What do you think about the Optus 200GB compensation?
I don't seem to be able to find info if this compensation covers reseller prepaid SIMs such as Coles Mobile and Amaysim.
What do you think about the Optus 200GB compensation?
I don't seem to be able to find info if this compensation covers reseller prepaid SIMs such as Coles Mobile and Amaysim.
piss poor compensation
How do you evaluate the compensation? It probably caused 10c to almost life threatening (unable to make 000 calls) damage to people.
Guess you missed the bit where entire call centres were down. Because of Optus.
I actually quiried this to. Landlines, yes. But mobile should connect to any available network, no?
@TiredKitty78: I think what they are saying is the 000 call centres (which the mobile is calling) were down themselves, hence denying access.
@TiredKitty78: This was one of the issues coming out of it, mobiles couldnt roam on other networks so yes, unfortunately 000 calls didnt go through
In this case landlines and some mobiles couldn’t call 000
How do you evaluate the compensation? It probably caused 10c to almost life threatening (unable to make 000 calls) damage to people.
Depends on the individual. I wasn't affected as I am with Telstra for my phone and another provider for internet. I don't have anything with Optus.
But I think most people would like some financial compensation because of the inconvenience and frustration it caused. The stories I heard on talkback radio varied from health related to business related.
We aren't talking about one or two hours, we are talking about almost have a business day and at the start of the day!
But I think most people would like some financial
Yeah for sure, how do you evaluate that? How much? Issue disrupted like 5m customers directly and some indirectly.
@boomramada: Class-Action Lawsuit ?
Maybe better if it wasn't from customers but instead from ALL of the MVNO companies.
I wonder if the government will do an independent audit into Optus and their systems.
@Kangal: If you read the terms of use for OPTUS/Telstra/Tesla/ or whatever IT company, I have a feeling it covers no liability on faults due to software/hardware issues. I like how CEO come up and say, this could happen again…
@boomramada: I believe it is more 10m customers.
And I would think some people would like $5 to $10, business maybe more.
Amaysim only offered me 60GB - to be used by 31 Dec. 23!
Amaysim only offered me unlimited calls until late December which I already have anyway! So I get nothing out of their stuff up😒
Amaysim offered both to my folks across their 3 phone plans with Amaysim. They use less than 2Gb data per year domestically, have unlimited calls and text each, and the downtime mainly affected their roaming in China where they are currently holidaying… i.e. no Google/Whatsapp that day and wifi at the hotel hardly works anyway.
Of course, only 1 of their 3 phones have working roaming that ended up working so it's like they've had an outage for a month already - lol
They offered me 60gig of data 48h after id already ported away lol.
I was the opposite.
I ported in on the day, and I haven't been offered ANYTHING. That and being stung an extra $500 from JB Hi-fi, and paying a lot of money for my domestic flights. It's NOT been a good week for this tightarse 😥
yep, unlikely I'd use 10gb by then, always have wifi
most ppl wfh, and can't use it
bit of a joke to offer 6wks, they could offer 1tb and it'd be the same.
Yes considering most people purchase plans with adequate data to suit their needs.
Another 100GB is useless!
And how does this compensate businesses for the loss of a day's sales?
A see a massive damages claim coming against Optus.
But to also address OPs question about Optus MVNO's compensation
Amaysim has offered a bonus 60GB which must be used between 24 November and 31 December.
If they were serious they would not put an expiry date on the bonus data - same with Optus.
Amaysim have also offered unlimited talk and txt between 24 November and 31 December for PAYG customers.
Data cost nothing to the business as it is the voice call that cost telecom industry but over the years people started using data more then voice so now they are giving free unlimited call with limited data.
though to consumer data has value but not to telecom company so they just showing that they are compensating but they are not in reality because income lost or inconvenience caused due to their failure of system can't be compensated with something that is free … !
they should be compensating everyone with $$$$$$$ so we can spend on black friday sale :D lol 😂
I like the idea, $$$ for Black Friday :)
This is what frustrated me with the announcement (and I wasn't personally impacted even).
The cost of data connections is bandwidth, not volume. Doesn't matter to the ISP if you use 10GB or 100GB, just that the total bandwidth required to service all customers doesn't exceed their capacity (whether that capacity is owned or bought).
Telco's typically oversell bandwidth - which is reasonable given most users won't be trying to simultaneously max out their connections - but in an effort to prevent this from becoming an issue they institute data caps: consumers won't max out the teclo's available bandwidth if they are carefully rationing their usage themselves so that they don't hit their cap.
