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Streets Golden Gaytime 16-Pack $10 @ Woolworths

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Awesome price for the 16 pack!!
If you consider that $10 it's the normal price of the 4 pack.

Most probably it's in-Store only.

Source: Markdown Addicts Australia

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closed Comments

    • +12

      Gay isn’t racist…

      • +98

        Neither was coon cheese.

          • +5

            @foursaken: Erm, no. Cheeses can not be racist.

            • -1

              @digitalbath: Words can be.

              • +6

                @foursaken: Sometimes. But not in this case.

                  • +4

                    @foursaken: Erm, no.

                  • +13


                    You are just plain wrong mate, sorry

                    So Coon Cheese was named Coon to be racist? Let's fact check your claim.

                    The cheese got its original name from American pioneering cheese maker Edward William Coon who patented a ripening process in the 1920s.

                    From one of the many sources.

                    • -6

                      @Clear: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_William_Coon

                      Yeah, 1) He's American and nothing to do with Australia. 2) He was first invoked in 1988. etc.. Summary: Kraft tried to do nothing about it after being asked for decades to change the name. They probably googled Coon too and trotted the story. Kraft are serial offenders at this.

                      I suppose you also object to changing the names of streets named after prominent people who happened to be child molesters because at the time we all just turned a blind eye so they weren't really child molesters; you just told your kids to be careful around them. And they didn't MEAN it.

                      Times change bloke. So does the name of awful cheese. If you're upset by it you're really not going to like what happens next. So dip your facewasher in the hot water and shave. Put on your best fluro sunnies. Strap in.

                      • +2

                        @foursaken: You're making a lot of assumptions about me to fit your narrative. No where have I stated what my opinion on the name change is.

                        Stick to facts next time.

                        • -4

                          @Clear: Huh? You're "fact" checking me with a single news site, putting your dime down and taking sides, and get butt hurt when I "suppose" your agreement out of existence? You don't know what facts are!

                          Whatevs dude. Here's a narrative for you. Have a good, hard look in the mirror and ponder what you're really fighting for. Instead of being a part of the bunch of insular sooks, maybe have a read about what happened elsewhere. In you know, a scientific journal. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9907823/ Assumptions my ass.

                          • +2

                            @foursaken: The only person sooking here is you.

                  • @foursaken: @foursaken
                    So, should all people with surname Coon change their surname?
                    Or, even better, should we make it a law, and make this surname illegal?

            • -7

              @digitalbath: There's still people being called "coons". People would use it in North Queensland/Mt Isa where I used to live in 2002. It takes a surprisingly small number of people to change these things related to advertising.

              • @Cave Fire: Who knew there were so many rednecks here?

                • +1

                  @foursaken: Yeah, people found it offensive and the company changed it. That should be enough. But people have to "splain" why it wasn't racist lol.

          • +1

            @foursaken: Triggered.

          • -1

            @foursaken: You are really dumb…
            If you ask others to google, then use your own advice and try to google WHY was the cheese called that.
            Silly that they had to rename the cheese because of silly people like you.

            • +2

              @tm001: There's flimsy evidence that Edward Coon may possibly have been a racist, and the name's link is tenuous according to this link which questions Kraft's claims, so it's a moot point: https://qnews.com.au/cheer-cheese-new-name-to-replace-racist…

              Changing/removing names and admiring or condemning the achievements/works of people (including explorers like botanist Banks, artists like Dali, celebrated figures like Cecil Rhodes, and Ben(jamin) Boyd in this country) based on their attitudes, actions and public/private lives (many of which would rightly be condemned today) is complex and fraught. Far too nuanced for many on this website, as comments regularly show.

            • @tm001: I like your undivided trust in Google :-)

        • +23

          Why bother? You present as one of those 'down the rabbit hole' chumps who has bought the whole US style Sky / Fox News outrage narrative.

        • +8

          What r u talking about - plenty of diversity on The Voice: Jason Derulo, Jessica Mauboy, Guy Sebastian…and Taika’s wife

        • Maybe not racist (well, not intentionally so) but it has a racial basis.

          As long as it's a no, I don't give a sh 1t whether it is or not.

      • +15

        gay means Happy.

        • Except no one really uses that definition of it anymore, and probably hasnt for a decade or three.

          • +3

            @Trishool: only millennials don't know what that means because they grew up knowing it only means one thing.

