Another freebie from Flybuys for a2 Lactose Free 1L Milk…
Varieties include:
Full Cream
Normally $4.10…
Another freebie from Flybuys for a2 Lactose Free 1L Milk…
Varieties include:
Full Cream
Normally $4.10…
Use 'The Force'
By "the force" you mean forcing it into your trolley and not paying?
finally, I'm targeted this time
Where to find this targetted offer?
In your flybuys account.
Under the "Offers" tab. Or not, as it is "Targeted".
Didn't see it in the offer tab. Me sad bargainer
But now, an educated bargainer…
I don't need one but I am being targeted.
Call and complain…
Might be some kind of profiling.
I keep getting offers for free Asian Simmer Sauce.
Got it on 6 of 18 accounts
Time to make some cheese !!!
Lactose free Cheese!!
how do you have the time to manage 18
The screencap clearly states "Free a2 Lactose Full Cream or Light 1L Milk*".
Lactose or lactose-free? How can you be certain?
Collect 1 free
a2 Lactose Free Full Cream or Light 1L Milk.Go forth and guzzle. Try a2 Milk Lactose Free, for free, today! Don't forget to activate your offer and scan your Flybuys in-store or online.
How can you be certain? Have you redeemed it? How do you know the offer is not in a quantum superposition and it differs according to the probability described by the wavefunction?
How can you be certain?
Because that's what is says in the Flybuys account page…
Also, the red caps are on the lactose free milk
@jv: But the probability of getting a2 lactose milk is not zero, because the writing in the screencap is "a2 Lactose … Milk".
How can you know the offer is not in a quantum superposition and it differs according to the probability described by the wavefunction?
Quantum physics does not apply to 1L bottles.
@jv: No, Schrodinger's Cat demonstrated how quantum probability can be transferred to macroscopic objects.
Have you ever seen milk sold as "lactose milk"
I have now, thanks to the screencap.
But that's not selling it, it's giving it away.
@spaceflight: Since the offer invites the recipient to redeem in-store or online for one time only between 10/10 and 23/10, it implies "a2 lactose milk" is for sale during the time period.
@alvian: No it doesn't, not when it's a clear mistake
Collect 1 free
a2 Lactose Free Full Cream or Light 1L Milk.Go forth and guzzle. Try a2 Milk Lactose Free, for free, today! Don't forget to activate your offer and scan your Flybuys in-store or online.
You can also read the label on the bottle too
it's a clear mistake
How did you come to that conclusion? What evidence do you have to say the text "a2 Lactose Full Cream or Light 1L Milk" (as shown in the screencap) is a clear mistake?
We have arrived back at my first question. How do you know it is lactose or lactose-free when the screencap contains contradictory information.
How did you come to that conclusion?
This marvelous thing called common sense, not everybody has it.
What evidence do you have to say the text "a2 Lactose Full Cream or Light 1L Milk" (as shown in the screencap) is a clear mistake?
How many times does it need to be said.
Collect 1 free
a2 Lactose Free Full Cream or Light 1L Milk.
Go forth and guzzle. Try a2 Milk Lactose Free, for free, today! Don't forget to activate your offer and scan your Flybuys in-store or online.
You can also read the label on the bottle too
Or you could use this incredible tool and search for it
@spaceflight: The label on the bottle and the "incredible" search tool you provided proved the existence of a2 lactose-free milk, but they do nothing to prove the non-existence of a2 lactose milk. No one has demonstrated that this offer is for a2 lactose-free milk only and not for a2 lactose milk.
but they do nothing to proof the non-existence of a2 lactose milk.
Have you ever seen milk sold as "lactose milk"
Go find some, buy it and share it with the world!
@spaceflight: The onus of proof is on you, not me. I merely posed a question which no one has satisfactorily answered based on evidence.
The onus of proof is on you, not me.
This isn't a courtroom
I merely posed a question which no one has satisfactorily answered based on evidence.
This marvelous thing called common sense, not everybody has it.
This isn't a courtroom
Then don't ask me to
Go find some, buy it and share it with the world!
because I do not owe you a proof. My question was based on the screencap while all you could say was "commonsense", with nothing to back up your "answer".
OP must be new
yeah. jv seems to be new to OZB. :-P
Targeted this time, yay!
Is there a setting that needs to turned on your profile or something? I've never had an offer of anything
It probably has more to do with your buying habits and how they've profiled you…
Got this offer went into the local coles and the milk is not stocked couldn't see it anywhere, false hopes.
Ours defintiely has it as I had to buy some a couple of weeks back when the regular a2 milk was out of stock…
Tasted a bit sweeter than regular milk.
Than human milk?
Can't remember that far back
Thanks OP.
actived, thank you
Got the offer! Thanks OP
I got this free shit
I haven't had any freebies this year ;/
Tried to redeem this on 11/10 and again today 12/10, but it didn't register as free. Staff said there had been other people with same issue.
Checked this post. I grabbed the ordinary version $3.90 not the "lactose free" version $4.10. Will check again, to see if they have the "lactose free" one and will tell them that jv sent me.
I saw it at 2 supermarkets today in Melbourne.
I managed to pick one up today, thankfully was re-stocked!
Managed to get one. Really nice and creamy.
Love free stuff! Thanks for sharing OP.
Free bread popped up today too…
Just need some free eggs now, and breakfast is sorted…
Awesome, thanks for letting me know. That one popped up on the right when I checked! Fantastic!!
Not targeted for this one 😢
Flybys are like stormtroopers. Can't target me for beans