Samsung Galaxy Beam

Hey all,

I'm in the market for a Samsung Galaxy Beam. I'm hoping to get Aus stock as import stock just doesn't seem to be all that much cheaper.

Allphones price - $519
Dodo Price - $520
DSE - $585

I'm hoping that DSE will price match and i'll buy from then for $519. Just wondering if anyone knows of any place cheaper? I'm also open to the idea of import stock but the cheapest i have seen is approx $450 which makes it worth it to me to pay a little more for local stock.


MOD: Moved to Mobile forum


  • The specs aren't great for the price, but the only reason people would buy this phone is for the projector. It's cool to have but doubt you'd actually use it that much as you have to be in a dark room and pictures/videos would look much better on the phone itself.

    Good thing is that it looks like it will be receiving the jellybean update…

    EDIT: Just watched this video and it looks pretty cool

  • Thanks for the reply ozhunter. I just couldn't wait and went into DSE this morning and they price matched it at $519.

    As for the projector i am quite amazed at how good it is. I was watching Serenity 504x208 702mb size. While its not a high quality file it was more than watchable and looked good even at 50". I then tried a movie 720 x 392 and it lagged a little bit but still watchable. According to specs it rated at 640x360 nHD and that would seem about right for what it could handle comfortably.

    If anyone is in the market for a phone with an in built projector they more than likely don't need just like me i can't recommend this one enough!

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