Free SSL Certificate

Hi, I need a free SSL certificate for a web site.

Yes, I done a search using google.

I would like a free SSL certificate which is good.


  • +13

    Let's Encrypt

    End thread :)

    (Or similar alternatives like cloudflare if you're using them for hosting)

    • Thanks mate. I have used lets encrypt in the past (looong time ago).

      I will do the same for this site.

    • Thanks once again.

  • Let's Encrypt. Your server panel probably includes API for it already and it'll auto renew, though still monitor the site with something like uptimerobot so you can see if it fails. Cool thing about Let's Encrypt, you can include 100 domains in a single certificate for free. Wouldn't recommend it, but the option is there. Let's you do a lot of exciting server side stuff.

  • +2

    Yes, I done a search using google.

    Did you really!? As Let's Encrypt is like the first hit!

    • Sorry, the search results came back encrypted :-)

  • Yes, I done a search using google.

    Ban OP, Let's Encrypt is the first result for "free SSL certificate for a web site.".

  • Looks like op does not know how to use google. Very easy to find free SSL certs.

  • OP used Bing and said google to be cool

  • I did a search guys but wanted your opinion when it comes to a good ssl cert.

    Someone recommended Let's Encrypt.

    Mission accomplished.

    • Any free SSL that force you to renew the certificate every 90 days or less is good and more secure.

      Avoid paying for SSL as it generally run by internet thugs that drain your money and encourage bad practice.

  • Let's Encrypt like everyone said or Cloudflare. I've transferred over all my clients who don't use a host with SSL to save them $100s in costs. A good host would provide SSL as standard with the hosting plan.

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