Next week’s freebie from Epic games. As usual, available from 2am AEDT.
Mod: Also available: [PC, Epic] Free - F.i.s.t.: Forged in Shadow Torch @ Epic Games Cancelled
Next week’s freebie from Epic games. As usual, available from 2am AEDT.
Mod: Also available: [PC, Epic] Free - F.i.s.t.: Forged in Shadow Torch @ Epic Games Cancelled
No, but tax minimalisation is a riot
Maybe tax minmisation, not minimalisation.
Maybe tax minimisation, not minmisation.
As long as you never get caught, yes?
Ask Donald J. Turnip
or every rich person
Not all rich people tax evade.
Many work hard and pay their taxes like a boss.
But also depends on how you define rich.
@leesangyee: The richer you get, more you pay in net tax, and in percentage, but after a threshold (all over the world), you still pay more net tax but then less & less as a percentage of total income.
Depends how much you like prison.
No even the Joker is scared of the taxman!
It's quite rewarding…if you don't get caught.
Eternal Threads / Evil Within this week.
Tandem: A Tale of Shadows / Evil Within 2 next week (tomorrow)
Nice, this recently disappeared off gamepass and I never got a chance to play it.
damn i played it once on gamepass and it was hilarious and i always told myself i'd pick it up again but never did
wait why did i say damn, i can get it for free now lol
Completed it on game pass. Nice, short game.
Brilliant game that I bought and would play again on EPIC.
So this is educational?
You should be able to claim it as Self-education expenses.…
Tried that but it wouldn't let me claim a $0.00 expense.
Then you need a more creative accountant 😝
You're not thinking hard enough. Did you use time, power, a computer, a monitor, and keyboard, a mouse, a light, a deal, a chair in order to get this?
Unfortunate that they couldn't call it "Oompa loompa commits tax evasion". Although it would need a slightly different story line.
Oompa Loompa Experiences Indentured Servitude
If only
Sponsored by Scyne
Definitely not worth full price, but is good either as a free game or as part of a subscription.
I'm sorry, the latent rage in your voice is seeping through; would you like to try again?
The induction game for PwC
don't miss out on this freebie! turnip boy is a very fun cute little adventure game with some cheeky humour definitely recommend
Don't sleep on this game. It's a short fun game with a couple laughs.
+1 for the name.
Is this a message to me from the ATO?
Thought i read " Trump Boy Commits Tax Evasion"
Can you send it as a gift to your accountant?
what a timing timing -not lodging by 31stoct is one of them 🤣
is doing this in real life fun as well?