Tekken 7
Code Vein
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Tales of Arise - 25% Off Coupon
One Piece Odyssey - 50% Off Coupon
Pretty good deal considering the games!
Tekken 7
Code Vein
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Tales of Arise - 25% Off Coupon
One Piece Odyssey - 50% Off Coupon
Pretty good deal considering the games!
Same. It's been described as 'anime dark souls' but people should note its combat mechanics are a lot less refined compared to souls games.
Yeah 100%, probably more of a dark souls-lite if anything combat-wise, but not to discount the game at all, still tons of fun.
How does the coupon work? Is there a text box you enter at the checkout screen in steam?
I'm sure these are codes for the humble store, so codes purchased on humble will be 50% off.
Could be wrong however!
You're probably right. My confusion is because when I click on the tab, it says on the right-side "Redeem on Steam"
Ahh so if you click the coupon it states 50% off the Humble Store, and doesn't stack with Humble Sales
omg god eater!!! that takes me back to the ps vita days. :D
The Vita days never went away for some of us (I have FOUR Vitas + a ps tv lol).
Modded any of them?
A couple of them
Well that's insane value right there. Thanks OP
good tester if you're willing to try Tekken before 8 comes out in a few months
Can you use an xbox controller via Bluetooth to play it? Never played a fighting game on pc.
you should be able to
If you are primarily interested in Tekken 7 the value potentially falls down compared to waiting for one of the pretty regular massive reductions on its definitive edition. I like to buy my fighters with the full roster when possible, but the base game still has a smorgasbord that puts many in the genre to shame—so make of it what you will.
Yeah, it's a shame it's not the definitive edition. I'll wait till xmas to see if it hits sub $15 again.
This is a good VR bundle too for those that are interested in VR to :D
Thanks. Got the Vr bundle. Great price. Now jus to take the time to play them :/
thanks, got for Tekken and Packman, never heard of other games. are they good?
I love Packman. Really good AusPost simulator.
Hated that game. I was never good at dong dong ditch.
Good buddies with Shelfman.
I can vouch for Katamari and Tales of Vesperia. Formers got arcadey gameplay, unique gameplay, so not much to compare to.
Latters an action rpg. Best comparison I can make is classic final fantasy mixed with fighting game/brawler style combat. Combat more complex than standard action rpg's, but much simpler than the average fighting game.
Nice deal, I think I bought all over these games for $15 or more individually
So I need to pay Tales of Arise - 75%
One Piece Odyssey 50% ?
That would take One Piece down to $45.00 on Steam.
Looks like an alright game but I probably wouldnt pay that for it.
Willy you have no idea what your talking about these games are gems. Gamers are people that know all game categories not just Call of duty…..
never really played call of duty but not surprising you'd be wrong about a lot of things.
says the guy that every one negs because your wrong. Not surpricing you don't like call of duty you must be a fortnite player.
@kungfuman: Also never played fortnite, you're wrong quite an awful lot aren't you.
You must think hitler was also right because more germans agreed with him than jews, funny logic that one.
@kungfuman: Lol history=his (story)
An agreed upon set of lies according to the general Napoleon and many other leaders of there times.
This bundle is good. I have been a member of humble bundle for 10 years i rhink and i havent seen one good deal in the last few years bar this one. He isnt wrong.
The recent Metroidvania & Resident Evil bundles were great.
@Sandwich: Bummer seems i missed them i cancelled the direct debit a few months ago as i have prob 1000s of games i haven't claimed yet.i guess there is the occasional good one.
I love the downvotes from people who no doubt haven't been a member as long as i. Haha. Get a life.
@XxAiDsTaRxX: You're getting downvoted because you come across as arrogant, putting your opinion out like it's fact.
I've been getting Humble Bundles since 2013. In my opinion, there's been plenty of good ones recently.
@Orion au: That is fair, i DGAF about downvotes, this isnt a publicity forum like reddit. I will look through my tonne of bundles and see. Arogant i doubt that dude. Which ones do you like. U usually get 1 or 2 ok games though.
Damn, what a killer deal
Nice, I never got around to playing Code Vein before it was taken off Gamepass, now I can! What a ridiculously good bundle.
Katamari isn't a perfect port, I wouldn't play it with a keyboard mouse. For me the nostalgia lives with We Love Katamari - the remade version of that is simply fantastic in every way.
That tales of arise coupon is a bit dumb. It goes on sale for much less
awesome deal ! i have most of those games though lol. i HATED that hacked game, its such a time waster with little pay off. had to really push through extreme tediousness and being bored most of the time to finish it. time i can never get back haha the rest are good, tales of vesperia is probably the best one on that list imo
I used to love Tekken 3 back in the day…
Is Tekken 7 a lot better?
I'm only casually into fighting games and I loved Tekken 7. Felt a lot more intuitive than those anime fighting games like Guilty Gear, Blaz Blue etc. That said Tekken 7 is at the end of its life and Tekken 8 is out in a few months so if you're playing online you'll probably be up against those who are intimately familiar with the mechanics. So depending on your skill level it might not be a great time if you don't have friends to spar with. The single player content is damn thin so I wouldn't get it just for that.
Ugh… such a good deal but I just know I'm never going to get around to playing them! Would love to go back and play Vesperia again, loved that game back in the day
Got it, prob will never get time to play it.
Worth it for Tekken and the original Pac Man. Two quality easy to play classic games if you have 20 minutes or so to kill without thinking too much …
Insane value for that price, really loved Code Vein at launch.