It's Pikmin 4 for Switch
New all time low according to Deku Deals.
Try the demo if you're on the fence.
Edit: Appear to be price matching Big W Thanks bluepop
Take care and enjoy.
New all time low according to Deku Deals.
Try the demo if you're on the fence.
Edit: Appear to be price matching Big W Thanks bluepop
Take care and enjoy.
I was 40hrs to 100%
Disagree, mario odyssey was even shorter and even then was well worth the money at launch. I guess whether Pikmin 4 is worth the 59$ to you will be based on how much you value 59$, but I picked this up at launch full price and was more than happy with that decision.
tldr: great deal IMO, and great game
Mario has a lot of replay value for kids.
I played 30+ hours and still have a few Dandori challenges to go.
How long do you want a $59 game to be?
Factorio would like its hundreds of hours back… even at its new price.
30+ is quite good. Do need to finish the prior pikmin so can wait it out a little longer.
17 hours for main story according to How Long To Beat.
Not only is that over twice as long as I expected it to be based on your comment, these first party switch titles sit a good ~$40 cheaper than AAA playstation and xbox games (eg. Spider-man 2 is ~16 hrs and ~$100) if you do want to get nitpicky with price to hours ratio (which you shouldn't because it's a terrible metric). Not sure what you're on about with Pikmin 4 specifically. It's also considerably longer than the first 3 entries which are around ~10 hours-ish each.
As much as I agree that Pikmin 4 is a fine game for this price Spiderman 2 is an awful comparison. Completely different games with completely different levels of ‘completion’ and Spider-Man 2’s level of satisfying completion would depend wildly on what the person wanted to get out of it.
Hoping for under $50 on Black Friday but that might be wishful thinking
In my top five Switch games. Absolutely worth it!
same price at Big W as well
Thanks I've added it to the post.
I really enjoyed this; more than Super Mario Bros Wonder.
Holding out until black friday!
Great game. Too short? pfft
Great game, had a lot of fun with it. there is a few layers to it which increase the replayability.
Awesome, been waiting for a deal on this for my daughter. Thanks OP!
Gonna price match it in JB, thanks OP!
Awesome game, haven't finished yet but I'm taking ot quite slow so it's not going to be a short game by any means for me. Having fun just exploring, finding dungeons etc.
I loved the first Pikmin game but found diminishing returns for the sequels
Love this game