        • Let’s be gay!

          • +2

            @OhNoUShiz: I'm gay already, I meant I'm happy

            • -1

              @ntt: I'm happy when I'm having a gay time, and when I'm having a golden gay time, well…

        • and f**k means to consumate

        • +12

          Gay was used specifically in reference to homosexuality long before the boomers were even born, but sure. Blame the millennials.

        • +5

          I'm totally up for a gay time, 16 in this case.

        • Boomers don’t like gay people.

      • +1

        gawd these jokes suck

      • But unfortunately cant be had

        OUT OF STOCK

    • +5

      Gay = Happy.

      So it's Golden Happy Time.

      • +5

        We could all do with a little more gaiety

        • +1

          Sadly, not on sale this week, otherwise we'd all get doubly gay!!

      • +1

        imagine if they called it Gayending. instead of gaytime. THEN it would be controversial :D

      • Now that's a name that should probably be banned 🤣

    • +6

      They renamed "FADS fun sticks" in the 90's, 30 years before the supposed out of control politically correct woke gyrating happened.

      • +6

        I always thought it was because of the cigarette connection rather than the gay connection. Perhaps it was a 2 birds 1 stone scenario.

        • +1

          Perhaps it was a 2 birds 1 stone scenario.

          You mean 2 carrots one chop scenario?

        • +5

          …that's because you're sensible. It was the smoking connection, 100%

        • +1

          You're correct. https://www.fyna.com.au/fads. Classic case of confirmation bias.

        • That's fag not fad

      • -3

        You aren't using "woke" in the right context, but go on, hijack the word and keep thinking you sound cool ;)

        • You aren't using "woke" in the right context,

          Looks right to me. Which part did you disagree with?

          • -1

            @1st-Amendment: Google is your friend. Look up it's real meaning.
            PS: it isn't a recent word, take a look at the history of it.

            • -1


              Look up it's real meaning.

              I did. Now I'm asking why you think this doesn't fit?
              Are you capable of communicating like an adult?

              • -1

                @1st-Amendment: You can use the internet, it's not my job to educate you. I'm sure you are adult enough to establish this.

                • @SimAus007: So that's a no then. Got it

                • +2


                  You can use the internet, it's not my job to educate you. I'm sure you are adult enough to establish this.

                  A very quick look at his comments will quickly disabuse you of that.

        • If you mean woke as in, capital O Others' awareness of structurally institutional biases against them, then yes I used it incorrectly.

          Woke as in current discourse descriptor for any general progressive change that certain people disagree with, then that's the meaning I went for.

          • @tanguyen:

            Others' awareness of structurally institutional biases against them,

            This is a myth.

            If they exist then name these 'structurally institutional biases' specifically so we can verify if they actually exist or are just fantasy.

            • +3

              @1st-Amendment: As a very small time example, English cricket is institutionally biased towards rich people, with an over representation of private school boys in their teams.

              It doesn't necessarily mean something hateful as "English cricket hates coloured/poor people", but there is a structural and institutional bias that makes it more difficult for one group compared to another group.

              If it happens in something as small, dumb and specific as English cricket, then I'm pretty sure it exists in a lot of other things, such as society.

              • @tanguyen:

                As a very small time example

                I was hoping for something more substantial than heavily leftwing biased Guardian, but let's use what we have and see where it takes us…

                The first problem is that the article doesn't even link to the actual source report (if it does I couldn't find it. Every link just linked back to the Guardian for me).
                The article cherry picks quotes and tells you what to think rather than let you read it yourself this is a sure sign of shonky journalism.
                But let's use some examples to demonstrate:

                "Icec found that 87% of people of Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage who responded to its survey"

                So a survey of opinions? That is neither structural nor institutional it is anecdotal.

                "Women are not even nearly on an equal footing with men within the sport today. Our evidence shows that women continue to be treated as subordinate to men within, and at all levels of, cricket. This is evident both from the lived experience of professional and recreational women cricketers and from the structural barriers that women continue to face.”"

                That is also not structural or institutional, Women are not as good at anything athletic as men. This is a simple fact of nature.
                In fact there is no law prohibiting women for competing in men's competitions. The reason they don't is becasue they are simply not good enough. Harsh but true.