I kind of get what you are saying, but it's not quite right so I'll elaborate - The voice calls these days are nothing but data (and not a lot of data at that). At its core level, what costs the telco industry is the infrastructure (pits, pipes, cables, IT network/routing/server equipment on each end, phone towers / radio equipment, frequency licensing, data centres/POIs, and rent for the land they sit on, the electricity and maintenance to run it etc), and the agreement with other providers to pay for connectivity and use of their infrastructure, together with all the labour, marketing, customer service and overheads that run their business etc.
Charging for voice calls was always just a pricing model to pay for those inputs, data is the new version of that pricing model - which people will pay more to get more of.
A key reason for data limitations and more cost to get more is because at busy times the routing equipment gets congested and can't process as much bandwidth as fast, so they don't want people to just frivolously overload it, plus if they are paying third parties for data connections that may be passed along in wholesale/bulk. However the reason there is not a huge difference between lower level data plan pricing and faster ones is all the business overheads / labour, pit and pipe cabling infrastructure etc are basically the same - it's mainly just the size of the IT networking/servers/routing equipment that needs to handle the congestion / speed levels people expect - which is only part of the cost. The real most important reason is people will pay more to get more, hence it has marketable value… and what is important is charging multiple tier levels to suit all sorts of customers' needs, great or small and what they'd be willing to pay for that.
However arguably, if everyone has already got a plan size that suits their needs, then it is only a select few people that will see it of any extra value if they were pushing their quota to the limit… so in essence most people who just go about their usual data usage will see no benefit. Likely not many people at all because the real data power users who were impacted the most would already have big plans with ample spare data. Optus aren't exactly going to upsize any of this equipment for a temporary bonus data offer, so it will just slow down the connections if people overuse it at the same time… so it costs them very little, and giving out more will probably just cause a bit of congestion, if people download the internet to take advantage of it. It's a token gesture.
Bikies, Class Action
(or both?)
What would you consider appropriate compensation?
And how much would you consider fair for less than 24 hours of outage?
Like my comment above. I think it depends on the individual and how they were affected.
I think for personal users, $10 to $20.
Business users, a lot more because of the loss of income.
That is my view, but I wasn't affected as I have nothing with Optus.
Yeah. Even just $5 off my bill would have been better. I have adequate data so the 200gb isn't very useful.
Piss poor with the data breach so this is comparable
At least offering free monhtly usage for this/next month for post paid customers. Extended expiry for prepaid customers with added data.
The concept of compensation is so broken.
The CEO gets 5M and yet she has ZERO skills, while the cleaner gets a grand a week, and you wonder why the compensation given is what it is.
When you reward the biggest most useless person in the org more than 100x others who actually do work with actual skills, this is why the compensation to customers is basically nothing. The leadership community yet again is treating the public like morons because they are, nobody is questioning why leadership is at all necesssary given how useless they are.
What's more, you can bet the CEO and board get hefty pay rises every year. They'll probably reward themselves in 2024 based on the 2023 outage, and how they 'steered the ship through troubled waters'.
Meanwhile the CEO and board will be fighting tooth and nail to not give that cleaner even a 3% pay rise, because to give them that or more is just being greedy and unreasonable.
If the CEO gets away with the paltry consumer compensation as it stands then she absolutely deserves the 5M.
Remember the CEO doesnt work for you, but the pocket of the shareholders.
The only way to get her is to complain and/or port away.
Shareholders lol. CEO looks out for CEO
If the CEO gets away with the paltry consumer compensation as it stands then she absolutely deserves the 5M.
You are assuming that any other CEO would be worse. What is so special about the current CEO that she should be awarded 5M for doing what any CEO would do?
Just make the cleaner the CEO and save 5M a year.
What is so special about the current CEO that she should be awarded 5M for doing what any CEO would do?
She drew away the attention from the actual issue. Why if it failed and how to fix going forward.
She saved the people who elected her from public scrutiny - the fall guy.
If Optus appointed the cleaner as CEO, I don't think we'd cry how useless the CEO is. It would be who the F appointed the CEO.
@yomama: yo: If Optus appointed the cleaner as CEO, I don't think we'd cry how useless the CEO is. It would be who the F appointed the CEO.
cow: nonsense, everybody with half a brain knows that basically ALL ceos of ALL companies are fake, useless and basically contribute ZERO knowledge about the business they lead.
yo: She drew away the attention from the actual issue.
cow: Her incompetance from her actions and selections, and those before her who are equally useless is what created the environment that caused the problem to become a disaster in the first place.
