Ships from Amazon Japan.
Seems like a good price for this one as I think the cheapest its ever been is $255 looking at older posts, but for $275.98 its the best price ive seen while looking for it over the last few months.
Ships from Amazon Japan.
Seems like a good price for this one as I think the cheapest its ever been is $255 looking at older posts, but for $275.98 its the best price ive seen while looking for it over the last few months.
don't buy it then? ..what a bizarre comment. do you say that when it's anything else you don't want to buy? you're not the target audience clearly.
It's like you are looking to stir things up here.
Best not be 11+ if you want Lego around you then.
Name half (at least) checks out.
You buy pasta sauce as gifts for kids under 10yo? What crappy gifts!
Don't stir up the Lego mafia on this site RP. You might find yourself a brick short.
I too like to comment on shit I have absolutely no interest in. Go outside?
@Save 50 Cent: I go outside!!!!!! (to build Lego on the back veranda). Play with Lego is kids. Build Lego, now that's us Billy BigBalls with plenty of disposable income. 🤣😂
touch grass my dude. people have hobbies. noone is bagging you for your hobbies so why act like you're high and mighty over everyone else?
thats what my uncle said about pokemon cards… just a piece of paper.. how wrong he was and my aunt selling those booster packs back then would of been a $100millioniare by now if she hoarded
he says, typing text on his plastic toy.
i just randomly watched the super mario bros film on qantas flight recently .. bowser isn't a bad guy, he is just misunderstood and lonely lol
I know right? Why not let him marry his dream girl Peach since Mario never intended to marry her :D
don't think Peach wants to
Consent is still required here.
I'm pretty convinced Mario bats for the other side
What made you think he is a bad guy? He is so cute in the games
looks good, reckon they could drop more on prime day?
if u mean prime big deal days sale tomorrow, probably not.
Arent the popular culture sick of milking super Mario for the past 40 years?
Which part of popular culture don't you understand?
I'm also interested in how they think popular culture becomes popular. Milking is the first step. Unless you grew up in Seattle in the 90's, Nirvana was offered to you via well placed radio buys and, more lately, by Cotton On and fast fashion. Get over it.
If only Nintendo would let Mario go back to his indie roots and become a simple plumber again.
When assembling this, make sure you're listening to "Peaches Peaches Peaches".
Do yourself a favour and search Lego 71411 on AliExpress.
I didn't know current LEGO set knockoffs were a thing. I wonder how accurate they are and what the quality is like?
I'm guessing horrible and horrible
I'm happy with it
I just built the Hogwarts express. Id say 90% as good as official Lego.
The blocks where a little tight to fit together at times and the sticker says Hodwarts express.
Overall i recommend getting them over the official. I just purchased Bowser for $95AUD.
Never had an issue with AliExpress but I always pay with PayPal and make sure I buy items that have a few past orders.
Hodwarts Express MY SIDES XD
@Guybrush57: It was quite literally $400 cheaper!
I put that money towards a printer, ink, high-quality label paper, scissors and $150 on the mortgage.
No regrets.
LEGO's patents ran out more than 10 years ago. There are a lot of companies making knockoffs. The bricks are pretty much the same except that they don't have any LEGO branding anywhere. A lot of fakes don't come in a box either - they are just bagged. Some don't come with hard copy instructions to save on money too, you need to download the PDF.
Can anyone comment on the contents of Lego from Amaozn JP? Booklets and box in English?
I've ordered approx 6 times from Amazon JP and always received exactly the matching lego items that are sold in Australia. All English standard lego packing and manuals etc. Shipping usually quite quick and never received anything with any damage.
I paid $258.58 for it on September 15 from Big W :-D.
It's a pretty good (yet occasionally tricky build), need to stay alert or you'll make a few boo-boos. At one point I was building his head facing his back (aka turtle shell…. before it became the turtle shell). Had to do some fancy maneuvering to correct that blunder. Also had trouble with the shell back itself AND his arms. But once it's finished, it looks pretty damn good.