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$32 - FIFA 13 CD Key from GameKeysBuy

Last edited 09/10/2012 - 01:30 by 1 other user
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Indeed. :)
mark, are you a rep?
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The price on is $33 now, use code GAMEKEYSBUYFIFA13
to get it $32.00
hows does this work? do you download a file and burn it on a CD? I'm keen on a PS3 version, how do I do it?
It's a CD/Game Key which you use to activate on EA's "Origin" Game Store/Manager/Application/thingy-mabob. This means that no, it's not a file which can be burnt to be played, but is more in the lines of a Serial which activates on your account to allow for the digital download of the game, in this case FIFA 13.
It's for PC only.
If you still wish to buy one, and are unaware of how "cdkey" stores operate, I'd recommend looking into it more before buying. Cdkey stores are unauthorized resellers, different to digital download stores like GreenManGaming, Steam, GetGames, GamersGate etc. The advantage though is sometimes (but not always) cdkey stores are cheaper. There can be disadvantages with cdkey stores though, due to regional restrictions, so it's best that you know fully what you are buying, in my opinion. I have no idea if Fifa has restrictions, but the store seems to suggest it doesn't (or at least doesn't mention any).
When you pay by paypal you have insurance. If product different than advertised you can claim you money back. i.e region free
but will paypal cover your loss if the key was revoked after one month?
Yeah I'm sure you probably can claim your money back, but if a game is advertised as the region being Russian (requiring a Russian IP to activate and/or play), and so the product IS as advertised, someone who is new to cdkey stores, like JimmyBargain, may not automatically understand what that means.
It's not just about the money either.
Sure some of us know how restricted games work, but I've seen people who were new to cdkey stores get caught out by it (and even those not new, but buying games on day of release) - especially the guys who bought the Russian Skyrim on release, and basically fucked up their Steam library forever (or are required to pay for a Russian VPN for as long as the want to play Skyrim). You can't get a refund for that.
Sure Fifa may not require it, but those new to cdkey stores may buy Fifa, find it works, and buy other cdkey store games, until they finally get burned by a restricted game and learn the hard way, as some did with Skyrim.
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