Crushed by Car - Not Badly Injured

I parked my car and jumped out the drivers door. The guy next to me started pulling out, didn't realise I'd parked there, scraped the side of my car and crushed me against the door. Fortunately I just got scrapes and bruises. The guy was young and didn't have insurance or any money etc. etc.

He was apologetic, and I was in shock, but as the shock wore off I did call him a few names, pointed out someone else may have punched him out, and that if he put me in a wheelchair I wouldn't be able to work and as he didn't have insurance I'd be screwed, and he should think about other people and get some insurance. But it was probably a pointless lecture as he doesn't have any money.

Anyways I guess if I set my insurance company on to him they will make his life hell? I sort of feel bad for him, but he did crush me against my own car.

What would you do? Interested in the total balance of cosmic karma as well.

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  • 160
    Set your insurance company on to him
  • 0
    Pay the excess yourself and hope he learned his lesson from the dressing down you gave him


  • +14

    The green slip is what would've covered you for injury or death and is required.
    But property damage, that's on him.

    • yeah I wonder if he had that

    • +6

      But property damage, that's on him.

      It should be mandatory, like it is in many other countries.

    • -5

      Wouldn’t the green slip (ie. 3rd party insurance) cover property damage?

      Also, OP are you saying he didn’t have 3rd party insurance? Isn’t that mandatory? He’s being extremely reckless if he doesn’t, and you shouldn’t have any sympathy for him.

      • +2

        Time to brush up on insurance. You’re wrong. It only covers injuries to people.

        • -1

          Chill, I didn’t make a statement, I was asking a question.

          • +3

            @mboy: And I answered it. You're lucky you learnt this now and not later after you've caused damage to property in a car accident and assuming your compulsory third party insurance covers it.

            • +7

              @kerfuffle: How can people still not understand this.

              • +8

                @brendanm: It blows my mind every time I see how naively people meander through life. They don't seem to question or challenge anything in their daily lives. They'll happily spend hours mindlessly swiping through Facebook but not spend 5 minutes researching everyday events. FFS.

                • +3

                  @MS Paint: The scary thing is that this is information that can financially cripple you if done incorrectly. Multiple car pileup with no insurance, just hope they don't take your house.

                  • +2

                    @brendanm: I think it's more a case of most people without insurance can't afford it actually needed it the most because they cannot afford to not have it.
                    I think it might be a paradox.

              • -1

                @brendanm: It's not in my purview, I've always had comprehensive cover. Excuse my ignorance.

  • It's what insurance is for..

  • +5

    When did this happen?

    Have you been checked out by a doctor?

    • +1

      like 1 hour ago. I've had worse

      • +19

        A crush incident may indicate internal bleeding - you should get the all clear by a medico

  • +10

    Definitely get checked out in case of any long-term issues that pop up later

  • +5

    Please, don't be "Frank" and just pass it off to your insurance company… Let them deal with it. Unfortunately, the only way this kid is going to learn and pass this information around is to get slapped by an insurance company.

  • +1

    scraped the side of my car

    He was apologetic, and I was in shock, but as the shock wore off I did call him a few names, pointed out someone else may have punched him out, and that if he put me in a wheelchair I wouldn't be able to work and as he didn't have insurance I'd be screwed, and he should think about other people and get some insurance. But it was probably a pointless lecture as he doesn't have any money.

    The bill from your insurance company should be an affordable lesson for him then. Shame it will probably be more than what a years' insurance would have been.
    Incredibly irresponsible to be driving without at least third party property.

    And go get checked out by a doc

  • +15

    If you can't afford insurance, you can't afford to drive….

  • -3

    Speak to your doctor. Maybe the emotional trauma of it all is giving you night terrors? Almost being crushed to death will do that to you. Or speak to a lawyer, they will know a good doctor they trust.

  • +11

    But it was probably a pointless lecture as he doesn't have any money.

    This is 100% the governments fault.

    Insurance should be mandatory to drive a car, like it is in many other countries…

    • +1

      I can't believe I'm upvoting jv.

      He's 100% correct.

      • She's always right

      • +1

        Jv up voted me. I feel weird too.

    • I know right how could Dan let this happen.

      • -1

        There probably weren't any kickbacks for him…

  • sorry mate, didnt see ya there, are u orite? but all jokes aside hopefully the insurance company gives you something for getting in the middle of that situation

  • +3

    if I set my insurance company on to him they will make his life hell?

    and so they should…

  • Insurance company will do a payment plan so all good. That's life

    Good to hear you're ok

  • Bro wtf go get a second opinion and talk to a lawyer

  • +1

    Don't wrap him in cottonwool, you choose to drive a car you have to deal with the consequences.

  • +2

    Claim on insurance. Nominate him as at fault. Get you car fixed and move on not your fault he’s not insured.

    You aren’t ‘setting the insurance on him’ you’re making a claim to get your car fixed. After that it’s his life lesson.

    If he’s broke the instep will likely collect $10/week for the rest of his life.

  • +2

    The guy next to me started pulling out, didn't realise I'd parked there, scraped the side of my car and crushed me against the door.

    Step 1. Go see a doctor

    • +3

      Step 0. Check with Ozb

      • Why the f@ck do people do this? (A rhetorical question)

  • You pay for insurance, use it

  • +2

    The number of people who just put their car in reverse and then expect the rest of the world to give way to them is mind blowing.

  • If the door was open and you were getting out / standing behind it, my reading is that it's at least partly your own fault unfortunately:

    A person must not cause a hazard to any person or vehicle by opening a door of a vehicle, leaving a door of a vehicle open, or getting off, or out of, a vehicle.

    If they just plainly hit the quarter panel or something before your body then that's pretty much on them

  • You forget to read the law about reversing a vehicle….it will take precedent….

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