Hello I Feel That The OzBargain Logo (Top Left Corner) Is Incorrectly Proportioned When Browser Reported Page Width Is Less Than 1025 Pixels
OzBargain Logo Incorrectly Proportioned When Browser Reported Width Less Than 1025 Pixels
Sorry I haven't been testing the site with my 800x600 netbook lately. It will be fixed in the next update.
To be fair, this would happen if you had a Full HD (1920 x 1080) display and snapped your window to one half of the display. Not a huge problem but not an uncommon scenario to see it either.
A bit early for a new year resolution, scotty
Incorrectly Proportioned
Its chibi cute. Just leave it as it is.
why you booing him he's right
Heh, always thought it was a browser bug. It's been incorrectly proportioned for over a year.
I've been noticing this on and off for ages now, probably a year or two. I think it was something else causing it before but never bothered to find out what. I'm always resizing windows to test layouts, which is a waste of time because no actual user does it.
This has unironically been bugging me for the last few months, but not yet to the point of creating a post about it. Thanks for being the hero we needed!
Not all heros use Netscape
I wish my Friday was as slow as ops
mine is, but I will refrain from making similar posts
I enjoy both sides of this. The constructive attention to detail and the 'who cares' posts.
This is not the best bug report.
But not the worst.
Thanks OP, I've spent the last 2 minutes making the logo dance/jiggle. Made my day!
Does someone have a spare monitor they're not using that they can donate to OP?
To the dev that can be bothered to pick this up, just need to add a
width: auto
on the logo under the <=1024px breakpoint :)I've had this issue for a while too. Snapped to a corner on Windows, it's squished. When it is freed from the corners it's back to normal
Things I'm not worrying about today.
1.OzBargain Logo Incorrectly Proportioned When Browser Reported Width Less Than 1025 Pixels