iPhone not alerting with Texts when screen is off

Hey everyone
I have a iPhone with an Apple Watch. Just recently when someone sends me a text only my watch will alert me with a bing but my iPhone won’t unless I’m using it at the time. If it’s on with the screen off I get no notifications and when I awake the screen I can see the text there on my locked screen but I never get a alert sound or the screen doesn’t wake up to alert me that way either.

I’ve tried googling this and I’ve checked the settings from focus to silent modes but still can’t seem to fix this.

It use to alert me on both watch and phone but now only watch

Anyone able to help?


  • I'm a new iphone and apple watch user and i can't figure out wtf is happening with my notifications either

  • -1

    If you are wearing your watch, it wouldn't appear to be a problem?

    • Really not the point play when I’m not wearing my watch say at night I don’t get notifications on the phone

      • Is your phone on silent? When your watch is off your phone will make a noise when you get a message, unless your ringer is turned all the way down or the silent switch is switched. And no matter what the notification should appear on your Home Screen unless you've cleared it by looking at it on your Watch. I'm sure you can configure all these, like if you don't want certain app notifications on your phone screen at all or on your Watch or whatever.

        • So turning the watch off when not wearing it would resolve the problem?

        • I’ve gone through all these settings and I can’t seem to fix my issue

          • +1

            @Twisty: Maybe click you fingers together….I saw that on a recent Apple ad.

  • +1

    Same, and I'm using an XS Max.

  • Which iPhone is it, mate?

    I have an iPhone 12 mini and a Apple Watch Ultra. I get notifications on both.

    Has your iPhone got a silent rocker on the side? Is that enabled/disabled, any difference?

    Also, have you check if you have Do Not Disturb mode on? Is the silent mode enabled on your watch?

    • It was happening on my iPhone 14 Pro Max and I just upgraded to the iPhone 15 Pro Max and it’s still happening on this one too

      DND is turned off and silent mode is not on watch

      The iPhone 15 doesn’t have the silent rocker on the side but it’s not on when I go check

      • When did you get your iPhone 15? It comes with a week of free Apple Care+, you should be able to call Apple, speak to an American or other native English speaker, and they can help you with this for free.

  • +2


  • +2

    "Notifications appear on your Apple Watch or iPhone, but not both."


    Published Date: September 26, 2023

    Seems to be a "feature" not a "bug"

    • +1

      Thanks I’ll have a read soon

    • Notifications appear on my home screen and watch. Though I'm pretty sure if I look at the notification on either it disappears on the other.

      • Yer as I said I only get alerted on my watch and my screen on my iPhone stays off. When I wake it up the notification is there then

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