fan motor is mains powered at 220V.

          DC = there's an AC/DC adaptor that feeds low voltage DC to a DC motor.

          Not sure if this applies to Vornado, but every DC fan I've used has way better speed selection (i.e. 6 - 14 speeds) instead of the 3 low/med/high that is found on AC fans.

  • +9

    Do I need one? Yes but can I be bothered spending soo much on a fan? No.. 😪

    Edit: Luckily I just realised I'm not a Costco member. 😅

  • +7

    Worth spending a bit more for dc one imo but I can recommend these anyway

  • +2

    Bought one and returned it.

    I'm sure it's great for 95% of use cases, but it didn't do much for our large, irregular shaped living room.

    • +3

      Did you point it at a corner of the room to bounce air around or whatever?

      • Yep, but too many openings into other rooms meant that the air didn't circulate in the way that it needed to for whole room cooling.

  • +1

    Noisy and not that great at cooling a room.

    • +1

      Comments like this make me wonder if Vornado AC fans are just worse than the cheap competition. I've got DC air circulators from Xiaomi and Whirlpool and they are very effective, and also quieter compared to normal fans. Or at least the noise they make is low pitched.

      • Got one from Coles reduced to $60. Works an absolute treat.

    • +13

      It's a fan.. it moves air .. it doesn't cool the air

      • +2

        It works great if you have an air conditioner which helps circulate the cool air around the room quickly

        And same for heater too

    • +1

      The DC version is noisy at full power, I like to fine tune the power setting to just the right setting for limiting noise. Though if it's very hot I'll put it full power.

  • Thanks. Have bought my third. Bye bye a/c.

  • +3

    Roborock for $1599 is the silent hit IMO

    • I don't know a thing about robot vacuums so I didn't post it. Someone else has though. Will be interesting to see how much they discount stuff over the next 11 days. Some of the discounts last year were a bit disappointing. So far not too bad this year.

    • Vac already sold out
      Narwal freo will be on sale in a few days on Costco

  • +4

    Why is it everytime I buy something, I see it on ozbargain a few days later for cheaper lol

    • +17

      Easily solved. Don't buy anything until it's on ozbargain

    • +8

      Please buy a house!

    • Yep, bought for $169 @ Costco on Tuesday. Not happy!

      • +1

        Can you claim price promise?

      • +1

        They should give you the difference in the store. It might only be today though.

  • +2

    Was about to purchase the 633DC for $42 more now I can't decide!

    • Where is the dc for that price?

      • +4

        TGG Commercial

        • +2

          Thanks for the tip. I found one of my memberships gave me an entitlement to open an account, so purchased the 633DC for $182. I had been watching the $229 Amazon special price, hoping it would come down, but it went up to $259 … similar price to other places.

    • +2

      DC is worth it for that price difference. I have AC and regret it a quite a bit due to noise and controls.

      • Appreciate your comment. Thanks!

    • +1

      We went the DC and it is a good fan. I would pay the difference.

  • +3

    Since when did we start calling fans "Air Circulators".

    I'm gonna start calling my heater a "Warmth Synthesiser" so I can feel better about myself

    • If you give your product some bullshit name and market the hell out of it online, you can inflate the price of your product by 10x and people won't bat an eye

    • +3

      It's a useful distinction from "fan." Sure, they are still just fans, but they are totally different in terms of usefulness to a normal box fan.

      I replaced all of my box fans with these things (not Vornados, other brands).

    • -1

      Same time we started calling fan forced ovens, “Air Fryers”

    • +1

      And why do we call lasers lasers and not just light bulbs, same principle right?!

      • laser is actually an acronym.

        • +1

          Quick, add it to the funny acronym thread.

  • Is there a google home friendly alternative?

  • +1

    Apparently a pretty good fan for indoor cycling (e.g. Zwift). Would buy if I didn't already own an ridiculous oversized fan that moves all the air and sounds like an aircraft.

    • What's your big fan?

      • +1

        Viali FES-50 pedestal fan which is 50cm 180W. It's about 15 years old, bought from The Good Guys in a hot summer. Overkill for my apartment back then.

  • -1

    Air Circulator?

    • Yes

  • My $10 Kmart fan died… Should I upgrade to this one??

    • +1

      No, buy 14 kmart fans.

      • Oh, it costs $17 now, the inflation etc… I can only afford 8.2 units now…

  • Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra out OOS. Price was too good to be stock.

  • good brand we had it for our new home took the smell of paint quickly

  • -4

    Most over rated fan with crap controls ever… I still use it to get air from the bedroom to the office (no AC), but it's nothing a normal fan doesn't do just as well.

  • +1

    Had mine for years and surprised how well it works.

    I suspect most of the negative comments are people simply pointing it at them, which is not what you do.

    • +1

      No, I point it at the office from my bedroom, and it does worse than those ~$50 stainless steel large fans from bunnings. It was also useless in the workshop. And the controls are annoying bcos you can't turn it on via a tasmota plug, you need to physically press the bottons every time you turn the power on like a relay.
      Motor isn't even brushless… so it's really a $25 fan selling for $140.

      I suspect the people who are impressed with the fan have no experience with other decent fans.

  • Bought this instead Woozoo Air Circulator PCF-SC15T

  • +1

    My $49 Kmart air circulator with $25 motor blows this away… I need to get some dynabolts.…

    • Looks good, I have this style fan too and very powerful. Much older than the Anko "brand" but looks basically the same but in black and a knob with the same four settings. What do you mean by $25 motor?

      • +2

        I've owned those style of fan before and thought they were noisy AF.

        • +1

          Yes and the noise is worse than Vornado especially on high.

  • Just buy a 30" or 40" desk fan
    … Will work perfectly well.
    Problem solved.

  • -2

    I recently bought a $17 fan from Kmart and got to say it works amazingly well.

    There is no way in hell this performs twice as good let alone 8 or so times… Your money would be better spent elsewhere not buying into marketing.

    • I'm never going to buy a cheap fan again. You look at them the wrong way and they break. Had to deal with so many broken ones at a charity I worked for. Most of them didn't even last a few weeks.

      • I used my last one for 5 years, running most days. Only got rid of it as I was moving.

        Lasting only for a few weeks? That doesn't sound right at all. Target wouldn't build them that way else they'd have to deal with all the refunds and crap.

        • The staff were a bit rough with them. The legs bent really easily. I had to repair or swap parts all the time.

    • The thing with Costco is you can try it, and if you don’t like it, you get your money back. That way you can compare it to the $17 fan from Kmart.

  • -6

    PLEASE include membership costs!

    • +1

      Deducting any savings made with other things purchased from Costco over the 12 month period. Unless you intend this to be the only thing you are buying this year.

  • I have this for quite a few years and half of the control buttons died. Only the On/Off and speed 1 left working.
    I'm waiting for a good deal for DC version.

  • It's larger than I recall seeing it in store, or might be a different model.

    Was intending to put it on top of the computer case, but it's too big to be there, found a temporary location until I figure something out.

    It's effective nonetheless, circulating air feels much nicer than direct air. I have removed the tower fan.

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