I parked my car and jumped out the drivers door. The guy next to me started pulling out, didn't realise I'd parked there, scraped the side of my car and crushed me against the door. Fortunately I just got scrapes and bruises. The guy was young and didn't have insurance or any money etc. etc.
He was apologetic, and I was in shock, but as the shock wore off I did call him a few names, pointed out someone else may have punched him out, and that if he put me in a wheelchair I wouldn't be able to work and as he didn't have insurance I'd be screwed, and he should think about other people and get some insurance. But it was probably a pointless lecture as he doesn't have any money.
Anyways I guess if I set my insurance company on to him they will make his life hell? I sort of feel bad for him, but he did crush me against my own car.
What would you do? Interested in the total balance of cosmic karma as well.
The green slip is what would've covered you for injury or death and is required.
But property damage, that's on him.