I have read up on past posts, but cant find my answer. Son has an Xbox Series X, connected to a 24" monitor fullhd monitor, but no bells and whistle, stock standard monitor. He tells me he needs a 144Hz monitor?? Does he for his gaming? What is more important, the response times (ie 1ms), the refresh rate (144 or greater), the panel or ?? On a budget (under $300), he says 24" but personally im thinking 27". Monitor will opnly be used for xbox nothing else as we have other monitors for general duties etc.
Hoping to get somethign decent with sales coming up now. Any suggestions and what to look for? If I had my way just hook it up to the TV and play there!
What Is Important When Buying a Monitor for a Xbox Series X

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Monitors generally have higher refresh rates over TVs - refresh rate being the 144Hz you mentioned. TVs will allow for bigger picture (generally) for cheaper.
24 is also quite small, but also depends on the space/area he plays in, but I agree with you in that 27 would be (my) minimum.
Perhaps take him to the computer shop to see the monitors on display (?) - you'll/he'll get a lot of perspective of the items which sound good on paper, but possibly make no difference to general gaming.
Professional gamers will prefer 24 as they have minimum loss of screen information in the peripheral vision. I.e. everything you need will be close to what you see in front of you.
It is a personal choice.
144hz minimum
1ms response time
4k (or 2k monitor at a minimum)
Ps. This isn’t a “need” it’s a want.
For me 1ms response time doesnt matter if its only a 60hz screen. For gaming high refresh rates are important and the Series X should be able to run 120fps (ie 120hz) on most games at lower res
I would be looking for 27" 1440p res, 120hz+, 1ms response, Freesync/VRR. Then less important would be colour space and max brightness (at that budget)
There's a couple of monitors under $300 for a quick google search:
AOC CQ27G2 G-Line 2nd Gen 27inch 2k 144Hz
Best to check if they support 1440p 144hz and VRR over HDMI first though
Thanks for the replies all. Im thinking a curved monitor, but young fella doesnt think so. Im new to curved, what the benefits, or is it simply a personal taste ?
Don't do it.
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