Super Cheap!! I know it will get Ozbargained in minutes if not in seconds.
Apply promo code: CORE10 to get price on title.
Super Cheap!! I know it will get Ozbargained in minutes if not in seconds.
Apply promo code: CORE10 to get price on title.
It was working before posting. Try one item at a time. Maybe it doesn't apply for multiple.
working for me on a hoodie and crew neck
Code doesn't seem to work with multiple items in cart. Which means you'll have to click and collect, or fork out $10 for postage
Edit: My bad. It is not working when some specific non-sale items are in the cart
The code worked for me with more than one item.
Thanks OP, code worked for me! Got 1 hoodie and 1 crew neck!
Got 3, not sure why
FOMO is real!!
I didn't get any for myself no free pickup for me in SA.
I got pickup from DFO so i can try on before i take them
In SA?
know it will get Ozbargained in minutes if not in seconds.
Apparently not
Cheers OP, grabbed one of each.
Thanks grabbed 2
Ozbargainers leading the way with trending Fila hoody.
Thanks worked with C&c
Snap, think OOS as I was checking out.
Tried 1 crew neck, didnt work
Full list of upcoming Click Frenzy "exclusive" deals:
Tried several items but code not working
can't get it to work on anything
"Enter a valid discount code or gift card"
code doesnt work now
@Maq @aedeau promo code expired. It was for the first 150. It lasted longer that I thought.
Your order has been refunded
Total amount refunded: $30.00 AUD
Oh, that sucks. :(
The universe has spoken.
Have too many brand new hoodies anyways
Mine got refunded too, 70$!
Click bait from Fila.
Shows still in stock.
Might submit a complaint to fair trading
CORE10 discount code isn’t valid for the items in your cart