Order Cancellation and Refund Dilemma: Need Clarification

Hello everyone,

I placed a click and collect order on Kmart Online
I've encountered a rather confusing situation with my recent Kmart order, and I'm seeking some guidance.

I initially canceled my order through the Live Chat bot, but shortly thereafter, I reached out to a live chat agent who assisted me in canceling the cancellation. They assured me they would put a note on the order to void the cancellation. I then proceeded to collect the items from my order, which I did around 30 minutes ago.

However, my confusion arose when I received an email stating that the cancellation was successful, and I also received a refund confirmation email.

Now, I'm not sure what's supposed to happen next. Can anyone tell me what to do in this situation? TIA

Edit: The order total was around $25

Update: I called Kmart online customer service and they said not to worry because it was their fault.

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  • +5

    They assured me they would put a note on the order to void the cancellation. I then proceeded to collect the items from my order, which I did around 30 minutes ago.

    How come you cancelled the order yet picked it up anyway?

    • -1

      Because i changed my mind and i wanted the items.

        • +1

          I initially canceled my order through the Live Chat bot, but shortly thereafter, I reached out to a live chat agent who assisted me in canceling the cancellation.

          They cancelled the cancellation so it's not theft.

            • +2

              @CrispyChrispy: Kmart said their cancellation was cancelled, so they collected their goods and later Kmart issues them a refund. The fault lies with Kmart.

              Now if they had received a refund and collected the goods AFTER the refund then that would be "theft".

              • +1

                @Clear: Hmm.

                I retract my previous comments, I should have read the post properly. OP should be fine then.

      • Loco coco

  • Live chat again. 3rd time lucky.

    • They was useless and sent generic messages when i tried.

      • +4

        If you've made an effort to return the money then you should be in the clear from a legal point of view.

        • OP unknowingly posted a loophole , but not in a platimum forum.

          • +1

            @Neoika: Committing borderline fraud for $25 worth of crap from Kmart isn't worthy of a platinum forum post. It's more of a gumtree level scam.

  • It is a loophole that gives you a short window to collect it (for free), possibly fraud though.

  • -6


    You received the items and Kmart mistakenly refunded you. Now, if you're feeling guilty that a company that made $2,465,000,000 in profit last year is now going without your $25, then by all means get in touch and give them back the money. However, if it were me I'd be quite happy to ignore it.

    • +3

      If it's wrong its wrong, nothing to do with how much profit it makes. Also if its ok its ok, again nothing to do with the profit it makes.

  • +17

    Why do people place orders when they haven't made up their mind?? And in this case, try to cancel their order before they make up their mind? And then try to cancel that cancellation…..

    Humans can barely understand your logic… do you expect stores to program their computers to cater for such dumb logic?

  • +9

    call to cancel the cancellation of the cancellation.

  • +2

    Start the car.

  • What time passed between cancelling with the agent and picking up the item? Missing from story

    • Around 1 hour.

      • +1

        Shoulda been enough time you’d think.
        Weird one.

      • +1

        Were you lurking outside the store to leap at the right time? If not..
        You have discovered a warp in the space/time/purchase continuum .

  • +1

    Personally, to avoid any potential drama down the track I would email K-mart customer service (so you have a written record), including the order number and a brief account of exactly what happened, and offer to give them the $25.

    More than likely they will not even bother getting back to you (because $25 is not worth their time), and you can 'rest easy' that you have fully alerted them to the situation and have a written record of that.

  • -1

    Emails mean nothing. Automated email processes sometimes don't "get the message", especially in situations that depart from the regular workflow. Were the funds received?

  • +1

    When live agent said “I will put a note” it probably indicates the bot cancellation wasn’t actioned yet.

    Maybe bot initiated requested are either actioned in batches or by humans.

    Either way, you found a window where order updates are not sent to stores immediately.

    • Yep, loophole discovered. Perhaps Kmart could 1) Process cancellation requests more promptly or 2) Flag goods collected and cancel refund request. That might be too sophisticated for Kmart though.

  • …? That's some weird crap what the OP wrote. Can't understand.

  • Post has been Updated

  • -1

    I've never had a problem purchasing from Kmart online (other than they don't update their website regularly and display stock when they don't have stock) however today my transaction was cancelled when I tried purchasing a small item for click and collect from my nearest store. It was a pop up from St George (my bank) saying the transaction was cancelled due to not having a one time password. I only use this particular debit card for small online purchases/click and collects and not for internet banking. I've successfully purchased from Kmart a few months ago without issue.

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