When daily deals coupons go bad

Coupon sites are great, aren’t they? Some tempting offers mixed in with dubiously exaggerated deals, they are the ultimate impulse buy one-stop shop. I’ve bought various offers over the years, everything from cupcakes (but not from Cudo) to rounds of golf. Maybe I’ve just been very lucky, but I haven’t encountered any problems when redeeming a coupon. Until now. And not just a problem. This is the first time I’ve encountered outright deceit.

Read more here —> http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2012/10/when-daily-deals-coupon…

The article is very well written and highlighted my love and hate with coupon sites!
Especially when restaurant deals have different menus for the coupon users, or different website links for normal consumers. This make us feel like second class citizens!

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  • +3

    While the title and first paragraph briefly complain about group buy/voucher sites, the focus of the article is on Vistaprint's differential pricing structure.

    The company is notorious for sending out coupons which sometimes end up with the coupon price being more expensive than buying it regularly. Or hidden costs in their terms & conditions. Free business cards and then getting slugged for a big postage fee.

    This is why Vistaprint is banned here.

    Funnily enough, the ad at the bottom of the above page (and this current page) has an ad running that says "Congratulations, you have been selected to receive 250 free business cards plus a free holder".

    • "Funnily enough, the ad at the bottom of the above page (and this current page) has an ad running that says "Congratulations, you have been selected to receive 250 free business cards plus a free holder". "

      What ad??? I never see ads on websites anymore since using FireFox ;o) If I want to see ads, I use IE :oP

      But to go back to the OP, I have bought things via VistaPrint before without an issue. Yes the "free" items usually have 'vistaprint' written on the back, or they have higher postage costs. Misleading, yes it is, but all in all still cheaper than buying at a lot of other online stores for a regular price and postage.

  • I honestly haven't had a problem with the vista print vouchers. The last one I got was one of the $15 for $75 worth of stuf and 50% off postage (from Scoopon I think).

    In fact what I did was I typed in what I wanted into Google (custom stamps in my case) and got presented with their adwords offering a discount. Click on that and get the discount off their normal inflated price and would buy off that. I basically completely ignored their instructions to go to a specific URL.

    I've done this three or four times this year and just entered in the coupon no problems.

    If they really have changed it where the coupon now means you automatically get charged the higher prices then that's just crap.

    That being said I have seen insconsistencies before with them. You'd go in one day to add things to your cart and if you came back later the figures or discounts would randomly change.

    Vistaprint can be a real bargain but you really need to be very aware of what you're doing at all times on the site as they aren't the highest of ethical businesses around.

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