@CowFrogHorse: I think you're barking at the wrong tree here. Please re-read my messages.
I fully agree she's incompetent, but she had 2 options:
1. Blame someone else
2. Make herself even look more stupid
Intentionally or not, she ended up on no.2 which in turn takes away the focus from people who appointed her.
For ruining her reputation & future income, this must worth quite some money.
I'm not arguing on how they ended up in this situation - I'm arguing her compensation.
If Optus gets away with this (they may not)….. she deserves the 5M
@yomama: @Yo
She doesnt cost Optus $5M, again you arent looking at the picture.
Theres probably a building somewhere with multiple floors of the CEO and all the other management types there, along with their support staff like assistants etc. Their salaries and building rent and equipment cost considerably MORE, its probably at least $50M a year for that lot.
Secondly that management are the ones that created this situation in the first place, their complete technical uselessness is what caused the problem. Its their fault that the mistake wasnt rollbacked to a previous good config within minutes.
This will cost Optus many zeros as companies and users leave them, multiple tht over 10 years thats a lot of money. Multiple the cost of the management i mentioned above for the past ten years, thats $500M.
Is her team really worth anything after that ?
@CowFrogHorse: Again, Im not arguing what she cost Optus overall for this drama.
I am arguing her compensation.
If you cant comprehend that then we're done here.
@yomama: i know what your saying and im correcting your statements because they are dumb and broken as i mentioned previously.
@yomama: I loved the interview where they asked if she was going to resign and she just goes "SORRY ALL I HAVE TIME NOW, OK BAIIII!!" And hangs up.
Worth every dollar.
@Ruddaga: Why would she resign.
The joke is a moron like her even has a job. She has zero contribution in anyway except to get her pay other than that, how can she possibly help improve anything ?
@CowFrogHorse: I saw a south park meme that was spot on.
Saying this was her (ignoring the intro part)
Sad that you actuallu believe that bullshit.
CEO are voted by board members, they are a cabal of friends who help each other.
THe reality is shareholders do not actually vote for these people in the end, stop believing bullshit .
What are you on about??
In which part I said the CEO is voted by the people?
@yomama: your comment here: Remember the CEO doesnt work for you, but the pocket of the shareholders.
Im saying the shareholder means people. Im trying to point out the game is fixed…
@yomama: You used a general term shareholders, it wasnt qualified you were only referring to Singtel… in the end my comment about shareholders and their voting rights is also true w/ regards to their relationship with Singtel.
I appreciate your sarcasm, but all companies would be signficantly richer if they had leadership that actually had some intelligence. 99% of leadership are useless that contribute ZERO to the net benefit of the company.
In the end, i pity the republican movement, they are run and supported by idiots. THey talk about the Royal family, but the fail to see the modern day parasites - corporate leadership who have replaced the aristocracy of the old days.
Want to know why gas prices went up, it went up to pay for leadership morons who got greedy and made mistakes and also gave them and their mates bonuses. Replace gas with electricity, houses, universities and more.
In other words dont worry about Charles, worry about the parasites who actually impact your lives on a daily basis, from the managers at your work to the leader at the top of every company.
Edit: all I'm saying is 5m is cheap for $4B revenue company to pay someone to take a blame.
@yomama: I appreciate that.. but you are not looking at this in 4Dimensions.
First of all real management would have proper procedures to rollback mistakes and this would never have happened. The fact that this did happen will mean many many future loses as people and business move away from Optus because they "dont trust" it.
That cost over time will be many many zeroes.
Secondly the CEO doesnt cost Optus only $5M. There are many many other upper management staff along wit htheir support staff like assistants and other extra. Thats far more than $5M its probably at least $50. If you multiple $50M EVERY YEAR for 30 years thats 1.5B ….
for what ?
Does that sound smart to pay $1.5B for people that contribute less than the cleaner or canteen person ?
@CowFrogHorse: By other management staff - i mean how many other highly paid people are tehre that write the speeches ? Thaat department isnt free, theres a few million just for that.
The CEO gets 5M and yet she has ZERO skills
That's not true, she can rattle off pre-rehearsed buzzwords to a camera while sounding like she's about to burst into tears at any moment and passively-aggressively repeating how sorry Optus is.
Those words are not even hers, and they hardly help solve or fix anything.
If Optus had a 100x people with her skills on your pay they would be broke, which proves how little value she provides.
