AEC Casual Work - What Day Is Payday?

Struggling to get a straight answer out of anyone at the AEC, and the FAQ are as equally vague.

For anyone working at the referendum, what day of the week is payday?

Pay week ends on the Weds, but not sure when I should expect to see my pay hit the account?


  • I think my training pay came through on Wednesday this week

    • Mine came through on Monday night

  • I'd expect to be paid on the 23rd at the minimum but wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come in until the 30th

  • How soon after 14 October is pay likely for those working tomorrow?

  • +1

    My training pay came a few days after I did training (which was almost a month ago)

    For this weekend however I'd expect potential delays given this is the time everyone is on board - wouldn't expect payment till potentially the week after.

  • -5

    I volunteered…

  • -5

    If the outcome is 'yes' there won't be any money left to pay you. Sorry, blame Albo. :-)

    • And this is the stupidity of the No camp ….FFS

      • And your unintelligent post is an example of why the referendum, which wasted millions, went down in flames.

        • And yet when the Liberals spent the same amount on a gay marriage survey that we didn't even need to have (could have just been passed as an act of parliament), that's different somehow.

        • Thanks to the help of billionaires funding a so-called grass roots "no" campaign as it satisfies their interests.

          • -1

            @singlemalt72: The Yes campaign was funded by most mining companies, most major corps, the 'national' airline, had sports people dragged in, had the ABC spitting bias non stop, had the PM lying … and yet, sanity prevailed.

            Obviously the education system is lacking if there is any person left who doesn't realise why. That only leaves the agitators, who will agitate regardless.

  •… Says the pay week ends Wed and we can expect payment before the start of the next work week

    • +1

      You didn't read that properly. That's if you're on an hourly rate.

      A remuneration package: this is a set amount of money that is paid according to your position. It covers all your training, hours worked and allowances. You can expect to be paid by electronic funds transfer to your nominated bank account within three weeks following voting day.

      • Majority of people will be on hourly rate.

        • +2

          You don't get paid hourly for election work. You get paid as a package. You finished work at 8 because you had a good OIC and a cohesive team? You'll still get paid the same as someone who finished at 11.

          Also on their website when I logged in just now:

          Payment timeframe if you worked on Voting Day

          If you worked on Voting Day (14 October 2023), please be advised it can take up to 21 days for payments to be processed.

          • @kerfuffle: That’s interesting, both teams I was with; we were required to fill out a timesheet and were told we don’t get paid for the full shift (as we finished an hour early we wouldn’t get that portion).

          • @kerfuffle: Just got my payslip and they have deducted the hours as we finished early so can confirm this is not true.

            • +2

              @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: Well guess your OIC doesn't like you then. I finished at 7 and just checked my payslip after seeing your comment, and got paid the full amount.

              • @kerfuffle: Did you put your actual or the planned finish time on your timesheet at the OPC?

                • +1

                  @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: Didn't complete a timesheet nor was I asked to. My OIC was very chill and organised.

                  • @kerfuffle: That’s interesting, I’m from VIC so maybe they do it different here? When we came in there were books on the table with each of us having our own page where we had to write our start and finish time. Maybe you it’s different if you don’t work at the outpost centre?

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