This was posted 1 year 4 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[NSW, VIC, TAS, QLD] Free Voucher for 4 Cans of Kirin Hyoketsu from Liquorland @ Kirin Hyoketsu


Giveaway for Kirin Hyoketsu 4 packs from liquorland. Limited to 20,000. Haven't received the confirmation yet but it does say up to 2 days.

Must be trying to compete with Suntory 196 dominance here.

EDITS: Have now received the confirmation, took about 12 mins to come through.

Also, I haven't redeemed yet but users are commenting that getting the attendant to type in the barcode instead of scanning is fixing redemption issues.

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closed Comments

      • +1

        How about instore?

        • I didnt even get that far. Cant enter now unless I use a different number

    • +1

      just got home with my 4 pack. just get them to type the code manually rather than scanning the barcode as others have suggested

  • +1

    Promo end date which I think should apply to the voucher too is 24th Nov 2023.

    • +2

      NSW,QLD,TAS &VIC18+ only. Ends 24/11/23 11:59pm AEDT, while gift stocks last. Limit 1 claim per person. Gift must be claimed by 01/12/23. T&Cs apply.

  • These will go great with the free Dan's donuts 🍩

    • +2

      Name checks out

  • Hmm weird registered one got 2 emails at the same time, one didn't work when clicking redeem

  • I didn't even get the text containing the 6 digit PIN. But from some of these comments sounds like it's not worth the hassle.

  • +4

    redeemed successfully, just had to ask the lady to type in the barcode number instead of scanning it. the scan didn't work. came up as $0.00 for her. easy.

  • Nice deal. What's the flavour like?

  • Claimed. Barcode didn’t work but manually entering the code did.

  • +2

    Just tried to redeem and had no luck with the scanning the barcode. But as advised above, typing in the code worked a treat. I assume that they've stuffed up the barcode issuement, and will work if you get them to type the code in! Manager at the store said he had the issue previously but is glad to know how to actually redeem the promo now

  • I picked up two and yes bar code has to be typed in.

    Lady was very cool with it.

    Both emails had same barcode. May be it is generic code for every one

  • +2

    Was about to come complain that it wasn't working, read about typing the code, 100% works that way.

    • +2

      Typing the code works

        • +2

          Relax bruh, saying to the cashier “could you please try typing the code instead of scanning?” isn’t the end of the world. And doesn’t mean it’s a scam.

            • +1

              @yuisakas: Then how have a bunch of people here already redeemed it?

            • @yuisakas: lol you saying liquorland confirmed it’s a scam….. and what about the people who have successfully claimed. Are those liquorlands in on the scam?

              • -1

                @Slo20: If its a scam company must have groupp of people,I trust a physical shop or 1 people have accounts?Also the barcode doesn't work at any stores

                • @yuisakas: Yes it appears the physical barcode appears to be an issue but as reported by many, getting the teller to manually type in the number under the barcode works.

                  • -4

                    @Slo20: It is only have 5 mins and no one knows how to/want to type the code,but the company have my number and emails,thats called a scam.I dont know how many people will find out in 5 mins but thats typical scam company do

                    • +3

                      @yuisakas: If you get this worked up over something so trivial I'm not sure you should be drinking alcohol anyway…

    • +3

      Jeez calm down man. If you looked at the comments just above you it clearly showed how to redeem it effectively. I understand that it's flawed that the promo doesn't work as it should, but asking the cashier to just enter the code manually isn't the end of the world.

      Anyway, while you're there crying, I will be enjoying my free 4 pack because I know how to read others comments.

      • -7

        No one will look comments,$26 and have put the phone number and email in and read commments.Im not mad just think why Im stupid enough like another ozbargainers trying free stuff

        • +1

          I guarantee 80%+ of people would look at the comments, and it is also mentioned in the description of the deal. And I think you are mad considering you were swearing and calling it a scam 😂😂

          • -1

            @nicholasv: No,because I didn't pay so I can't do anything about it,because its free,I never tried free stuff guess wont try again, Ill made they pay for my lose if I paid first,I value my time but waste too much here

          • -3

            @nicholasv: It is scam if people not stupid know what is scam look like,just like this one,I still have plenty phone number eg my parents but not going to use it even they give me money

            • @yuisakas: OK bro. You seem very worked up about this lol

              • -6

                @nicholasv: Yes,learned dont follow stupid people,isnt going well.I dont even understand why I try this at first place maybe because of 300+upvotes

                • @yuisakas: No, the children are wrong!

                  • @Skinnerr: Haha,true,free stuff is always good for beggar if dont count phone number and email,time and energy,indeed I didn't lose anything but just feel why Im so stupid to try this at first place after all

                    • +3

                      @yuisakas: Can you stop commening please. I've run out of my daily negs.

                      • @Morphisis: If you dont reply how can I commening?My time is much more value to most people here,we can do a tax compare if anyone wish.

                        • @yuisakas: Yes let’s. you post first. I guarantee you’ll lose. If I’m wrong, I’ll even shout you a case of whatever beer or premix you like.

                          • -2

                            @Cyphar: You have to post first,challenger show the strength,I dont take challenge less than 500K,you can Pm me,Ill public mine and yours here

                            • @yuisakas: lol

                              “I make more than you! No, I won’t prove it. You go first!”

                              All good my man, you not willing to put your money where your mouth is more than says it all :)

  • +7

    Just went to the store and as soon as the store person saw me holding it and mention promo he wouldn’t even let me try it. I mentioned he just have to type it in manually and flat out refused.

