I curently have my email hosted via webhosting on namecheap (approx $80AUD per year) , with a webpage I no longer use. I have about 8 email addresses created on my plan, some for my own use and some for family members. I have considered moving to email hosting however I have found pricing to be worse than what I pay for full webhosting, having to pay per mailbox just increases the cost way more than what I pay for full webhosting with abilty to create multiple email accounts
I am wondering what I am missing, I understand the idea of plus (+) addressing and I think I understand aliases but with other family members requing accounts it doesnt suite. Am I right to keep my email hosted on a full webhosting package for lower pricing.
UPDATE: I've moved my domain to Clickhost, and set up email hosting. I am using alias addresses and everything is working great so far (and much cheaper)
Start asking family members to contribute $$$