About Colourful Dining Plates and Cups

Are they safe at all? I heard colourful ceramic crockery usually has lead as it helps generate vivid colours.

Hence, I wonder if dining plates like the one below are safe for long-term usage at all?

I also visited the manufacturer's own website, but they didn't mention lead or any other hazzard chemicals, and just state that these plates can handle very high temperate. However, lead can be released by other means, such as acid, under normal temporature if I understand correctly. Their website doesn't explain what materials are used to make these bright colours either.

Or, should I just go with pure while porcelain? Any recommendations please?


  • +1

    I personally don't like porclelain, too heavy but do like my Corelle. Apparently Corelle made after 2005 is safe, prior years had lead in the paint. Might be a similar story with porcelain, why don't you contact royal doulton directly?

  • This is mostly about promotional stuff from the 70s-90s, I'd be super surprised if anything intended for food contains lead nowaadays

    • I originally thought the same, but if there is no lead or other harmful chemicals, a company should normally advertise it?

      • +2

        It's the other way around, they have to declare if there is anything bad.

        Otherwise you'd have a list of 200 radioactive isotopes and other contaminants that it doesn't contain….

        • Oh that's the perspective I didn't think of

  • +1

    I used to have similar styles to these as occasional plates. However, when I replaced the everyday sets with Corelle, I gifted them to be sold at a school fête.

    Interesting about the possible lead content. I located this article that explains how to test to determine if glaze is food safe

    • Thanks for your reply. I guess I probably won't buy colourful plates then try then refund though..

      • Buy one to test & if it appears to be lead based, go get it properly tested & if that reveals that there is definitive proof of lead content then:

        i. Hold Royal Doulton to ransom


        ii.. Take it to the media for shaming

        In any case, return plate to DJs for refund after testing, unless required for evidence ;)

        • I do like colourful ones, but I decide to buy white ones now to avoid the whole hassle

          Plus these colourful ones are much more expensive

  • +1


    These is a site that talks about lead in certain products.

    • +1

      You really do have a one track mind

      • I do like to feed off a cock, I can't deny.

    • What's perfect is those links are…

      • exactly as described
      • definitely not what I was expecting
      • perfectly SFW
  • +1

    Most stuff you buy through reputable retailers, in Australia, is likely to be OK. Grey imports and stuff you buy on holidays overseas might be a tad dodgier.

    • Most stuff you buy through reputable retailers, in Australia, is likely to be OK.

      Just want a confirmation though

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