Select any mix of 10 rolls of Sunlu filament (PLA, ABS, TPU, PLA Silk, PLA+, Wood, Rainbow), just add to basket and pay for 6 rolls.
Remember to apply 10% THING10 or 15% code THING15
Delivery $5, e.g 10 ABS $128 delivered.
I bought a mix of PLAs (rainbow, wood, silk, meta) for $155 delivered.
Sunlu 3D Printer Filaments: Buy 6, Get 4 Free (Add 10 to Cart) from $128 + Shipping @ Sunlu 3D Global eBay

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Did this in the last eBay sale. Good filament for a good price :)
Got a bunch of silk PLA, some matte PLA, PETG and a spool of TPU. Came out to $167 so pretty good.
Dont need more filament haha…
Pity no more rainbow left that would have been nice to tryI still have a few KG on Esun filament lying around that I need to use up.
Does pla generally keep okay if you don’t open it (or can it be revived with a filament dryer)? It gets pretty humid in Sydney so I worry about it degrading before I can use it.
same area - I just started printing again after a hiatus of a year. Had to dry out the opened pla to fix print quality issues but it came back ok. fresh filament was fine when I opened it. just my experience
Should we wait till Black Friday or it is going to be a disappointment of the year again? :)
Lol, almost pulled the trigger too. But have prob 10kg already home. Needed more white though. Meh.
Next time.Who in melb wants to go halvies? :D
Similar Sunlu listing but 'Buy 2 get 1 free' instead:…
$15 shipping for me. THING10 also applies
Selected ten, all looked good, changed one, now it insists that postage is $70, no matter what I do. Probably best that I don't buy any more anyway…
Nice just got 10kg of different pla’s. Should keep me going for a long time 😅
Wow that was quick postage
Thank you. just cancelled an order of 10kg and placed an order through this deal
TOPH20/TOPH22 can be applied to this for stocking up on more rolls. I got 20kg of PETG for $14/kg delivered.
Thanks mate, got me some ABS