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PC Magazine Free Digital Subscription
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Great find…..
Thank Youthere's way too many ads in the mag. IMO PC Authority is much better. great find though
Interesting … I don't rely my technology news from magazine anymore.. they're simply outdated by the time they're on sale.
As with "Digital Subscription", well, I think I have more than enough live feed of news and tons of other web resources that I can use at any time.
What are some IT news site do you frequent? Ones that I use are Zdnet, SMH, AustralianIT & ITnews. But I'm always on the lookout for more!
There's two things that suck about this deal:
Zinio Reader. Think iTunes for magazines. It HAS to be connected to the internet to open the file, so that it can stream ad content while you read, and more importantly carry out DRM checks. Personally I'd wait till someone cracks the DRM checks of the file format (pretty much every format that does DRM checks gets cracked eventually), or a more non invasive, non lecherous reader to come out for the file format.
I like reading my mags on the train, in the bus, in bed, on the dunny etc. I like the gratification that I get from the feel of dead trees under my fingertips, rolling mother nature closer and closer to an early grave with each turn of the page. I CBF with Australia's pisspoor 3G internet, the wait for Zinio to come out with a reader that works on my iPhone, or lugging a laptop into the loo.
That said, if they're giving it away free, I'd sign up for it and wait for an alternative reader to be released for the format (like FoxIt Reader instead of Adobe Acrobat for PDF's). Now if you'll excuse me, I have a rainforest to kill.
Yeah Zinio sucks. Printing works — but only prints the visible page, i.e. you have to print it one page at a time. :(
Fantastic. They're out of stock. But you can choose from other mags like 'reader's digest' etc.
How the heck can an electronic resource be 'out of stock'?
"I'm sorry, we just don't have enough electrons to send you a copy…"Dodgy!
you can actually sign up to more than one magazine if you use another email address and keep your Zinio tab open and logged in. Having done that, your new subscription will be automatically added to your existing Zinio account.
Still working at http://goreadgreen.com/new-home/ sign up for multiple magazines as per instructions above from kbryant.
Too bad you have to read it on Zinio reader. And as a PC Magazine reader something like 20 years ago, it's sad to see them stop producing the printed magazine… +1 for long live the PC Mag.