A lot of people talking about the AddictedToAudio Focal Headphones clearance, but overlooking the speaker sales. Some really good deals here too.
ASR Review and Measurements: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/f…
A lot of people talking about the AddictedToAudio Focal Headphones clearance, but overlooking the speaker sales. Some really good deals here too.
ASR Review and Measurements: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/f…
They are overrated anyways.
Not the Utopia
overrated compared too.?
I have listened to a lot of "sound quality" competition cars, quite a few with the Utopia's, and they do sound good, but there is plenty more out there for less money I would take.
Sure some of it is setup and tuning but for $2600 for a 2 way set, I would take many other speakers over them. for 1k less you could get Scan Speak R3004 and 16W, run them active off separate amp channels.
@BlasterBoy: im not talking about competition cars and never heard of them..quick google
also when you say you listened to alot, you mean you have sat in the car and listened to it or from the outside..
id hate to be inside…id be deaf. lol
@Retarded Lunatic: @Mario g Inside, these are not at full volume, all at critical listening levels. And in a judging role for competitions.
I Don't know if there is any happening anymore, but there was groups such as IASCA and CAASQ who run comps.
SPL was a different beast, those cars you don't want to be inside!
Anyway, speakers are very subjective and personal, what might sound good to me might not sound good to someone else.
Agree with you - tend to be a bit too sharp for my likings
Purchased the 826 for $1800 just a while ago from them, very pleased with the sound.
Same. They are awesome speakers
How is 826 focal compared to Dynaudio Audience 72 SE? i haven't been in speaker market for a long time.
Me too! The 826 is crazy good.
Used but if you really want a bargain on speakers look on gumtree. Heaps available for dirt cheap. Saw someone selling boston floor speakers, sub and centre speaker for only $200…
gumtree would be the last place to look for speakers… you dont know the history of the speaker..
If you can test them before buying, you can determine pretty quickly if something is wrong with them.
I bought two 15inch Velodyne subs from a guy on gumtree on the central coast at NSW. Lovely older dude that was retired, loved his home theatre audio and was upgrading to something more ridiculous so he was getting rid of them. Was only going to buy one but bought both for $250. Crazy price, amazing sound.
i wish they had the focal car speakers on special!!!