Hi there,
Can anyone advise the best way to do a clean wipe on google servers ??
Hi there,
Can anyone advise the best way to do a clean wipe on google servers ??
MAybe they want to delete all data on all Google servers? Ballmer is that you?
Hi Bruce,
This is exactly what am after. Need to delete all the data from hardrive from Google server. Any software you can recommend.
Sure Google doesn't run Windows, but maybe you could use that to get hold of some missle control somewhere and strike all of Google's data centres.
What I /think/ you mean is to remove /your/ personal data which Google has copies of, yes? If so, no software running on your end will do this, you can only ask Google to do so. Some of their services have (limited) capability to do this. As a general rule anything that is publically available you can have taken down, but you can't stop them from storing internal data.
We have their independent servers and need to wipe them off before disposing.
You are going to need to tell us exactly what you want to do
a) want to delete information stored at http://drive.google.com/
b) want to remove part or all of your digital footprint (information collected on you)
c) want to delete other information by google for you (like gmail or similar, be specific)
d) want to destroy all google's hard drives and take over the world
note: the answer to all of these (except d?) will be no you can't, it's not your data anymore and the best you can do is hit the delete button they gave you
sounds like your under qualified for your job.
Preferred method:
Just put the hard drives in the microwave for a bit.
Alternate method:
Grab a live security toolkit like hirens boot cd and run the secure wipe utility, it will walk you through the various options and levels of security.
The microwave probably isn't the best option. It will kill the controller, but these aren't hard to replace.
OP: Am I to understand that Google has decided to decommission servers, without wiping the data, and has given them to you to safely dispose, while you are strugling to communicate any details at all?
I REALLY REALLY hope this isn't the case, or Google has fallen a long way. Personally I have used dd if=/dev/urandom before, though some will argue that isn't enough. The shred tool (Linux) is designed for exactly this job. I wouldn't use any tool under Windows due to the nature of HD access under Windows (even under linux it is pretty hard due to modern controllers).
Under-qualified !! 12 years of studies which includes few degrees and doctorate might be under-qualified for you.
Grow UP !! kiddoo
I have no words for this.
In my day I did work for a couple of Uni's IT staff … so no comment. :-(
Certificate = ability…. never.
Sorry…but 12 years in this line of work and you are unable to articulate exactly what you are trying to do? How did you manage for so long?
Yeah but degree's brought off the internet dont count. The fact that you cannot word a question correctly is a testament to this.
You are doing work well beyond your paygrade.
Coz I dont deal with Linux..
Copie -I am not here to testify my degress.
All I wanted was a solution to my query which obvious I didn't state properly as I was running low on time.
Try whirlpool then buddy. This is OzBargain.
You are running low on time does not help either, no one here is obligated to give you a solution.
Sounds like someone outsourced the IT Dept a bit too soon :)
Yaa seems like that.. Just wanted to check with ozbargain people but I guess making fun is what everyone here is concerned about.
are you running Google desktop search index server? boot with Linux live cd and format /wipe.
If you talk about Google services /server at Google data center, forget it. If you don't use, eventually they will disable delete. you can request on your individual service too. (same goes for most cloud)
btw, Google has sydney phone number too.
Thanks but I have got my answer..
To be fair, you gave absolutely no information with regard to what hardware you actually had. There is no point coming and saying "I have a car, how do I repair it?" and then providing no further information, it doesn't work.
Completely agree with you Shaw but by I was sooo busy looking for a solution than providing more details. My mistake - Apologies !!
All good mate, glad you found a solution, what are the server specs btw?
Its a Dell machine with 2 x Intel XEON QUAD-Core E5520 2.27Ghz Processors
64-bit with VT - Virtualization
24Gb Ram
Perc 6i RAID controller card
Intel PRO 1000VT Quad Port Gigabit ethernet, embedded Broadcom GBE LOM With TOE
They were used as search server for our enterprise.
Given that does not answer the actual question you asked at all, I hope your qualifications aren't in communication.
Sorry if some of the comments here sounds like attacks, but to an external observer it really looks like you are in over your head.
Throw it into Mt Doom
Just destroy the drives, mount doom seems like a fine idea :0
Its all sorted now - they are Linux boxes and needs to be done in a special way.
This comment proves that you still don't get it.
It has NOTHING to do with being linux.
These servers have a non standard BIOS. You wanted to flash the standard BIOS.
Completely separately the question you asked was about erasing data, which is independant of any OS as you won't be doing it while running the OS you are trying to erase (although, technically this is entirely possible in *nix, it would be hard to stop data reappearing on the disk).
Sorry don't really get what you are trying to ask. "Clean wipe on Google servers" — you mean not being tracked by their servers? Tried to clean all your cookies after you browse, or use incognito mode/private browsing?