Hi there 1kg packs of raw kangaroo mince in the supermarket pet food section, should l cook it or give it to them raw, if l give it to them raw is there a risk or parasites or bacteria, should l cook it first, would cooking it kill bacteria and paracites
Kangaroo Mince Cats Raw or Cooked

Cooking it destroys the essential Taurine :/
And there is science to back it up: https://www.google.com/search?q=cat+experiement+cooked+vs+ra…
Pottenger's Cat Study - 1932 to 1946
Dr Francis M Pottenger accidentally came upon the finding that his laboratory cats were noticeably healthier when fed on a diet of raw meats rather than cooked meats.
Raw meat is fine for cats. Even roo meat.
thanks so l will freeze it to kill any worms or parasites
I freeze 40g portions of canned cat food because it's so convenient, I can put then in this thing https://www.amazon.com.au/Cat-Mate-C500-Automatic-Digital/dp… and it delivers a portion that's defrosted and still chilled every six hours. Change the ice packs a few times a day as needed, and when summer hits I'll experiment putting a big block of ice in top of the feeder too. Best part is cat no longer smothers me or screams in my face in the mornings for food.
No need to freeze, have been feeding it to my cats for ages. Although I don’t buy the 1kg quantity, you may need to freeze that because it’s so much
Mine won't even eat it if i microwave it for a few seconds. If you want to make it warm in winter, add a bit of hot water and stir.
Only thing you have to watch is you get the occasional cat who can't digest it properly - my old 17yo gets the runs if she eats that, but her sister who lived to be just short of 21 ate it every day. I bred Birmans for years and used to wean the kittens onto the roo usually without any problems.
My cat has had the portions from Colesworth or Aldi every day pretty much of her 12 years, no issues beyond straight from the fridge is too cold apparently. Wouldn't cook it, and it's great due to being lean, as beef or something would be too fatty I reckon. I often tell her ain't no feral cats eating kangaroo this good unless it's roadkill, she agrees.
Cats Raw or Cooked
My dog prefers cooked…
Cats never cooked their food before humans…nor should this be in your thoughts.
Mind, health related questions… best to ask Professionals…ie you local Vet.
Why would there be parasites in it? Freeze portions to keep it good if 1kg is a lot for your cat, it'll kill parasites too. It won't kill bacteria, but why would the shop sell bacteria infected meat?