This was posted 1 year 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

4K Lord of The Rings Trilogy (Ext & Theatrical Ed) $67.98, Hobbit Trilogy (Ext & Theatrical Ed) $59.98 + Del ($0 C&C) @ JB Hi-Fi


Really good deals for a local store, almost got them both last week for over $30 more while on sale at the same store.

These are the best ways to experience the movies and extras compared to the ultimate box which is missing content.

signed up to a new club account and got the $10 voucher to cover 2 hour delivery.\

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Isn’t this a lot cheaper I.e in the $40 range when Amazon have their sales?!? Not much of a bargain honestly.

    • -1

      Cheapest the internet shows is $40 USD on prime day

      This is a pretty good price

      • +3

        No mate it’s been $47.50 AUD not long ago. This isn’t a great deal at all.

        • Damn went from 47 to OOS at Amazon. Wonder why they haven't bothered to restock it locally.

          83$ average tho

          • @altiarlio: I’m sure the proper restock will happen soon.

            • +1

              @TheGman101: More than 2 thirds of my 4k wishlist went out of stock in September and haven't come back, most are Disney which I guess is never coming back but other studios are well. Could be sign of the times.

    • +2

      The best time to buy, if you can't score one of those Amazon deals, is JB's BOGOF box set sales.

      I got LotR set plus Jurassic Park 6 movie set for $93 total during one of those. According to the invoice my price for LotR was $0

      No jokes please regarding JP 4-6!

    • Couldn't get it to work on my cart

      • Just tried. Same result.

  • Do the extended editions stream on any platform? Ideally in 4k too…

    • +5

      The internet's a lot like the open seas if you know what I mean.

    • +1

      I think the proper redone for these versions stream on prime in 4k but I don't know it's it's native or upscaled like a streamed content. Don't know if the Dolby Atmos and visions support is a feature of prime tho

    • +2

      Just checked and the theatrical 4k on prime but you have to buy or rent the extended versions.


    • Not sure about extended editions, but this might help…

  • Probably not the extended versions though these movies are on 4 different streaming platforms, in 4K on Prime and Stan, I’d find it difficult to justify the expense personally.

    • The box art cover says theatrical and extended movies

      • I mean not extended on streaming services.

    • +10

      It's only worth the expense if you're a quality nut (like me). These are the extended versions running at a bitrate multiple times higher than any streamer. The quality of the video and sound are CRAZY good.

      • +4

        For those really into home theatre or who are super fans of LoTR I get it - for the average viewer it’s not worth it. If wanting to watch the extended versions online, it may be necessary to do some sailing..

        • +4

          Whenever I rewatch these I’m watching the 4K DV Extended editions. Usually back to back so I spend most of the day watching either LOTR or The Hobbit and the extended editions are something like over nine hours.

          Physical Media is way better than streaming and AMZN don’t do Dolby Vision, they decided to go HDR10P which is open source, dunno how Dolby convinced so many studios to release DV HDR, and a good TrueHD and I don’t know many who’ve bothered with Atmos unless they have money to burn but TrueHD 7.1 makes the E-AC3 that you’ll find in stream sound a bit hollow.

          Though I’m pissed at Disney, they’ve decided to stop selling Physical Media in AU & NZ which just leads people to sail the seven seas.

          DVDs still sell like crazy, hard to justify $40 for a UHD-BD unless you are a collector but streaming has definitely put a dent in physical media. There will be lots of films that Bluray is the best you’ll get if they did them and hopefully most movies got a BD release at least, but so many studios didn’t want to do a proper despot of a Master plus fork out a fortune for a 5.1 soundtrack.

          There are quite a number of films from throughout history you will have a hard time finding on legit streaming services. VPN can help but who has the money for 20 different streaming services or worse end up on Tubi or Roku where it’s free but ad supported.

          Studios used to make nice icing on the cake from Physical Media sales, and there are still plenty of people out there who will buy stuff, it’s just so many people will settle for low streaming bitrates. I’ve got a huge collection of DVDs but I’m not buying them again though I did buy some on bluray but I’m not buying them again on UHD-BD - I wish studios had trade up programs.

          What really gets up my nose is ACCC made a big deal about zoning DVDs were anti competitive but BD has three zones and also enforces DVD zones. So any title that didn’t get a particular Zone/Reguon release unless you have a modded BD player, some classic film might only be available in Region 1 - and lots of stuff got released on DVD but they never bothered with bluray.