What a painful video. If the empty platitudes weren't bad enough, the handler behind her is flashing us all his Rolex to make sure we remember they still win haha
That is a very uninformed comparison of roles with no consideration given to actual responsibilities.
Care to define what responsibility in this context actually means ?
You have been brainwashed by American media which constantly paints corporate leadership as being super duper and wonderful and makes the sun shine.
The reality is when leadership makes a mistake, they are the least penalised. All the little people get the arse, while the leadership get millions.
If they actually paid for their mistakes financially then maybe you might have a point, if they paid out of their own pockets for all the staff that lose their jobs i might believe you… but the reality is they have the least respibility.
People who lose their jobs, are the ones who pay the penality.
Its not compensation, its not even shut up money.
its more like "here is something I don't need, and I don't think you need either. But it looks good on paper."
I'm on reseller network. I doubt I'll even get 1 gig of that "compensation"
Just heard on Ch9 news, reseller prepaid customers will be compensated with unlimited data on weekends. Need to read statements from Optus to really understand…
I got a text message from Optus, can confirm this is correct.
"Hi there, we're deeply sorry for yesterday's outage. To thank you for your patience, we're giving you unlimited data on the weekend for the rest of the year, so you can connect to more of what you love. Unlimited data will be applied automatically to your service starting from next weekend (18 Nov). Go to the Optus website for more details. Need help: message us in the App or call 133937"
Catch Connect customer here and they have offered 50 gigs as compensation. I struggle to use the 120 gig annual allowance I have due to poor mobile coverage. Pretty much useless compensation for me tbh.
@Faiz: I'm only on Optus so I can jump back on a 12 month JB Telstra gift card deal, that I think have gone the way of the dodo.
I’m not an Optus customer, currently Vodafone who so far have been okay - but coverage isn’t that great (I’m just waiting for them to drop the ball to be honest), but yeah I’d be pretty annoyed that they are offering 200GB, because it’s not something I’d use. I’d have thought at the very least they’d be comp’ing people for that day’s bill.
Right now people coming to the end of contracts, or month to month would surely be reconsidering their carrier, and anybody with time left would be looking at others when they do end their contracts. It’s the security breach, and this malarkey with a shitty comp offer that I think will make a lot of folks jump ship.
But consumers don't what problems other Telcos might have lurking - until something happens.
In general town-based folk can find ways around an internet service being down, but the lack of incoming phone calls can be a bigger issue.
True. I’m with Vodafone and I’m kind of worried something nasty is around the corner, considering how pretty abysmal their support is. Telstra would have been the go to I suspect but they don’t have much of a reputation anymore other than for their coverage, which inarguably is the best.
My wife is with one of the Vodafone resellers and we consciously choose to have different infrastructure providers, but her phone cuts more often when we go for long drives.
@valuer: So does mine, yeah. Definitely more so in the country, or country roads, but it’s also happened in metro. It’s rare in the metro area for sure, but if I was a Truckie or something I wouldn’t be able to rely on Vodafone. Other than the drop outs in the back country it’s usually fine. Vodafone NBN on the other hand is abysmal.
@BertieBrown: In the back country ? You from ‘merica ? We say Outback here or back of Bourke or off the beat’n track if way out west or Inland if a few hours drive from the coast.
Grizzly bears live in the back country.
Perhaps the boss should walk naked through the streets while people pelt her. Or at least pay her only what she is worth.
Ideally the government will impose standards on the Telcos to ensure service levels. That would include having to have suitably skilled personnel available on the ground.
i'm sure many bosses wouldnt feel this as punishment and enjoy the attention
The (profanity)? What time you from? 1700s?
Funny you mention the 1700s.. because here we have a 1700 situation.
We have a group of people with ZERO skills who want stupid amounts of gold for doing and contribute nothing and want to be treated like royalty and aristocracy. This is no different from the 1700s where aristocrats gave themselves all the gold and gave the people who actually did the work next to nothing. In both cases the only thing these leaders did was say a few words and expected to be treated by servants today we call them assistants.
When? Just a couple of years back. Game of Thrones. But it's amazing how little thinking there is from people these days. It's sad to see.
200gb compensation……….what is this the year 2000?
time for the CEO to gooooooooo, 2 huge fuk ups under her watch in a year….with piss poor response to both
agree, she must commit sudoku
they needed to meet their gender quota
I identify as CEO
CEOs love your idea, the more turn over the more cancelled contracts and pay outs, rinse and repeat as they travel on the round about.
