This was posted 1 year 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Kitchen Couture 30 Litre Air Fryer Oven $45 Delivered @ Coles BestBuys


Have been hunting for a BIG air fryer after our oven died and almost bit the bullet on the Healthy Choice $99 24L one when a search for 30L ones found this bad boy. Cheapest elsewhere is $168 at MyDeal but most selling for $200+

Reviews seem good especially for the price. Biggest complaints seem to be that the bottom tray stains easily (so will investigate putting something over it) and that the manual is pretty ordinary.

At at time of posting there were 199 available so get in quick.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice price, got one

  • Thanks OP!

  • +2

    surely that's a pricing error

  • Man almost sure it's a pricing error hope they still deliver it. I reckon it's the save price not the actual price.

  • Ordered thanks op .

  • Thanks OP.

    Pyrolytic Whirlpool Oven spontaneously imploded a month ago and have been battling their service company Arisit for parts or repair ever since. This should help ensure that I don’t starve in the meantime. Cheers…

  • +3

    I don’t need or want it.
    Got one.
    Thanks OP

  • -1

    Thanks OP. Got 4 for price of one 😂

    • A Broden BBQ! This won’t go down well…

      • +2

        Xmas presents pal. Why so salty?

        • +5

          I’m not. No neg here, but we’ve all seen it so many times before…

          I even tossed you an upvote to turn that frown upside down!

  • +2

    Damn ozb. Have an unopened philips xxl air fryer and got this one too .

    Gonna put this one outside next to the weber

    • plug your solar into it… :P

  • What happens if it says doesn’t deliver to your postcode so you put a different one in at the first check then put normal address at the purchase page?

    • +4

      You report back in a week and let us all know…

    • +2

      It will bounce around. It will first go to the correct post code sorting centre and eventually someone will manually pick it up as incorrect address. If they can figure out what the correct one is, maybe it will get rerouted to you.

      But a better luck would be if you have mypost app and it shows up there with an option to redirect

      • +2

        Delivery address is correct including postcode. Just needed to enter a different postcode on the page before that one.

        • Ah you mean just on the product page. Well in that case if they don't deliver to your code they will just cancel it, there's a reason why they had it there.
          You could get lucky

  • Why not. I'll just donate if I do get it. 114 left.

  • Thanks!

  • Thanks OP, grabbed 2, one for me and one for a friend. My current one in the same format from an ALDI special buys is getting on now…

  • I love being able to see the stock counter fly down, already at 112!

    • Sold in 4 minutes, wow

  • +1

    $229.95 down from $519.00 at Myer, price glitch for sure

  • Bagged myself one, nice find!

  • Got one. Hope they honour this.

  • +1

    Buy now, think later.

  • +3
  • Ordered one waiting for refund

    • +2

      And a free gift card be nice lol

  • Sold out

  • OOS

  • ahh just missed it

  • +1

    No idea why I ordered 2 , but xmas on the way and will also make a great gift

  • Sold out…

  • +1

    Checked the comments - stock 120
    Jumped in to buy one - stock 65
    Proceeded to check out - sold out


  • Missed out when paying :( damn glitchy PayPal :(

  • OOS just missed it!

  • Says sold out. Darn.

  • Wow, glad I didn't look at reviews. It went from 101 available when I put it into the cart to sold out by the time I had completed checkout. But I seem to have just made it.

    Got an order confirmation and a confirmation that PayPal payment went through.

    A case of buy now, think later…

  • Out of stock. Damn you guys are fast.

    • was posted 20 mins ago so not really

      • +2

        Sales barely moved for the first 20 minutes.

        Came home like a Melbourne Cup winner though…

        • Lol I could feel the hesitation on this one. I pulled the trigger after 10 minutes of consideration, and looks like everyone else shortly followed after my comment 😂

    • 1510 clicks in under 30mins.

  • Got one. Hope they honour it so I can get rid of our bellini air fryer that only works if its got something propped up to hold the door closed.

  • thanks, done, sold out.