          However at least you have the physical media which you can loan, gift, sell or bequeath - digital media has this nasty habit of being licensed to one person and if you spend thousands on music or movies before streaming make sure your family keep your account going else that digital license dies with you. This should be more of an issue but people aren’t thinking about it, as least the solicitor who drew up my will said I was the first. Some excellent articles you can find on Google discuss this very issue.

          Sorry got off topic.

          • +1

            @dman1: Same. I can't watch the theatrical editions anymore. I've got the remastered DV remuxes. Each one is around 120GB. Exceptional quality.

          • @dman1: Lucky for us hoarders, there's a very healthy used market.
            And honestly, who needs a 1080p of Dr. Caligari when just 480 looks this good?

    • +3

      name checks out

    • Your opinion is important to all of us.

    • +4

      And nobody on this earth includes your opinion in their top 1000 opinions, so it all balances out..

      • -3

        Relax folks relax take it easy! I don't care your opinions. Btw, also marvel studio craps.

        • Out of penalty box and still endearing yourself to the community, I see.

  • +8

    I made the mistake of showing a few people the extended version who hadn't seen lotr before. They either fell asleep or lost interest real quick. The two towers was especially long and I also drifted off despite being an established fan.

    I can appreciate the editors making a much more concise film for the cinemas.

    • This is a real issue. Extended is great if you're a hardcore fan. Otherwise can turn people off.

      Same issue with Oppenheimer and Killers of the Flower Moon.

      Objectively good movies, but the length and pacing can lose a lot of viewers.

  • Waiting for the Harry Potter 4k Collection to drop in price…

    • +1

      Do what I did- buy the 4k UHDs individually (not the boxset). Just wait for either a 'buy 2 get 1 free' or '2 for $40' deal that stacks with 20% off - most likely black friday or xmas/boxing day. It ended up being quite a bit cheaper than the boxset (even when the boxset was 30% off).

      • Thanks, I'll keep an eye out

        • 2 for 40 @20% off means both for $32 or each disc $16.
          There's 8 discs making it $128 at that price and not cheaper than 30% off $125.
          It's $125 regular price so it's even more than that.

    • Whats your sweet spot? im not a huge fan but if a must have box set came out with all features i could justify 150 on all movies and fantastic beasts ones too

      • this is the dream haha:

        but for a decent sized 4k series, I'd drop $100 - $150. But also, seeing that its been $50 - $80 before, probably just need to play the waiting game.

        • this (…) box art is sexy and would be worth with all 3 beasts and HP movies in 4k with all features.

          surprised we dont have that yet

          last few HP movies were shot in 2k though so those could be worth it

          • @altiarlio: oh yes this is very nice. hopefully we can get a 4K drop.

            yeah I understand its not native 4k, but the up scaling in these movies are still pretty good

  • -1

    I paid 103.32 for both in 2021

  • +2

    Probably the cheapest right now but both have been cheaper before. I had JB price match Amazon for Lotr trilogy at $42.45 last black friday and then used $10 perks to get it for $32.45…

  • Is Bluray better than apple tv+ movie?

    So is this worth to buy?

  • I thought I read (possibly even in the comments on an earlier deal on this site) that there was supposed to be an improved / upgraded 4K edition of the LOTR movies coming this year. People seemed disappointed with the original release - was a while back now, I can't recall if it was the actual quality of the picture / sound or the extra features or what.

    Is this that improved version? Or is there still a better release on the way soon that I'm better off waiting for?

    • +2

      the ultimate version which uses these scans came out and was disappointing.

      there are rumors of a mithril collection with all the other deleted scenes and features to actually give a proper complete set.

      best way to experience absolutely everything are these 2 plus the 1080p blu ray scans of these LOTR versions in their box set and the 2016 hobbit box set as that'll give all content so far.

      Peter Jackson has said on occasion that he wants to do a 25th anniversary “Unicorn Edition” with all the extra stuff that we haven’t seen yet – Frodo turning into Gollum, Faramir & Eowyn’s wedding, and a warts-n-all BTS documentary that goes even deeper into the drama of making these films.

  • +2

    Hmm - I purchased this 4K Lotr back in 2021 from JB Hifi for $48.30 - isn't it the same? Or is it improved - the link suggests it's still a 2020 version? I know prices have gone up but this doesn't seem like such a good price?

  • Probably an unpopular opinion but I actually prefer the Bluray version of LOTR, they got a bit too heavy handed with the remastering and it looks a bit out of balance.

    • +1

      im probably gonna grab to og bluray box extended versions for all the special features.

  • Just realised this is the Ultra HD (4k) which won't play on a PS4.

    Here's the 1080p (PS4 compatible) version:…

    Can anyone tell me if the 1080p is good enough? Or is it a big step up to 4k?

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