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Google Play Points Perks: Guaranteed Weekly Prize @ Google Play Store App


Accidently stumbled on this freebie

Go to Play Store app > Play points () and click perks. You can then reveal your weekly prize.

Main google account got 3 months free of google play pass (RRP $24). My turkish google account got 5 points.

Screen Shot proof


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Google Play
Google Play


  • I've been doing this for years and have seen this posted multiple times. How did this slip through?

  • Got 3 months play pass and 5 points.

    I don't know what to do with either of those things…

  • +1

    Title says you need existing points but this isn't true. I literally signed up now to points zero balance and got the three months prize

  • Is this the weekly prize thing? I've had this for ages

  • Bronze 44 points, nothing for me. Fair enough.

  • I am a silver tier and no perk for me.

  • This is just a disguised free trial, I got the same prize but since I don't have a credit card linked I need to add one.

    Why do I need a valid card? Because the 3 months automatically becomes $8 a month.

    The 3 month trial is the top result on google when you search for play pass. https://play.google.com/store/pass/getstarted?hl=en_AU&pli=1

  • I got a free 3 month play pass! Thanks!

  • I'm gold and most I've gotten is 25 points

  • 5 points as a since-existence customer.

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