4 pack of Kogan SmarterHome WiFi RGBW (warm and cool white) 10W globes, both E27 (screw) and B22 available at the same price. These can be used with the kogan smarterhome app or any other Tuya app if you have other tuya globes. Like every tuya globe available at the moment there is no OTA flashing available for them as far as I know, but for anyone using Home Assistant I recommend using LocalTuya which will give local control even if you block the globes from the internet after initial setup.
Regular price is apparently $49.99 but also cheap compared to this deal with ConnectSmart RGBW 4pack globes for $32 pickup or + shipping, for a comparable globe. Rated slightly lower brightness (806 vs 900 lumens) compared to the ConnectSmart but given they're both 10W this is likely a difference in how they measure them or similar.
Bro you got suggestions how the heck we integrate local tuya ??
I cannot get my head around local tuya integration on the final steps, of configuration (after getting the Client ID and token from the cloud account after linking app).
aka from the github page from this "For each entity, the associated DP has to be selected. All the options requiring to select a DP will provide a drop-down menu showing all the available DPs found on the device (with their current status!!) for easy identification." - that step is a pain in a$$
For others like me, I suggest you just get a zigbee bulb. They are so much easier to integrate than these tuya stuff.