I'm going to look at a 2021 toyota that has done 41 km (that's not 41000km…it's 41km. People run further in a marathon than this car's done in it's life).
Given the low k's that it's done, would you bother with a pre-purchase inspection?
Seller is quite keen to sell, and car is priced quite well. Has one other interested buyer who needs to go via finance (whilst I have $ in the bank to pay). They've said they'd go with whoever can pay first. In an ideal world, I would want to get a prepurchase inspection, but by time I get it done, possible that car may have gone to another buyer…so considering skipping it given it's nearly new in terms of kms.
P.S. I am aware of this previous post (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/804330), but felt this instance of a practically new car vs car under factory warranty warrants separate post.
Update: According to comment the correct mileage is 41000km not 41km
Agreed… It'll be when you get there, Oh the listing says 41kms? Oh its meant to be 41k…… Must be a mistake, I was 'hacked'.