  • Sold out :( Would have loved one but ahhh well. Gotta be quick!

    • +1

      It's back, be quicker this time 😉😂

      • +2

        Cheers! I managed to get one on refresh. Hopefully they're good.
        Enjoy your chicken tendies everyone!!

        • Hopefully it's honoured before I think about my chicken tendies 😂

  • ahhh sold out whilst I was on the last step of checkout..

  • seems to be back in stock right?

  • +1

    Looks like it is back, showing 200 available. Give it a try!

  • Still shows stock of 200 … also needs Paypal to confirm before paying

    Edit: The page is now down totally

  • I'm starting to think something is fishy. How can they suddenly have extra 200 they didnt have before?

  • +4

    Looks like another truck just got delivered and another 200 available 😂

  • Just bought one thank you

  • +1

    more in stock

  • Still able to order

  • -4

    I don’t think it sold out, I think they pulled it. I guarantee everyone will get refunds over the next few days

    • You may well be right, but I don’t think you understand what ‘’guarantee’’ means…

      • All items received. Great deal OP!

        Where do we line up for our guaranteed refunds?

  • $45 taken out of my paypal account even though I got the out of stock message…hmmm

  • Can confirm another pallet has been unloaded off the truck as we speak

    • Page is gone

  • +1

    Almost bought 2, reduced to 1 for someone else.

  • Annnd it's gone

  • Obi-wanned the page

  • Haha I got order confirmation but we shall see!

  • +14

    Damn, had forgotten the 13th rule of OzBargain - don't post a deal until you've got confirmation your order is out for delivery!

    If it doesn't get honoured it's still been worth it just for the love shown by you all - thanks!

    • Wait, you got self pwned bro?? Bahaha 😹

    • Reckon you’ll still get your last ten votes for a 100+ upvoter on the back of the goodwill wave.

      Whether it comes through or not - thanks again!

    • +4

      I've had deals of mine where I regretted posting on here fearing that there would be a mass cancellation due to its popularity. However, the OzB karma gods looked out for me and all orders got fulfilled. Hoping the same here for your good deed!!

  • Went back to click cashrewards and gone 😥

  • Back in stock. Order confirmed as of 10:15

  • I had it in my cart the first time, but hesitated and then sold out. More stock became available and I got one.

    I just saw 37 a minute ago and now the page is not available.

  • Page is gone

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got one. And thanks to @nicholasv for the heads up.

  • +3

    I wonder if they stuffed up the products and it was meant to be this one?…

    Edit: looks like the link it back for the OP's listing and it's $198 now.…

    • Damn, if that's the case, I wish I bought two.

  • Back to $198, refunds for all I would say

    • If it gets delivered that’s a heavily discounted xmas present

    • I doubt it. coles are a big company. they can afford to honour the price, and cheaper than angry mob backlash

      • and deny me a chance to hatepost back the circular one if they try and ship that, wash your mouth out :)

        • +2

          If they send the circular one then I'm sending it back with a surprise inside the airfryer 😂

          • +1

            @nicholasv: “Silly customer!

            You cannot fry a turdy!”

            //Apu off//

      • I've seen bigger companies not honour price errors. Assuming 600 of these units were sold, and even at $100 loss per unit, it is still $60,000. The angry mob is better than losing $60k

      • Bold of you to assume any of the big two will honour any deals, they're so stingy and care too much about KPI's to let this price error eat into their margins. Especially if it's coming out of store budget no way they'll let it slide….

  • +1

    Now it’s back up at $198

  • +17

    “Boss, we’re getting a heap of referrals for the $45 air fryer from Ozbargain and we’ve only got 100 left.”

    “$45? It’s supposed be two hundred!”

    “200 more? You got it boss…”


  • +1

    Who even didn’t bother opening the box from this deal

    • -1

      It was a good oven, I use it every now and then.

      • yup, ranked 1 on best ozbargain of the year for me.

    • why would you buy it if you wont ever use it. Insane consumption.

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