@ i-tech.com.au
Pick-up at Sydney store option with internet order
Tangle-Free Flat Cable
Compatible with iPod, iPhone, iPad, MP3/CD/DVD players, computers and all devices with standard 3.5mm audio jack
Postage may be a negative for some customers?
I have found my dealings with them satisfactory in the past.
I-Tech Pick Up Center:
Suite 35, Level 2, 330 Wattle Street Ultimo NSW 2007
(Pick up is only available for Sydney customers only)
Vertix in-Ear Earphone in-Line Mic and Volume Control $9 Sydney Pick-up @ I-Tech

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closed Comments
I couldn't find a review anywhere so it's nice to have some feedback. I will say that my experience with controls on this type of earpiece is that they require some practice to find the best way to use them. My fingers are very big and I virtually have to use my fingernails on the one I use with my MP3 player.
what's the normal price?
Looking around they are selling from $19 to about $45
$27 @ techbuy
$32 @ Penta
$29 on ebay
Ouch 14 bucks postage to Brisbane. you were right about postage scaring people off. How is it an express bag costs no more than 6 bucks for something this size and you charge $14.
I think most places with a large turnover of items that are posted or freighted tend to charge for the handling. Postages costs are always an issue but I agree that something that should fit in a tiny postpac shouldn't be that expensive to freight. Have you ever seen some of the ridiculous costs for items on graysonline? At least with this item people have a walk in option for themselves or a friend.
I have the Sony ones, absolutely brilliant for about $30
My opinion, the quality of these are very bad. I trialled one out of the box and pressing the remote was near impossible. I ended up throwing it in the bin.
If anyone wants a brand new black one, please drop by our Osborne Park store and get it. Only 1 available.