    • +10

      1 star google maps review i say

    • That's the real risk. You won't be able to visit another store in less than 5 minutes.

      Maybe ask the attendant to type flybuys to pre-test.

      • +4

        He flat out refused to serve me I was going to buy the Suntory too to compare them. Luckily I didn’t redeem yet as I didn’t want to risk that. I have since reached out to the giveaway site and Liquorland social media about this.

    • +5

      Very poor from the worker. I would suggest contacting LL head office as well as the promo providers and explaining what happened. Promo provider should be able to reissue you with another barcode

      • +2

        Yep I just did but lucky have not redeemed.

        • +2

          Oh even better that you didn't hit redeem. Sorry that you had a shit experience, worker will have egg on their face when the feedback is passed down. Really surprised that they wouldn't even try typing it in. Hope you caught their name!

    • same has happened to me

  • +2

    Can you all stop shopping at my Liquorland pls thx? lol

    This is the second time I've had a ozb deal run out of stock just before I got there. Coupon say it runs till the 24th so I'll pop down again Monday.

  • +5

    get them to type the code, barcode doesn't work. Also the 2 stores I went to said they had people just recently go in 🤣🤣 fellow ozbargainers

  • Pretty average tasting though

  • +1

    Got one early this morn.
    Scan didn't work but bloke behind the counter said his manager had mentioned it and just did a price override.

  • Anyone can share the digits on the barcode? Silly me clicked on redeem before arriving at the counter to pay

  • +3

    "Got error response from the server: Not enough balance"

    on site when trying to register hmmm

  • +3

    Anyone else get this error?
    Got error response from the server: Not enough balance

    • +7

      Seems like they went out of balance to send OTP text messages.

      • rip

      • Need mummy to recharge their credit

  • Guess they’ve run out, keep getting an error when trying to sign up for the voucher - “Got error response from the server: Not enough balance”

  • +1

    looks like I just got in in time to get one of the last email codes. Hope it works when I go in to get some, or that they have stock lol. At least I know to tell them to type the barcode in manually, thanks to all the input from others and what did and didn't work

  • Redeemed well but needed to say it out loud the code.

  • It says insufficient balance now

  • Got the link but struggling to find stock in the southern suburbs of Brisbane for click and collect

  • +2

    Got error response from the server: Not enough balance

    • Yeah, that's what I got

      • "Got error response from the server: Not enough balance"

        Me too.

  • Won't accept my mobile no for some reason 😔

  • Just picked mine up at my local. Cheers!

  • -1

    Is it a generic barcode? - anybody snap a screen shot before it 'expired' in the 5 mins - and care to share a screenshot - after redeeming - or maybe just indicate the last 5 numbers so others can confirm?

  • +2

    Just went to the local liquorland to redeem. Last 4 pack in the Fridge. Showed staff the barcode, she immediately said barcode not working have to type in the number underneath. 5 seconds later, free drinks. Easy.

  • +3

    "Got error response from the server: Not enough balance"

    Seems to be expired/exhausted

  • Yep just went to my local and worker typed code from barcode , 2 mins later I was on way home.

    Suntory one tastes better , but this was free hehe

  • Works as long as staff puts it through manually. Worker at my store was an absolute legend and let me put two through for the same code

    • -1

      Same. It was same code for both emails and the lady was super nice and had no problem redeeming both.

  • OOS Glebe Hill & Eastlands in Tas.

  • +1

    Has anyone tried using voucher by placing an order online?

    • Yes a very quick test but it didn't work. But I used the code from someone's screenshot as they seem to all be the same? Unless I misunderstood lol I might try again tomorrow after I've (hopefully) successfully redeemed mine in store. I'll report back.

  • Thank you OP we grabbed 2!

  • None left at Rhodes NSW. Might be that the staff put it at the back. None in the coolroom either.

  • -8

    Doesn't work says balance not enoughr after taking my phone number

    20,000 in stock only less 1000 clicks can't be right

    • +2

      Lol, take another look m8. Got the party started a bit early heh.

    • well tbf there are 11241 clicks, and if some people used multiple numbers…

  • "Got error response from the server: Not enough balance"
    Not sure if that means 20,000 finished, or they ran out of credit to send SMS?

  • Picked up at two different liquorlands. First one worked no problems while at the second the staff member had to type in the voucher code. this staff member was astounded that it came up free lol

  • +1

    Getting this error response - Got error response from the server: Not enough balance

  • Doubt they distributed 20,000 that quick. Probably some other issue and they will sort it out on Monday.

  • +2

    All three stores in Brisbane CBD are out of stock. You guys must have hit them hard. Either that or there was very limited stock to begin with, although one of the staff said I was the about the 100th person to come in asking about these?

    Apparently they get deliveries Mondays and Thursdays, so hopefully more on the way.

    • +1

      That's extortion!

      • -2

        $5 GC

  • When you redeem and it doesn’t scan…which it did for me. Tel them to type the barcode number in. The scan added another number.
    Just redeemed!

  • -3

    Happy to take someone’s if they dont want to use it haha

  • +2

    Took a screenshot, just redeemed a pack

    i think its only valid for 5 minutes? i wonder if everyone times it right can share a code lol

    • It’s generic! Same for me

      • loooool wat, someone try the code and confirm can re-use

  • +1

    Boo hiss! Lasts until 24th November? Yeah right kirin!

  • If anyone has a spare code could you pm me please

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