Released today. Beats Kinokuniya's price of $39.99 and Booktopia's of $36.45 delivered. Also there is some price fixing going on with the publisher so you won't be able to get even the ebook for cheaper than $17.99 for the first few weeks.
J.K. Rowling's New Book The Casual Vacancy Hardback $14.26 Delivered

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Booko agrees. :)
It's $10 cheaper than their normal price..…
It's AUD$20 from BigW which I think would be pretty good price for those who can't wait for the delivery.…
i guess someone read it and figured it ain't worth the original price. reviews on the net are so-so.
1c more expensive from but I have a handy 10% off voucher.
…and $12.84 for me!
How did you get a 10% off voucher? I assume it's a one-off?
Sorry to say it was unique to my email address and a one-off - otherwise you'd know about it.
The Casual Vacancy
Sounds like a sleazy motel liaison.
Well it is an adult novel afterall.
Is it true it outsold the best seller of the genre by 10 times? Amazing!
And I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that the author is J.K. Rowling.
I know it's not intended for children, but probably best not to leave it lying around the house either if you take note of one review I read this morning.
That I had just read a passage written by the world's favourite children's author in which a teenager is raped by her mother's heroin dealer, a man who may well be the father of the girl's own three-year-old step-brother, although it's hard to know for sure when the mum concerned is a prostitute.
And so, from the pen that brought you The Leaky Cauldron comes this: "His knuckles in her belly as he undid his own flies - she tried to scream and he smacked her across the face - the smell of him was thick in her nostrils as he growled in her ear, 'F——-' shout and I'll cut yer." like 50 Shades of Grey has a competitor…..
I thought 50 shades of Greyhound was the compeitior…
Just fyi if you dont want to wait the two weeks for delivery its $20 at big w.
is it hardback as well?
Do they have a bareback copy?
I suppose JK's readers (who started with her from HP) have graduated to read Adult books by her now.
Its $23.26 now so Big W cheaper
The price is now back $23.26 at Book Depository so I guess the offer must have expired? What would be the best place now. Even the $20 price from Woolworths feels like we're getting ripped off.
Is this the Harry Potter version of 50 Shades of Grey? The one where Harry, Hermione and Ron….
saw this earlier, what a great deal. I have no clue how bookstores will ever compete.