While I witnessed someone shove a usb-c plug into a USB-A port with It connected to the switch board. I saw a orange light. Was it a spark. Was it electricity? They were trying to charge my laptop battery.
Is Electric Spark Orange Coloured?
does happen. unfortunate.
if you don't want electric sparks then you turn off the power board before plugging or removing in devices
and i hope you didn't really mean that someone tried to force a usb-c plug into a usb-a socket …
it was OFF. the powerboard. and it was a usb c into forceabllly into a usb A
in that case, i'd guess the spark was probably due to shorting an output capacitor in the power supply that still had a bit of charge in it
Going to need an MS Paint diagram for this one
As the USB C plug wouldn't fit over the data/voltage rail of USB A socket, the best that would happen is the outer shield on the USB C plug would bridge multiple pins on the USB A socket.
So likely bridged 5v and gnd (along with data pins), though I'm surprised you 'saw a light' (or spark from it)
Was the "someone" you?
Someone should be more careful to not spark a conversation.
Can you draw a diagram ?
(as asked above)
If you were watching closely enough to see a spark, why didnt you say something when they were about to put it in the wrong hole?
I saw a orange light.
Do not walk toward the light.
Mine was yellow when I was last electrocuted…