If it wasn't against some law be fun to pelt eggs at her 15 million dollar mansion
Yea na ( got better things to do, plus eggs are crazy dear atm ;))
They aren't expensive if you steal them like all the kids do these days.
The extra data doesn't really mean anything for the small / medium businesses relying on Optus to make transactions on their EFTPOS machines.
From 7news:
Leichhardt business owner Abraham Golski says more data will not help small businesses like his — Abe’s Coffee Supply lost an entire day’s revenue during the outage.
“As a small business that is still growing, every single day counts,” he told Sunrise.
“I shut the place down because I didn’t want to scare off first-time customers … first impressions are key.
Golski said to lose another day’s revenue, after his renovations are over and the business has grown, could be “detrimental”.
“I get what Optus is trying to do but … we lost dollars, we didn’t lose data.
The only way you can compensate for lost business transactions is a monetary compensation, not data.
This raises the obvious question: how does a business quantify their "loss" from this outage.
If it is a retail business, they may be able to compare against historical sales info, but it wouldn't be completely accurate. If the business is selling consumables (e.g. coffees, or lunches, etc.), it may be ok, but if it is selling clothing or similar, most customers will likely return later.
In the case of Abe's Coffee Supply, it would be difficult to quantify their "lost dollars". They could potentially identify a loss of sales based on a comparable day of trading, but they should also adjust that for any potentially increased sales that occur from customers purchasing on following days (i.e. not all customers were likely lost). Mr. Golski stated he "…shut the place down…"; does that mean he stopped roasting that day? If so, his production costs were reduced, so that should be allowed for.
I don't think there is any easy answer.
Cash is still legal tender, unfortunately it’s the risk business takes for using electronic payments.
I don’t think MOST businesses have much to fight with on this one.
Easy.. average up their earning/income per day. This outage was pretty much full day… so that's the amount
Thats incorrect, because the mess caused significant extra effort.
Owner shut the place down - no compo for you.
Abe should give all loyal & regular customers an IOU (UOMe) They’re unlikely to skip town with 1 free coffee.
Small business are supposed to be flexible, not close down at a slight blip.
Gona victim blame here, but if your business is that reliant on a single point of failure they should have a 2nd unit with another provider in a cupboard. Only $30 a month which is nothing in the scheme of things.
While this sounds good in theory, no one can guard against all single points of failure. This time it's internet outage, so you are blaming them for not having a backup internet provider. Next time it might be power outage, water outage etc. which are all equally likely to happen. Should every business have a 2nd provider for every kind of service they rely on?
If possible, yes.
A second terminal is low cost and also protects you from your first terminal being damaged, so it covers multiple points of failure.
This is all part of risk management which is a fundamental part of business continuity. I assist businesses with this for a living.
Business owner here. Youre completely right. Cost me 14$ to buy a belong sim and insert it into optus modem. Given youve unlocked yours first. Im in a franchise so its fun to watch other clueless franchiser fumbling around while my day unaffected. And thats why you have a router AND a modem not relying on just the combo that telco gave you.
Square systems have an “offline mode” that store card transactions for up to 24 hours until you can connect to the internet
Many businesses, especially in hospitality, use these systems and I’ve heard nobody mention this?!
Do Square have a phone for support when something goes wrong ?
As long as it isn’t your network that’s gone wrong, yes - 1800 760 137
@linkindan: I wonder are they actually trading with a local australian company if something goes wrong ?
Say what you want about Australian banks but they do honour Australian law enough of the time, unlike overseas companies who avoid warranty claims because they can just ignore your emails etc.
TBH, what would be an acceptable compensation that Optus could give to, say, a mobile phone customer that wouldn't involve an in-depth assessment of individual call and data usage?
I'm not with Optus, but for me the actual 'impact' would have been one of annoyance, but that would have been the extent of it. And compensating me with additional data would have no positive impact on me.
Certainly some were impacted more than others, but how does Optus determine that?
On the upside, I know someone who couldn't work remotely that day. They still get paid for doing nothing at their work. But, they apparently had a lovely relaxed day, did a couple of little jobs around the house they hadn't managed to get to, read a book, etc.
Imo, they should take the huge financial hit of giving everyone a free month (those on plans - excluding phone repayments).
The reason behind my opinion is at least it would show some form of recognition to the fact of how bad this incident was. Thus the financial hit could show a legitimate sign of regret and that they took it seriously.
Im not with optus, but id be annoyed at 200gb offered. That would make me feel like they don’t care as a telco and it will happen again.
Too late? Don't know about that. I think it is piss poor compensation.