Click Frenzy Main Event - 24th to 26th Oct, 2023

Well, it's starting earlier and earlier, a whole 15 days earlier than last year

This years 99% off deals include:

$15 iPhone 15, $6 GoPro Hero 12, $5 Nintendo Switch, $20 13’ MacBooks, $4 Apple AirPods Pro, a $8 Xbox Series X and many more.

As usual, we'll add the questions here as well as answers. Get ready to be disappointed with deals and comps as usual!

7- 8PM iPhone 15 $14
8-9PM Blender $1
10 - 11PM Nintendo Switch $4

12 - 1PM Airpods 2 Pro $3
3 - 4PM GoPro Hero12 Black $6
6 - 7PM Boom 3 Bluetooth Speaker $2

9 - 10AM Xbox Series X $7

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2023

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Click Frenzy
Click Frenzy


  • +1

    Did you end up getting your iPhone 14?

    • +5

      Yes. Eventually.

  • +26

    Get ready to be disappointed with deals and comps as usual!

    Sums it up really.

    • -1

      Yeah, it is Frenzing Joke

  • +24

    Click Frenzy you say? More like Sh*t Frenzy!

  • +5

    Click Fail

  • This or black Friday for great deals (not the lottery 99% off ones you're almost no chance of getting)

    • +6

      For me, Black Friday definitely.

      • Black Friday hands down is the main event. Click frenzy is hardly an amuse-bouche

  • Does dvd/blu ray get discount off during this time 20% off. As be close to a month since they did last one

    • -3

      "be close to a month since they did last one"

      …. Surprised they get sold still at all

      You know they have movies on the internet now?

  • +2

    FYI - banner on the home page says November instead of October. @scotty

      • Me too!

  • Last year’s click frenzy was shit

    • +5

      aren't they all shit?

      • +3

        There were some good deals a few years ago

  • How the hell do you get an Xbox for $8? Is it just one sold at that price?

    • +1

      "a $8 Xbox Series X"
      appears singular

    • 99% off mayhem deal, you need to answer a question to get the coupon.

    • There aren't many at all.

  • Any flight discount?

  • +1

    Can someone explain how the 99% off items work?

    • +1

      You have to answer a question. You then need to be correct and one of the fastest.

      You can then buy the item for 99% off. Don't get your hopes up.

  • +6

    I feel like we've lost sight of what this event is all about: clicking

  • Are the 99% deals at random times?

  • Will I get lucky and maybe get the YETI Rambler Bottle with Chug Cap on special?

  • Are the 99% off deals at random times?

  • click frenzy is boring these days.

    • -1

      Not if you win one of thise crazy 99% off deals there not.

  • Can you enter more than one of the crazy deals?

    • Yes, assuming by 'crazy deal' you mean the 99% off.

      Each account holder can enter each 'deal' once.
      And since you asked earlier too, they will appear randomly within their stated hourly window.

      In the past CF generally sent out an email advising when each 'deal' would appear. e.g. between 7pm to 8pm. At which point…just be on the website and wait for a pop up.

  • +1

    Can someone explain to me what this 99% deal is?

    • +6

      its a competition, intentionally named a deal to mislead people and get them to visit the website expecting it to have much better discounts than it does. it has fine print, and very small odds of winning, just like any other competition…

      Its fun to enter but like any other competition there are heaps of people competing for a very small number of prizes.

  • Looking for nintendo switch OLED deal, if anyone can ping it or have word of it I'll be following.

  • Oh, looks like they've adjusted it to start at 6pm 0.0 Earlier and earlier!

    Welp hopefully no 99% deal during the 6 to 7pm window. Dang commute.

    Edit: And they changed it back to 7…

    Edit2: Wait..did they. It randomly keeps changing depending on what page i'm on.

  • So how do the crazy 99% deals work and how would you get it?

  • Seems like frenzy bucks has been abolished?

  • $6 GoPro Hero 12, $5 Nintendo Switch

    want. how ?

  • I can’t even work out how to find the page on the site where these deals are?

    • +1

      According to the FAQ, the 99% deals will appear as a pop up

      • Cheers mate!
        So you just gotta leave the page open and hope for the best?

        • +1

          yep, make sure your browser allows notifications from the website too!

          • @threeDspider: Ahh thats me out, it was already going to be a long shot to just peruse and wait.

            Side note, found Bose QuietComfort® Earbuds—Refurbished for $219 which isnt bad.