                "the percentage of privately educated male England players was 57% in 2012, and 58% in 2021 – “significantly higher than the 7% of the general population who are privately educated"

                So more private school kids are better at cricket? Like how Private school boys here play Union and public school plays league? Is that also structural discrimination in your view?

                "A “drinking and puerile lads’ culture” across the sport that puts women at risk of unwanted attention and acts as a barrier to the inclusion of Muslim communities."

                So drinking alcohol is racist? This is seriously the argument being made?

                If it happens in something as small, dumb and specific as English cricket

                Well as shown it's not happening.
                The logic error here that leftwing media like the Guardian constantly make is that disparity does not equal discrimination. Every woke article you see makes this same mistake.

                Let me demonstrate:
                If we look at the 100m sprint at the Olympics is that also racist because it excludes white people?

                Or how Cristiano Ronald gets paid more than the entire Australian men's team. Is this some racist conspiracy to promote the Portuguese?

                Do you see the mistake being made here?

                If you have any other examples I'd be happy to debunk them. You see this really what woke is all about. Inventing discrimination where it doesn't exist usually for financial gain. cough BLM cough

                • @1st-Amendment: OK that was quite the wild read.

                  Here's the report

                  But all in all, you win. You sunk mer battleship. I am a stupid stupid boy.

                  • @tanguyen:

                    But all in all, you win.

                    I know you're being funny, but this is the standard pattern when this crazy ideology is challenged.
                    I've debunked the key claims of the report, because they are same logical errors in all of these 'woke' reports. ie disparity = discrimination when it clearly doesn't (as the 100m or Ronaldo examples show).

                    So if we accept that Woke is in fact a fantasy built on broken logic, the you were in fact using the correct definition of woke in your first post, it's simply a gyration for political power.

                    • @1st-Amendment: Give it a rest, champ

                      • +1


                        Give it a rest, champ

                        Your only contribution to this is be a Karen and tell other people what to do? Did I hurt your feelings big man?

                        • @1st-Amendment: Anecdotrally I'd suggest he speaks for plenty of Ozbargain users. Your regular pollution of deals with irrelevant neocon ignorance is well enough known.

                          • @Igaf:

                            Your regular pollution of deals with irrelevant neocon

                            Lol… Neocon…

                            If you want to throw insults dude you got to know what the words mean or you end up looking really, really stupid. 😁

                            • @1st-Amendment: You said that while looking gazing lovingly into a mirror presumably, 'dude'? Your mangling of language, logic and uninformed opinion (or as you know it - "fact") is an obvious reflection on your hard-earned, self-inflicted, juvenile ignorance and blind ideology. Which wouldn't be a problem if you kept it largely to yourself on this site's deals at least. Your comments are often exemplars of many things but possibly foremost the old adage that it's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it. Not sure I agree entirely with that adage because it's always useful to know what we're dealing with on anonymous websites, but in your case it seems a good starting point. Better late than never.

                              • @Igaf:

                                You said that…

                                Blah blah mindless drivel….

                                Remind me again what you think the word Neocon means… 🤣

                    • +1

                      @1st-Amendment: Man, you need to find a new hobby. Or maybe go to a debate club instead of spending all your time on the internet 🤣🤣

                      • @Pineapplehead:

                        Man, you need to find a new hobby

                        I'm fine with this hobby but thanks for your interest…

                        Or maybe go to a debate club instead of spending all your time on the internet

                        Meh, I'm getting paid to be here and it's entertainment. How about you?

      • The first stage was changing the red dot on the end to a brown one, apparently to make it look less like a lit cigarette.

    • +1
    • +6

      I liked red skins.. but they are no more

      • +1

        I prefer foreskins.

        • +1

          oh, it was you at the Opera House the other night… 🤔
          Not cool bro

    • +1

      Dont eat it straight then? Bend over and consume. May contain nuts

    • It might be renamed if it was called heterosexual time.

    • Ozbargain and this thread are gay.

  • +1


  • +4

    Anyone find stock?

    • You tell me Hindsight

  • +1

    I used the deal link and no stores in my area show up- is this instore only?

    • Most probably it's in-store only.

      • All good, I’ll keep an eye out.

      • Did anyone say they'd picked one up on that other website? Were they in NSW?

        • in stock in Gunnedah and Inverell ……..

  • +2

    Never even seen these in stores in Canberra. Only large packs are the drumstick 20 packs which we occasionally buy.

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