  • +5

    iPhone starting tonight 7PM AEDT

    How many retailers participating in Click Frenzy The Main Event have names beginning with any of the following letters? M-A-I-N E-V-E-N-T

    • Link

      • +2
        You'll need to login and stay on domain. Pop-up will show up randomly, on any page.

        Pro-tip: check in every hour to see if you're still logged in. You can sometimes get logged out automatically and it can be hard to notice that.

        • Does it pop anytime?

          • +1

            @thirstyfordeals: anytime within the stated time period (for iPhone that's 7-8pm AEDT). You have a limited window of time to answer the trivia question before the window disappears.

            • @scrimshaw: Has it come up yet?

              • @kermit3169: it popped up for me, asked me a question, i went looking for the answer, the popup went away before i could answer. sigh

  • Will google accidentally block the pop-up?

  • Hiw do i make sure notifications from website are on via Google?

  • +1

    My guess is how many stores have the letters G-o W-i-l-d in them

    • +2

      What would the answer be?

    • +1

      I had the same idea

    • +1

      Dang. You were right. any sellers starting with any of the letters M-A-I-N-E-V-E-N-T

    • +1

      I literally read this comment a few minutes before the question popped up and pre-added MAIN EVENT…So credit goes to you if I snapped up the deal =]

      • +1

        Where did you pre-add MAINEVENT?

        • Looked at the Shop by Brand List.

          Edit: Oh I didn't mean pre-add as in pre-enter. I just added it up and wrote it down.

  • +3

    iPhone15 for 7pm to 8pm

    Q: How many retailers participating in Click Frenzy The Main Event have names beginning with any of the following letters? M-A-I-N E-V-E-N-T

    A: 89 for me?

    • I messed up, double counted the N. Should have deducted it.

      • Wouldn't you include it?

        • yea should include N once

          • @bteng99: No twice, because in the spelling it appears twice.

            • @HamBoi69: So N and E are twice, therefore it should be 109?

            • @HamBoi69: I don't really see anything in the wording which suggests you should double count

              • +1

                @bteng99: True. It actually says “any of the following letters”, not ALL like I thought.

                • @HamBoi69: I did 109…I guess we’ll find out

                  • @ryzie: Is it only 1 person that gets the code? i.e. fastest with correct answer?

                    • +1

                      @kermit3169: With as 'big' a prize as the iphone is, its likely only 1.

                      Smaller prizes may have multiple winners.

                    • +1

                      @kermit3169: Pretty sure its just 1 person randomly that got it right

    • same

    • How did you get the refresh early

      • Was I early? Only thing I can think of is my glitchy PC clock is 2 minutes ahead according to

        • Damn yeah thats a huge advantage lol I only got it as the minute ticked over

          • +1

            @ThatNintendoKid: Need every advantage I can get! Juggling a newborn in 1 hand, sorting out cloth nappies with the other. Don't ask me how I managed to enter in the answer xD

    • I got the same.

    • I got 89. But I think I was 2 minutes behind you :-)

    • +1

      Thanks mate - I entered 89 and started counting and got the same number.


      So I either read into it deeper than I should or it was the trick they pulled this year and a ton of us who counted every retailer with all those letters about to be eliminated.

      My reasoning:

      They said beginning with ANY of the following letters,

      They didn't say beginning with ALL of the following letters.

      My guess?

      I read too deep and I ain't getting crack

  • I got 88

    • how much is it???

  • I counted 86

    • i got 91

      • m 15
        a 19
        i 10
        n 6
        e 13
        v 3
        t 22

        Total: 88
        where do we differ?

        • got the same as you

        • I got 14 for the E there!

          • +3

            @Jaded: wow they added elegoo later… I took the data at like 6:15ish

            • @Icy12: huge blunder from me not to update the list at a later time

              • @bteng99: same aha, i entered it in like 3-5 seconds as well. bugger.

                • @Icy12: Way to keen obviously! :P

                  • +1

                    @Jaded: bet they did it on purpose haha

        • E is 14

  • e is 14

  • Is there anymore on tonight?

    • Must have been a quick recovery. I can access fine

  • +3

    8pm to 9pm for $1 Westinghouse Blender - How many Click Frenzy Exclusive Deals will be available during the three days of The Main Event?

    Q: 23

    Was just about to post that their insta had this listed for 8 to 9 >.>

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